
Showing total 41 results
41 results

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1. Gaussian Asymptotics of Jack Measures on Partitions From Weighted Enumeration of Ribbon Paths

2. On the minimum value of the condition number of polynomials

3. The Alternating Block Decomposition of Iterated Integrals and Cyclic Insertion on Multiple Zeta Values

4. Virtual Retraction Properties in Groups

5. Segre Indices and Welschinger Weights as Options for Invariant Count of Real Lines

6. A Polynomial Sieve and Sums of Deligne Type

7. Random permutations fix a worst case for cyclic coordinate descent

8. Classification of Toric Manifolds over an n-Cube with One Vertex Cut

9. Compactifications of Cluster Varieties and Convexity

10. Massey Products for Graph Homology

11. The Limit Point of the Pentagram Map and Infinitesimal Monodromy

12. On Morin Configurations of Higher Length

13. Homological Stability for Spaces of Commuting Elements in Lie Groups

14. N = 4 Superconformal Algebras and Diagonal Cosets

15. A Generalization of Steinberg Theory and an Exotic Moment Map

16. A Vanishing Associated With Irregular MSP Fields

17. The Lambda Invariants at CM Points

18. On the 2-head of the colored Jones polynomial for pretzel knots

19. On Non-localization of Eigenvectors of High Girth Graphs

20. Applications of Mutations in the Derived Categories of Weighted Projective Lines to Lie and Quantum Algebras

21. The Limit Point of the Pentagram Map

22. Ramsey Graphs Induce Subgraphs of Quadratically Many Sizes

23. Groups with boundedly finite conjugacy classes of commutators

24. Loewy lengths of centers of blocks

25. Diagonal automorphisms of the 2-adic ring C*-algebra

26. Packing Curves on Surfaces with Few Intersections

27. Sobolev Extensions of Lipschitz Mappings into Metric Spaces

28. Closed-Form Expressions for the n-Queens Problem and Related Problems

29. Counting Hamilton Decompositions of Oriented Graphs

30. Removable Singularities of the cscK Metric

31. Primeness Results for von Neumann Algebras Associated with Surface Braid Groups

32. Multi-Way Expanders and Imprimitive Group Actions on Graphs


34. Some Sharp Restriction Inequalities on the Sphere

35. Logarithmic-Scale Quasimodes that do not Equidistribute

36. On Some Scalar Field Equations with Competing Coefficients

37. Multiplicity Free Induced Representations and Orthogonal Polynomials

38. Degrees of Self-Maps of Products

39. Quasisymmetric Maps on Kakeya Sets

40. Lower Bounds for Uncentered Maximal Functions in Any Dimension

41. Strong Orthogonality between the Möbius Function and Nonlinear Exponential Functions in Short Intervals