
Showing total 77 results
77 results

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1. Who Takes a Gap Year and Why? Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. Briefing Paper 28

2. Loans for Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Research Paper. Number 20

3. The Effectiveness of National Training Boards. Training Discussion Papers No. 110.

4. Working and Learning: A Diversity of Patterns. OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 169

5. Measuring the Impacts of ICT Using Official Statistics. OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 136

6. Labour Market Characteristics and International Mobility of Doctorate Holders: Results for Seven Countries. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 2007/2

7. Education and Obesity in Four OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 39

8. A Comparative Study of Sabbatical Leave Practices in Selected Commonwealth and U.S. Universities. Paper No. OIR-30.

9. Statistics Section. Management and Technology Division. Papers.

10. Project Penpal: An International Writing Exchange via Electronic Mail between Adolescent Students.

11. The Federal Role in Education: Lessons from Australia, Germany, and Canada

12. An International Comparison of Education Finance Systems.

13. Perspectives on Education for Knowledge Management.

14. Ethnography and Bilingualism.

15. H. J. Heinz Cooks Up First Venture on the Continent.

16. The Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.

17. Women and Graduate Management Education (2012). GMAC[R] Data-to-Go Series

18. Teacher Knowledge: The Relationship between Caring and Knowing.

19. Literacy, Numeracy and Employability.

20. Health and Literacy: Perspectives in 2002.

21. Translating Practice into Research: How We Have Come To Define and Structure 'Vocational' Education.

22. After the apology.


24. Performance of U.S. 15-Year-Old Students in Mathematics, Science, and Reading Literacy in an International Context. First Look at PISA 2012. NCES 2014-024

26. Fundamental Aspects of CAL!

27. Language-Integration-Identity: Socio-Cultural Problems of New Minorities.

28. Private Education--A Tour d'Horizon.

29. Australia surpasses 1,000 bitcoin ATMs.

30. Reflections of a Visiting Co-op Practitioner: A View of Co-op from Down Under.

31. Children and Helmets: the Case Against.

32. Some Status Issues in the Translation of Children's Books.

33. CPPT: Fraud, Farce, or Failure?

34. Beliefs about English: Trends in Australia, England and the United States.

35. Reforming Ontario's University Student Loans and Fee Structures. Discussion Series, Issue 1.

36. Demographics and Facilities Planning: Perspectives from Canada and Australia.

37. Where our history lives.

38. Rabo C$100m first since '07, accounts refuse to bin Loonie Yen/Niche currencies.

39. Rosy picture in non-core dollars as borrowers are inspired by investor desire for top quality.

40. Canada and Australia Build New Preferences.


42. Bridging the Gap: Who Takes a Gap Year and Why? Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. Research Report

43. Education, Libraries, and the New Technologies. Report of an Overseas Study Tour of England, The United States of America, and Canada, October-December 1980.

44. International Adult Literacy Survey. Benchmarking Adult Literacy in America: An International Comparative Study.

45. The Boys Who Rule the World.

46. As Ahvays in a Depression, The Gold Mines Are Booming.

47. Winning on Production Front.

48. Holistic Nursing Around the World: A Report from the American Holistic Nurses Association's International Chapters.

49. Around the World.