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1. Slate or Paper? The Slow Transformation of the School in Mexico, 1880-1920

2. CALL Communities & Culture: Short Papers from EUROCALL 2016 (23rd, Limassol, Cyprus, August 24-27, 2016)

3. Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (iHSES) (Denver, Colorado, April 13-16, 2023). Volume 1

4. New Directions in Telecollaborative Research and Practice: Selected Papers from the Second Conference on Telecollaboration in Higher Education

5. Effects of Data-Collection Designs in the Comparison of Computer-Based and Paper-Based Tests

6. Education Provision to Every One: Comparing Perspectives from around the World. BCES Conference Books, Volume 14, Number 1

7. New Rurality and Traditional Families. Multigrade Schools in Colombia and Mexico during Pandemics

8. Covariational Reasoning Patterns of High School Students in Problems of Correlation and Linear Regression = Patrones de razonamiento covariacional de estudiantes de bachillerato en problemas de correlacion y regresión lineal

9. Promoting Covariational Reasoning with the Aid of Digital Technology = Promoviendo el razonamiento covariacional con apoyo de la Tecnología digital

10. Undergraduate Students' Conceptions about Complex Numbers: A Trajectory of Their Mental Structures

11. Emotional Knowledge of Mathematics Teacher = Conocimiento Emocional de Docentes de Matemáticas

12. Serious Video Game to Promote Earthquake Prevention in Children

13. School Leadership in Latin America 2000-2016

14. Professional Learning Derived from International Academic Mobility during PhD Programs

15. Teaching Writing in English in Public Secondary Schools

16. Entrepreneurial Decisions and Problem-Solving: A Discussion for a New Perspective Based on Complex Thinking

17. Teaching Latinx Traditional Medicine 'Curanderismo' in Higher Education

18. The Sustainability in the New Scenarios of Transformation in the Rural Areas of Mexico

19. Determining the Characteristics of Papers That Garner the Most Significant Impact: A Deep Dive into Mexican Engineering Publications.

20. Zapatista Micropolitics and Antifascist Education

21. Bidirectional Braille-Speech Communication System for Deafblind Students

22. Didatic-Mathematical Knowledge and Competence of Prospective Secondary School Mathematics Teachers on Linear Variation = Conocimientos y competencias didáctico-matemáticos de futuros profesores de matemáticas de secundaria sobre variación lineal

23. Methodology for the Design of Didactic Sequences for Secondary Mathematics in a Technological Context = Metodología Para El Diseño De Secuencias Didácticas Para Matemática De Secundaria En Un Contexto Tecnológico

24. Construction of Arithmetic-Algebraic Thinking in a Socio-Cultural Instructional Approach = Construction d'une pensée arithémico-algébrique dans une approche socioculturelle de l'enseignement

25. Report of a Classroom Experience for the Development of Distribution Models = Experiencia en el aula para el desarrollo de modelos para el reparto

26. Effects of a Literacy-Infused Science Intervention on English Learners' Science Learning in a Border District

27. Promoting Proportional Reasoning with the Support of Digital Technology = Promoviendo el razonamiento proporcional con apoyo de la tecnología digital

28. Designing Concordance-Based Vocabulary Activities

29. Digitization Innovation in University Education

30. Learning Gains Related to the Use of Mobile Resources for Undergrad Physics Courses

31. From Computational Strategies to a Kind of Relational Thinking Based on Structure Sense

32. Perspectives on Global Citizenship Education of Mexican University English Language Teachers

33. Resilience and Intercultural Education on Secondary School: A Comparative Study in Mexico and Germany

34. Foreign Language Anxiety and Self-Disclosure Analysis as Personality Traits for Online Synchronous Intercultural Exchange Practice

35. Teacher Cooperation and Education Levels as Contributors of Teachers' ICT Use

36. Visualización Y Análisis De Representaciones Geométricas = Visualization and Analysis of Geometric Representations

37. Universities Response to Oil and Gas Industry Demands in South Texas (USA) and Tamaulipas (Mexico)

38. The Informal Covariational Statistical Reasoning: Focus on the Notion of Aggregate Using Digital Technology

39. The Digital Leap of e-Learning in Higher Education

40. COVID-19, a Rumour That Became Reality: The Impact on Business Education Students of Using Online Learning

41. A Sketch of Reality: The Multigrade Classroom in Context of the Reform of Basic Education

42. The Impact of Assessment Training on EFL Writing Classroom Assessment: Voices of Mexican University Teachers

43. Dynamic Geometry Software and Tracing Tangents in the Context of the Mean Value Theorem

44. Strategies Used by Mexican Students in Seeking Structure on Equivalence Tasks

45. Teachers and Education for Global Citizenship in a Mexican University

46. High-School Students' Probabilistic Reasoning When Working with Random Intervals = Razonamiento probabilístico de estudiantes de bachillerato cuando trabajan con intervalos aleatorios

47. Inductive Reasoning in Mathematics Teachers When Resolving Generalization Tasks = Razonamiento Inductivo en Maestros de Matemáticas al Resolver Tareas de Generalización

48. Learning Difficulties to Build Zero and One, Based on Von Neumann = Dificultades de aprendizaje para construir el cero y el uno, con base en von Neumann

49. Virtual Transborder Service Learning as a Transformative Educational Pedagogy: A California, USA - Baja California, Mexico Academic Partnership in Sustainable Tourism

50. Challenges of Working in Undervalued Technical Schools. A Continuum between Discourses of Deficit and Trust