Presented are 10 papers resulting from a workshop, involving representatives from 33 state developmental disabilities councils, designed to examine common problems and issues confronting developmentally disabled citizens in rural areas. Entries include the following titles and authors: "Who, What, and Where--Studying Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in West Virginia" (D. Lindberg); "Service Delivery in Rural Areas--Context, Problems, and Issues" (C. Horejsi); "Kittens Versus Cats" (some strategies for developing effective rural programs, with emphasis on problems specific to developmental programs for adults) by R. Harper and R. Schalock; "Developmental Disabilities Manpower Development in Rural Areas--County Agent's Model" (F. Dennis); "Southwestern New Mexico Services to Handicapped Children and Adults, Inc.--A Rural Delivery System" (B. Gray); "Client Identification--Idaho Child Find and Public Awareness" (L. Gibbs); "TRIP--A Comprehensive Transportation Plan for West Virginia" (R. Payson); "Hi-Line Training--An Approach to Home Training and Respite Care for the Developmentally Disabled in Rural Montana" (S. Hubbard); "Service to the Developmentally Disabled--A Component of a Model Rural Health System" (S. Davis); and "Seeds of Common Sense" (description of a program designed to maximize resources available in semi-rural Connecticut) (T. Bergeron). Provided in the appendixes are reports from special workshop sessions on the concerns of minimum allotment states and minority populations in rural areas. (SBH)