
Showing total 11,224 results
11,224 results

Search Results

1. A Novel Personalized Paper Search System.

2. Fractal Dimension Analysis and Statistical Processing of Paper Surface Images Towards Surface Roughness Measurement.

3. Screening Paper Formation Variations on Production Line.

4. A Kernel Based Multi-resolution Time Series Analysis for Screening Deficiencies in Paper Production.

5. Generating Color Documents from Segmented and Synthetic Elements.

6. Retrieving Digital Artifacts from Digital Libraries Semantically.

7. Synthesizing the Artistic Effects of Ink Painting.

8. Automating Visual Inspection of Print Quality.

9. Constructing an Ontology for a Research Program from a Knowledge Science Perspective.

10. Measurement of Reflection Properties in Ancient Japanese Drawing Ukiyo-e.

11. Visualizing Trends in Knowledge Management.

12. A Domain-Based Intelligent Search Engine.

13. Dynamics of Citation Networks.

14. Supporting Literature Exploration with Granular Knowledge Structures.

15. A Two-Pass Classification Method Based on Hyper-Ellipsoid Neural Networks and SVM's with Applications to Face Recognition.

16. Container Image Recognition Using ART2-Based Self-organizing Supervised Learning Algorithm.

17. The General Method of Improving Smooth Degree of Data Series.

18. DNA Gene Expression Classification with Ensemble Classifiers Optimized by Speciated Genetic Algorithm.

19. Shape-Based Co-occurrence Matrices for Defect Classification.

20. An Algorithm for Foreground-Background Separation in Low Quality Patrimonial Document Images.

21. A Novel Technique for Color Pencil Sketching Rendering Based Texture.

22. Quantum Probability Distribution Network.

23. Mutual Information Based Approach for Nonnegative Independent Component Analysis.

24. Towards a Formal Approach to Generative Design: An Assistant System for the Creation of Artefact Models.

25. Motion Information Exploitation in H.264 Frame Skipping Transcoding.

26. Uniprojective Features for Gait Recognition.

27. Convergence Analysis on Approximate Reinforcement Learning.

28. A Diagrammatic Reasoning System for $\cal ALC$.

29. Finding Pure Nash Equilibrium of Graphical Game Via Constraints Satisfaction Approach.

30. Driving Load Forecasting Using Cascade Neural Networks.

31. A New BP Network Based on Improved PSO Algorithm and Its Application on Fault Diagnosis of Gas Turbine.

32. Global Asymptotic Stability of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Mixed Time-Varying Delays.

33. Global Exponential Convergence of Time-Varying Delayed Neural Networks with High Gain.

34. Improvement Techniques for the EM-Based Neural Network Approach in RF Components Modeling.

35. Recognition and Classification of Figures in PDF Documents.

36. Ontology-Based Automatic Classification of Web Documents.

37. Color Texture Segmentation Based on Quaternion-Gabor Features.

38. WWW Information Integration Oriented Classification Ontology Integrating Approach.

39. A Capacitated Production Planning with Outsourcing: A General Model and Its Algorithm.

40. An Artificial Neural Network Method for Map Correction.

41. Fault Detection and Prediction of Clocks and Timers Based on Computer Audition and Probabilistic Neural Networks.

42. An Automatic Approach to Classify Web Documents Using a Domain Ontology.

43. Combining Fuzzy Clustering and Morphological Methods for Old Documents Recovery.

44. Multi-stream Confidence Analysis for Audio-Visual Affect Recognition.

45. ANLAGIS: Adaptive Neuron-Like Network Based on Learning Automata Theory and Granular Inference Systems with Applications to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning.

46. Integrating Disparity Images by Incorporating Disparity Rate.

47. A Segmentation Method Based on Dynamic Programming for Breast Mass in MRI Images.

48. Gradient Direction Edge Enhancement Based Nucleus and Cytoplasm Contour Detector of Cervical Smear Images.

49. On Using a Pre-clustering Technique to Optimize LDA-Based Classifiers for Appearance-Based Face Recognition.

50. A New Algorithm to Compute the Distance Between Multi-dimensional Histograms.