
Showing total 12 results
12 results

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1. Lunar Nautics: Designing a Mission to Live and Work on the Moon. An Educator's Guide for Grades 6-8. EG-2008-09-129-MSFC

2. The Squeeze is On. Grades 6-8.

3. Sewing up Science

5. Examination of Engineering Design Teacher Self-Efficacy and Knowledge Base in Secondary Technology Education and Engineering-Related Courses

6. Design a Parachute. Grades 6-8.

7. Computer-Aided Design in Further Education.

8. Design, Development, and Characterization of a Low Velocity Impact System

9. Prototyping a Power Take-off for the Wirewalker Wave-powered Profiling Vehicle

10. Agile Project Management/Systems Engineering of an AV Interior Prototype

11. Experimental and Simulated Analysis of Voltage Stress Within a Bar-Wound Synchronous Machine Excited by a Silicon Carbide Inverter

12. Multi-level Decoupled Optimization of Wind Turbine Structures Using Coefficients of Approximating Functions as Design Variables