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Computer-Aided Design in Further Education.

Authors :
Further Education Unit, London (England).
Ingham, Peter
Ingham, Peter
Further Education Unit, London (England).
Publication Year :


This publication updates the 1982 occasional paper that was intended to foster staff awareness and assist colleges in Great Britain considering the use of computer-aided design (CAD) material in engineering courses. The paper begins by defining CAD and its place in the Integrated Business System with a brief discussion of the effect of CAD on the role of the designer. A general account follows of the hardware used in CAD installations with some suggestions concerning its maintenance and running. Since drafting systems are so widely available, a separate section discusses them and problems that the teaching of computer-aided drafting presents. Since comparatively cheap three-dimensional modelling systems have only recently become available, a detailed description of two commonly used larger systems is included. The next four sections are specific to particular disciplines. Some analytic modelling systems in mechanical engineering are discussed. The sections on CAD in electrical/electronic engineering and in construction engineering review commercial systems now available. Another section discusses the peculiar problems that CAD in art and design presents; some possible solutions are advanced. The final section describes a systematic procedure for selection of a suitable system. Appendixes discuss curricular issues with some suggestions for course design and list hardware and software suppliers in Great Britain. (YLB)


Language :
Database :
Journal :
Computer-Aided Design in Further Education.
Publication Type :
Accession number :
Document Type :
Book/Product Reviews<br />Guides - Non-Classroom