Rideau, D., Monceau, P., Currat, R., Requardt, H., Nad, F., Lorenzo, J. E., Brazovskii, S., Detlefs, C., and Grubel, G.
Using high-resolution X-ray scattering techniques, we measure the variation, q(x), of the position in reciprocal space of the CDW satellite, in the sliding state, along the length of NbSe_3 whiskers. We show that structural defects and intentionally X-ray radiation-damaged regions increase locally the CDW pinning force, and induce CDW phase distortions which are consistent with those observed near contacts. Using the semi-microscopic model from Brazovskii describing the normal-condensed carrier conversion, with spatially varying parameters, we account for the experimental spatial dependence of the CDW phase gradient near both types of defects.