176 results on '"Idea"'
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- Subjects
decadents ,пессимизм ,гностицизм ,novel ,idea ,финал ,gnosticism ,optimism ,роман ,идея ,оптимизм ,Г.К. Честертон ,finale ,декаденты ,G.K. Chesterton ,pessimism - Abstract
В статье рассматривается сюжетно-композиционный и идейно-философский уровень основных романов Г.К. Честертона «Наполеон из Ноттинг-Хилла», «Человек, который был Четвергом», «Шар и Крест», «Перелетный кабак», «Возвращение Дон Кихота» с целью определения общих для этих произведений свойств построения художественного пространства. В результате проведенной работы было определено общее для романов Г.К. Честертона свойство построения композиции: каждое произведение неизменно имеет позитивный финал. Эта особенность тесно связана с идейно-философской установкой автора на противостояние господствовавшим в обществе, искусстве и литературе его времени идеям декадентов, генетически связанным с религиозно-философским учением гностиков, противостоящим христианскому вероучению. Идея оптимизма в романах Честертона противопоставляется идеям скепсиса, пессимизма и нигилизма декадентов, его романы несут при этом в себе мощный религиозно-философский посыл., The article examines the plot-compositional and ideological-philosophical level of the main novels of G.K. Chesterton “Napoleon from Notting Hill”, “The Man who was Thursday”, “The Ball and the Cross”, “The Flying Tavern”, “The Return of Don Quixote” in order to determine the properties of the construction of artistic space common to these works. As a result of the research, the property of composition construction common to G.K. Chesterton’s novels is determined: each work invariably has a positive ending. This feature is closely related to the ideological and philosophical attitude of the author to oppose the ideas of decadents that prevailed in society, art and literature of his time, genetically related to the religious and philosophical teaching of the Gnostics, opposing the Christian creed. The idea of optimism in Chesterton’s novels is thus opposed to the ideas of skepticism, pessimism and nihilism of decadents, while his novels carry a powerful religious and philosophical message.
- Published
- 2023
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3. The Spiritual and Ideological Basis of International Harmony and Religious Tolerance in Our Country
- Author
Editor Academic Journals &Amp; Conferences
- Subjects
state ,people ,language ,tolerance ,idea ,harmony ,religion ,population ,nation ,culture - Abstract
In the article, focusing on issues of inter-ethnic harmony and religious tolerance in our country, development of the Uzbek language, which is an expression of national identity, consistent and full realization of its state status, respect for the culture and language of the peoples living in the territory of the republic, and everyone's belief and religion Based on the fact that the right to practice, freely perform one's religious rituals, and the monopoly of a certain worldview belong to the modernized society, the issues of deciding bigotry and freedom of conscience have been scientifically analyzed.
- Published
- 2023
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- Subjects
поэтика ,metamethodological approach ,тема ,theme ,comparative analysis ,idea ,мифология ,mythology ,elegy genre ,идея ,расширение культурного пространства ,культурное поле ,cultural field ,expansion of cultural space ,сравнительно – сопоставительный анализ ,poetics ,духовно-нравственный смысл текста ,жанр элегии ,spiritual and moral meaning of text ,метаметодический подход - Abstract
В статье рассматривается проблема формирования культурного поля школьников в процессе чтения и сопоставительно-сравнительного анализа двух вариантов стихотворения Р. Гамзатова «Журавли», когда учащиеся проводят исследовательскую работу по изучению символики журавля в мировой культуре, истории создания знаменитой песни на слова прославленного поэта, ставшей отправной точкой для ежегодного проведения праздника «Белых журавлей» по всей стране. В статье делается вывод о том, что, читая и анализируя идею, композицию, язык и образную систему известного стихотворения Р. Гамзатова «Журавли», учащиеся расширяют свои представления об образе журавля как символе в мировой литературе, получают возможность ознакомиться с историей создания этого замечательного стихотворения, ставшего популярнейшей песней, что позволяет повысить их образовательный и общекультурный уровень., The article deals with a problem of forming the cultural field of schoolchildren in the process of reading and comparative analysis of two versions of R. Gamzatov’s poem “Cranes”, when students conduct research work to study the symbolism of the crane in world culture, the history of the creation of the famous song to the words of this illustrious poet, which became the starting point for the annual celebration of the “White Cranes” throughout the country. The article concludes that by reading and analyzing the idea, composition, language and figurative system of the famous poem by R. Gamzatov “Cranes”, students expand their ideas about the image of a crane as a symbol in world literature, get the opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the creation of this wonderful poem, which has become the most popular song, which allows them to increase their educational and general cultural level.
- Published
- 2023
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5. Mallarméov ritam: između fenomena i différance
- Author
Adrian Pelc
- Subjects
Literature ,Stephane Mallarmé ,Jacques Derrida ,Edmund Husserl ,stih ,ritam ,dekonstrukcija ,fenomen ,ideja ,Philosophy ,business.industry ,Phenomenon ,verse ,rhythm ,deconstruction ,phenomenon ,idea ,Deconstruction ,business - Abstract
Pojam ritma u opusu Stephanea Mallarméa zauzima specifičnu poziciju na kojoj se prelamaju gotovo sve najizazovnije pjesnikove ideje. Slijedeći nit koju nam taj pojam pruža, u prvom se koraku utvrđuju paralele između Mallarméovih estetskih postulata i Husserlove fenomenologije. U drugom koraku, paralela Husserl – Mallarmé služi kao matrica za razumijevanje nekih temeljnih paradoksa Derridaove dekonstrukcije. Pokazat će se kako je i Derrida bio u potrazi za određenim, osebujnim ritmom. U trećem koraku bit će pokazano kako je od Mallarméa, preko Derridaove razrade, ritam (ritam pojavnosti i ritam stiha, ritam riječi i ritam bjeline) postao jednom od diskretnih, ali najradikalnijih teorijskih premisa nekih od najvažnijih filozofa postmoderne: Agambena, Kristeve, Rancièrea, Nancyja., The notion of rhythm in the works of Stephane Mallarmé has a specific position upon which all the poet’s most taunting ideas refract. Following the line this notion opens, in the first step established are the parallels between Mallarmé’s aesthetic postulates and Husserl’s phenomenology. In the second step, the Husserl – Mallarmé parallel serves as a matrix for understanding some basic paradoxes of Derrida’s deconstruction. It will be shown that Derrida, too, was in search of a specific, distinctive rhythm. In the third step, it will be shown how from Mallarmé, over Derrida’s workthrough, the rhythm (rhythm of appearance and rhythm of verse, rhythm of words and rhythm of whiteness) became one of the discrete, but most radical theoretical premises among some of the most influential philosophers of the postmodern: Agamben, Kristeva, Rancière, Nancy.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Mehmet YONAT
- Subjects
Spîtama ,vebêjerê îlahî ,leheng ,bergeha îlahî ,zeman ,mekan ,fikr ,Social ,General Earth and Planetary Sciences ,Spîtema ,Omnisicient narrator ,character ,The Omniscient point of view ,time ,place ,idea ,ilahi anlatıcı ,kahraman ,ilahi bakış açısı ,fikir ,Sosyal ,General Environmental Science - Abstract
Di vê xebatê de, romana Spîtama ku ji hêla Rênas Jiyan ve hatiye nivîsîn, hate nirxandin. Ev roman, romaneke biyografîk e ku li ser jiyana Spîtamayê pêxember radiweste. Ev roman ji hêla vebêjer, bergeh, leheng, tîp, ziman, zeman, mekan û fikir ve hatiye nirxandin. Ev nirxandin, bi awayek klasîk hatiye kirin loma jî li ser hêmanên bingehîn yên romanê hatine sekinîn. Me xwestiye em hîn bibin ka gelo li gor rêbazên romannivîsînê, di vê romana xwe ya ewil de nivskarê romanê çiqas serkeftî bûye û gihiştiye standardên romannûsiya dunyayê ya îro yan na? Me dît ku ev romana biyografîk, ne bi endîşeyên roj û dema romanê ve, lê bi endîşeyên dunyaya nûjen ve hatiye nivîsîn., In this work, a novel called Spitama written by Renas Jiyan was evaluated. This novel is a biographical novel that focuses on the life of the prophet Spitama. This novel is evaluated by narrator, plot, hero, type, language, time, place, and thought. This assessment has been done in a classical way and therefore focuses on the basic elements of the novel. We wanted to find out whether, according to the rules of novel writing, how successful the author of the novel was in his first novel and reached the standards of novel writing? We found that this biographical novel was written, not with the concerns of the day and time of the novel, but with the concerns of the modern world., Bu çalışmada Rênas Jîyan tarafından yazılan Spîtema romanı analiz edilmişitir. Bu roman peygamber Spîtema’nın hayatını konu alan biyografik bir romandır. Roman anlatıcı, bakış açısı, kahraman, tip, dil, zaman, mekan ve fikir yönleriyle analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada analiz klasik bir bakış açısıyla yapıldığından dolayı bahsi geçen yönlerle incelemelerde bulunulmuştur. Çalışmayla amaçlanan, roman yazma teknikleri açısından bu ilk romanıyla yazarın ne kadar başarılı olduğunu ortaya sermek ve dünya roman yazma standartlarına ulaşıp ulaşmadığının analizini yapmaktır. Biyografik bir roman olan Spitema içinde geçtiği zamanın endişelerinden öte bugünün endişeleriyle yazılmış bir roman olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
- Published
- 2022
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7. Die Entstehung von Spinozas Urteilstheorie und ihre Implikationen für seine politische Philosophie
- Author
Toth, Oliver and Renz, Ursula
- Subjects
Freedom ,Judgment ,Philosophy ,Philosophy of Mind ,Early Modern Philosophy ,Idea ,Descartes ,Spinoza - Abstract
In this paper, we reconstruct the development of Spinoza’s theory of judgment against the backdrop of the development of his political views. In this context we also look at the difference between Descartes’ meta-act theory of judgment, which Spinoza criticises, and his own all-inclusive approach. By “meta-act theory” we understand the claim that content and judgment about the truth of the content are metaphysically really distinct mental items. By an “all-inclusive theory” we understand the claim that judgment and content constitute only one mental act. We show further how the core intuitions of this all-inclusive theory are developed by Spinoza in an increasingly radical manner and how the practical implications of his all-inclusive theory come to the fore in theTheological-Political Treatise: given that content and act are not really distinct, it is metaphysically impossible that human subjects can give up their ability to judge, which is why Spinoza can plausibly contend that everybody has an inalienable right to form their own judgment.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Revising the Markers of Adulthood Scale for Increased Ecological Validity
- Author
Norman, Kaley, Grahe, Jon, Lee, Seungyeon, Fagan, Jessica, Arnold, Saige, Fernandez-Ketcham, Evelyn, Chou, Catherine, and Fernández-Morales, Regina
- Subjects
EAMMi3 ,MoA ,Scale Construction ,EAMMi2 ,IDEA ,Scale Development ,Markers of Adulthood ,Emerging Adulthood - Abstract
A collection of the materials and reports relevant to the development of a Markers of Adulthood Scale model adapted for use in the EAMMi3 project.
- Published
- 2022
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9. State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech. ·2-Imploturbocompressor: Impulse Turbine, ·Implo-Ducted, 1 Moving Part Type
- Author
Barrera, Carlos
- Subjects
future ,realization ,idea ,engineering ,design ,invention ,rotary ,system ,formula ,simplicity ,efficient ,power ,optimus ,mechanical ,retrodynamic ,development ,device ,inflow ,gearturbine ,cycle ,effect ,engine ,turbine ,phenomena ,disruption ,innovation ,motor ,imploturbocompressor ,trend ,turbo ,efficiency ,technology ,rotor ,concept ,energy - Published
- 2022
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10. Evaluating Elicited Judgements of Turtle Captures for Data-limited Fisheries Management
- Author
Arlidge, William
- Subjects
observer data ,IDEA ,small-scale fisheries ,turtles ,bycatch ,bootstrap ,Delphi ,expert judgement - Abstract
We compare judgements of turtle captures elicited from stakeholders in a coastal fishery to observer capture rates from the same fishery.
- Published
- 2022
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11. State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech ·1-Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar of the Aeolipilie
- Author
Barrera, Carlos
- Subjects
future ,realization ,idea ,engineering ,design ,invention ,rotary ,system ,formula ,simplicity ,efficient ,power ,optimus ,mechanical ,retrodynamic ,development ,device ,inflow ,gearturbine ,cycle ,effect ,engine ,turbine ,phenomena ,disruption ,innovation ,motor ,imploturbocompressor ,trend ,turbo ,efficiency ,technology ,rotor ,concept ,energy - Abstract
Gearturbine: Reaction Turbine, ·Rotary-Turbo, Similar System of the Aeolipile ·Heron Steam Device from 10-70 AD, ·With Retrodynamic = DextroGiro/RPM VS LevoGiro/InFlow, + ·Ying Yang Circular Power Type, ·Non Waste Parasitic Power Looses Type, ·8-X,Y Thermodynamic Cycle Way Steps.
- Published
- 2022
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12. COVID-19 Special Education Services Survey 2020-2021
- Author
Monteiro, Elissa and Womack, Tyler
- Subjects
IDEA ,distance education ,distance learning ,K-12 schools ,virtual learning ,special education services ,survey ,staff wellbeing ,FAPE ,remote services ,remote learning ,COVID 19 ,IEP - Abstract
This survey was conducted from August 2020-December 2020. This survey focused on special education service provision, effectiveness, and special education staff wellbeing during distance learning employed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were IEP team members from around the country who reported on their own schools' approach to distance learning and their own wellbeing during the transition to distance learning.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Seweryn Rudnicki
- Subjects
actor-network theory ,Cultural Studies ,idea ,Sociology and Political Science ,Actor–network theory ,Essentialism ,media_common.quotation_subject ,translation ,Direct and indirect realism ,representationalism ,050602 political science & public administration ,idea generation ,Sociology ,creativity ,media_common ,H1-99 ,Materiality (auditing) ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,05 social sciences ,Historicity (philosophy) ,Creativity ,0506 political science ,Epistemology ,Social sciences (General) ,Action (philosophy) ,050903 gender studies ,ideation ,Political Science and International Relations ,0509 other social sciences ,representationalism translation - Abstract
This article explores the possibility that ideas are dynamic, socio-material and relational entities that come into existence with the help of materials and technologies. It starts from arguing that the popular understanding of ideas as immaterial entities (thoughts, concepts, insights) that we process mentally, communicate (symbolically) to others, and eventually realise is rooted in essentialist and representationalist philosophy and as such is not universal. It is then argued that an alternative understanding of what an idea is may be proposed within the relationist perspective that focuses our attention primarily on change and historicity. The article employs the concept of translation – borrowed from the actor-network theory – to propose that an idea is enacted slightly differently in every social situation and with the use of different materials and technologies. Importantly, the presented relational and socio-material interpretation emphasizes that it is not the “essence” of an idea but the translations it is subjected to that enable or constrain action possibilities and determine its evolution. Finally, it is proposed that following translations of ideas empirically may be a promising avenue for further research.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
N. Tarasova
- Subjects
Literature ,theme ,тема ,comparative analysis ,idea ,Punishment ,business.industry ,проблематика ,Philosophy ,media_common.quotation_subject ,жанр ,структура ,компаративний аналіз ,style ,genre ,Trilogy ,structure ,ідея ,business ,problematics ,стиль ,media_common - Abstract
The article attempts to make a comparative analysis of the trilogy The Oresteia by Aeschylus and the novel Crime and Punishment by F. Dostoevsky. It is noted that comparative studies investigates the historical processes of differentiation and divergence, convergence and unification of literary phenomena, and one of its tasks is the formation – against the background of existing differences and disagreements – of a synthetic image of literature. Moreover, it integrates the knowledge gained in research about literature, its place in culture and in this circle of civilization. Comparative analysis has been found to be based on the study of genetic and contact relationships. The comparisons of Aeschylus’ trilogy The Oresteia and F. Dostoevsky’s novel Crime and Punishment were made at the level of genetic connections and were based on the subdivision of comparative studies, which concentrates various empirical studies on the influences and relationships of individual literatures. The similarity of works in thematic, ideological, problem aspects, partly – in genre is revealed; differences are noted in the portrayal of the characters, stylistic diversity, and structural features., У статті здійснено спробу компаративного аналізу трилогії «Орестея» Есхіла та роману «Злочин і кара» Ф. Достоєвського. Відзначено, що компаративістика досліджує історичні процеси диференціації й розходження та збіги й уніфікації літературних явищ, а одним із її завдань є формування – на тлі існуючих різниць і розбіжностей – синтетичного образу літератури. Більше того, вона об’єднує в одне ціле набуті в дослідженнях знання про літературу, про її місце в культурі та у відповідному цивілізаційному колі. З’ясовано, що в основі компаративного аналізу лежить дослідження генетичних та контактних зв’язків. Зіставлення трилогії Есхіла «Орестея» та роману Ф. Достоєвського «Злочин і кара» проводилося на рівні генетичних зв’язків і базувалося на тому підрозділі компаративістики, який зосереджує в собі різноманітні емпіричні дослідження, що стосуються впливів і відношень окремих літератур. Виявлено схожість творів у тематичному, ідейному, проблемному аспектах, почасти – у жанровому; відмінності відзначаємо в змалюванні героїв, стильовому розмаїтті, структурних особливостях.
- Published
- 2021
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15. Idea of the Proof
- Author
A. M. Anisov
- Subjects
logic ,conclusion ,idea ,Pythagoreanism ,calculus ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Philosophy ,Argumentation theory ,Epistemology ,Connection (mathematics) ,Possible world ,Presentation ,TheoryofComputation_MATHEMATICALLOGICANDFORMALLANGUAGES ,argumentation ,Argument ,proof ,lcsh:B ,Realm ,axiom ,lcsh:Philosophy. Psychology. Religion ,science ,Axiom ,media_common - Abstract
The article explores the informal side of the idea of the proof. The word "idea" is used in a sense dating back to Plato. Proof is understood as a precisely established connection of precisely formulated and objectively existing ideas. This connection of ideas belongs to the realm of the possible and can be present in some possible worlds and absent in others. Attempts to interpret the proof as a procedure of convincing argumentation are criticized. It is shown that the proof is not necessarily convincing, and that persuasiveness may be inherent outside the proof-based forms of argument. The genesis of the idea of the proof is briefly traced from its origins to the present day. Arguments are made in favor of the thesis of the idea of the proof in Pythagorean philosophy. The question of why the idea of the proof has not been rediscovered anywhere and never is discussed. The problem of the time gap between the appearance of the proof and the exact definition of the concept of the proof in modern logic is considered. An accessible example substantiates the inseparability of the idea of the proof from its formal presentation in one or another logic. A list of some basic informal predicates of the proof is given and a brief description is given.
- Published
- 2020
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16. La idea arriesgada. Yves Bonnefoy, crítico de Platón
- Author
Ordóñez Roig, Vicente
- Subjects
Plotino ,philosophy ,idea ,presencia ,Poetry ,filosofía ,Platón ,presence ,Poesía ,Plato - Abstract
Bonnefoy's poetry unfolds itself not against philosophy, but against the eidetic framework threaded by Plato. Bonnefoy avoids Platonic ideas at all costs and separates himself from any transcendent function: what is crucial for him is the tangible evidence, the real object, the description of this world that is presented to him in a fragmented way. Thus, against Plato theory of Forms, Bonnefoy emphasized a world reconquered from abstraction, whether philosophical, scientific or day-to-day world. La poesía de Bonnefoy se sitúa, no contra la filosofía, sino contra el entramado eidético entretejido por Platón. Bonnefoy trata de evitar a toda costa las ideas platónicas y se separa de cualquier inclinación trascendente: la existencia concreta, el objeto sensible, la descripción de este mundo que se le presenta de manera fragmentaria y, por ello, esencial, es lo decisivo para el poeta. Así, frente a la realidad metafísica de las ideas, lo que para Bonnefoy se impone como decisivo es un mundo reconquistado a la abstracción, ya sea filosófica, científica o cotidiana.
- Published
- 2022
17. Representation of Students with Disabilities in Charter Schools Compared to Traditional Public Schools
- Author
Smith, Brenda K.
- Subjects
IDEA ,Charter Schools ,Enrollment ,Students with Disabilities ,Social and Behavioral Sciences ,Disability Studies ,Representation - Abstract
There is a perception that charter schools enroll a disproportionately lower number of students with disabilities than traditional public school districts (TPS). Coupled with this perception are antidotal stories of students with disabilities being turned away by charter schools during the enrollment process. This study sought to determine what research has been completed to compare enrollment of students with disabilities in charter schools to enrollment in TPS, complete data comparisons on an entire state education system to see what enrollment differences exist for students with disabilities in charter schools and TPS, and review federal reports regarding students with disabilities to determine if differences exist for implementation of special education law between charter schools and TPS. This research has societal benefits as it assists in determining if charter schools are equivalently learning environments for students with disabilities as far as access and outcomes. This study also provides a framework that can be replicated for any state-level education system for determining equivalency in access for students with disabilities in charter schools. The results of this study can be used to help state departments of education determine targeted training for charter schools or TPS on special education topics to increase equity across school settings. It can also be used at the state-level to help hone charter school legislation and regulations to ensure charter schools don’t develop into separate education settings that demographically differ from TPS.
- Published
- 2022
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18. [Untitled]
- Subjects
Chinese ,idea ,representation ,�������������������� ,�������������������������� ,Englishman ,mentality ,������������ ,work ,������������������������ ,���������� ,�������� ,image ,half-breed - Abstract
�� ������������ ������������ ���������������� ���������������������� �������������������������� �������������������� ������������ ���������������������� ������������������ ���� �������������� ������������������ ������������������������ ��. ����������. �������������� �������������������� ������������������������ ���������������������� ������, ������, ���������������� ���� ����, ������ ������������������������ ��. ���������� �������������������� ������������ ���������������������� �� �������������� �������������� ��������������, �� ���������������������� ��������������, �������������������� ���������������������� ������ ������������������������ �������������� ������������, ������������������������ ���������������������������� ��������������, ������������������ ���������� ���������������������� ������������������ �������������������� �������������� �������������������� ������������������ ���������������� ������������������������ ������������ �� �������������� ����������������������������������, ������������ �� ���������������� ����������������, ����������������������, �� ���������� �������������� ������������������. ����������������������������, ���������������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������� ������������ ������������. ���������� ������������������������ ���������������� ������������ ������������������������ �������������������� ������������ ���������������������� ������������������ ���� �������������� ���������� ������������������������ ��. ����������, ������ ���� �������������� ���� ������������ (East of Suez) �� ������ ������������������ ������������ (On A Chinese Screen, 1922)., The article reflects features of representation of the Chinese image of the cultural ���other��� on the example of individual works by S. Maugham. The scientific significance of the study is due to the fact that despite the fact that the works of S. Maugham have been studied quite well at this point in time, and features of images that are ���cross-cutting��� for the works of this author have been repeatedly analyzed, the Chinese image of the cultural ���other��� quite infrequently becomes the subject of scientific research of scientists in the field of literary criticism, theory and practice of translation, linguistics, as well as related disciplines. Accordingly, it seems appropriate to fill this gap. The task of the study is to analyze features of the Chinese image of the cultural ���other��� on the example of such works by S. Maugham as ���East of Suez��� and ���On a Chinese Screen��� (1922). The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors analyze features of functioning of the Chinese image of the cultural ���other��� in the above-mentioned works by S. Maugham and make a conclusion about features of functioning of the analyzed image in the listed works of S. Maugham.
- Published
- 2022
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- Subjects
севги ,ҳақиқат ,satyagraha ,philosophy ,idea ,Аҳимса ,truth ,Сатяграҳа ,ahimsa ,ethics ,ғоя ,фалсафа ,аҳлоқ ,law ,Gandhi ,Ганди ,politics ,сиёсат ,қонун ,love - Abstract
Ганди Сатяграҳа, ҳақиқат ва куч ишлатмаслик тамойиллари тоғлардек қадимий эканлигини тан олди. Шуни ҳам таъкидлаш мумкинки, Ганди турли диний китоблардан илҳом олган бўлса ҳам, аммо Сатяграҳа концепцияси ўзига хос ҳусусиятга эгадир, гарчи у ҳиндларнинг куч ишлатмаслик тушунчаси бўлган аҳимса билан боғлиқ бўлса-да. Бу инсоният учун мутлақо янги тушунчага айланди ва жамиятдаги кўплаб муаммоларни ҳал қилди., Gandhi Satyagraha recognized that the principles of truth and non-use of force are ancient as mountains. It should also be noted that although Gandhi was inspired by various religious books, the concept of satyagraha has its own characteristics, although it is associated with ahimsa, which is the Indian concept of non-use of force. It has become a completely new concept for mankind and has solved many problems in society.
- Published
- 2022
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positive ,idea ,тасаввуф таълимоти ,руҳий саломатлик ,позитивизм ,руҳий-маънавий тарбия ,globalisation ,The East ,Islam ,ғоя ,maturity ,глобаллашув ,Ислом дини ,тасаввуф илми ,Ислом ,камолот ,sharia ,development ,modernism ,influence ,дин ,шариат ,The West ,Шарқ ,таъсир ,spiritual-cultural upbringing ,philosophy of sufism ,global ,the wold of Islam ,Ғарб ,psychological wellness ,модернизм ,глобал ,the doctrine of sufism ,тасаввуф ,religion ,тараққиёт ,knowledge of sufism ,sufism ,ислом дунёси ,тасаввуф фалсафаси - Abstract
Ушбу мақолада Ислом дини таркибида шаклланиб, унинг Ислом, Иймон ва Эҳсон каби қисмларидан учинчи қисмига тааллуқли бўлган ва Мусулмон Шарқида салкам 1300 йилдан буён тарихий тараққиёт босқичларини босиб ўтиб, мукаммал бир диний-фалсафий таълимот сифатида шаклланган Тасаввуф ва унинг бугунги даврдаги аҳамияти ҳақида фикр юритилади. Муаллифларнинг фикрича, руҳий инқироз ва таназзулларга учраган бугунги давр инсони учун Тасаввуфнинг ҳаётбахш ғоялари инсон руҳиятини муътадиллаштиришга, уни келажакка бўлган ишончини оширишга хизмат қилади. Шу нуқтаи назардан, уни фалсафий жиҳатдан жиддийроқ ўрганиш ва руҳий тарбия усулларидан бири сифатида қўллаш яхши натижалар бериши мумкин, деган хулосага келишади., This article discusses Sufism and its significance today,which is formed as part of Islam,belongs to the third part of it,such as Islam,Iman and Ihsan,and has gone through almost 1300 years of historical development in the Muslim East as a perfect religious and philosophical doctrine. According to the authors,the vital ideas of Sufism serve to moderate the human psyche,to increase its confidence in the future,for todays man in a state of spiritual crisis and decline.In this context,they conclude that it can yield good results if studied more philosophically and applied as one of the methods of spiritual education.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
I. Erkaboyev and Sh. Yakubova
- Subjects
xulq ,maqsad ,student ,idea ,ijodiylik ,shaxs ,omilkorlik ,purpose ,development ,creativity ,thought ,ahloqiy ,behavior ,taraqqiyot ,intelligence ,ethics ,g‘oya ,fikr ,kreativlik ,efficiency ,personality ,mulohaza ,kamolot ,talaba ,reasoning ,aqliy ,maturity - Abstract
Ushbu maqolada talabalarning mustaqil fikrlash faoliyatini aktiv jarayonga aylantirishning psixologik tomonlari yoritilgan. Shuningdek maqolada fikr o‘zi nima ekanligiga, talaba shaxsi hayotidagi fikriy rivojlanganlikning adaptatsion ko‘rinishi, bugungi kun qiyofasi bilan o‘zaro bo‘g‘liqlik asosida talabalar tafakkurida mustaqillik va kreativlik tushunchalarini ommalashtirish vositalari ko‘rsatilgan. Talabalarda mustaqil fikrlilikni yuzaga chiqarishda Sharq allomalarining qarashlari maqolada o‘z aksini topgan., This article discusses turning the psychological aspects of independent thinking activities into an active process among students. The article also shows what the idea is, an adaptive view of the intellectual development of the student's personal life, the means of popularizing the concepts of independence and creativity in students' thinking on the basis of the interrelationship with today's image. The article reflects the views of Eastern scholars on the development of independent thinking in students
- Published
- 2022
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- Subjects
evaluation ,idea ,Eastern and Western scholars ,фундаментал ,Cognitive doctrine ,Билиш таълимоти ,тажриба ,ғоя ,emblems ,style ,баҳолаш ,experience ,тимсоллар ,услуб ,Шарқ ва Ғарб олимлари ,fundamental - Abstract
Бу мақолада Абу Райҳон Беруний ва Фрэнсис Бэконнинг таълимотларининг фундаментал ҳусусиятлари таҳлилига бағишланган. Буюк тарихий шахсларнинг ҳаѐти ва фаолияти ўзининг замондошлари ҳамда узоқ авлодлар вакиллари томонидан доимо катта қизиқиш ва эътиборга сазовардир. Шу нуқтаи назардан қараганда, Шарқ қомусий алломаси Берунийнинг серқирра таълимоти, Ф.Бэконнинг фан ривожланишидаги бурилишларга сабаб бўлган инновацион ѐндашувлари, қўллаган усуллари, ихтиро ва кашфиѐтлари бизга замондош олим ва мутахассислар томонидан ҳам улкан эътибор билан ўрганилади. Бугунги кунга келиб, икки олим фалсафасига қизиқиш ҳам табиий, ҳам аниқ, ҳам ижтимоий-гуманитар фанларни қамраб олган жуда катта ҳажмдаги илмий тадқиқотларнинг яратилишига сабаб бўлган. Қуйида Беруний ва Ф.Бэкон ахлоқий ғоя ва қарашларининг бизнинг кунимиз учун аҳамиятига доир фикр-мулоҳазалар акс этган айрим илмий ишларни таҳлил қилган ҳолда, ўзимизнинг нуқтаи назаримизни ҳам билдиришга ҳаракат қиламиз., This article is devoted to the analysis of the fundamental features of the teachings of Abu Rayhan Beruni and Francis Bacon. The life and work of great historical figures are always of great interest and attention to their contemporaries and representatives of long generations. From this point of view, the multifaceted teachings of the Eastern encyclopedic scholar Beruni, F. Bacon's innovative approaches, methods, inventions and discoveries, which led to the turning points in the development of science, are studied with great interest by contemporary scientists and experts. To date, interest in the philosophies of the two scientists has led to the creation of a very large volume of scientific research covering both the natural and exact sciences and the social sciences and humanities. Below we will try to express our point of view, analyzing some scientific works that reflect the views of Beruni and F. Bacon on the importance of moral ideas and views for our day.
- Published
- 2022
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Islam values ,конфликт ,характер ,идея ,idea ,motive ,conflict ,мотив ,Tatar drama ,татарская драматургия ,ценности ислама ,character - Abstract
В статье исследуется отражение коранических мотивов в современной татарской драматургии. Обратившись к изучению пьес Т. Миннулина, З. Хакима, Г. Каюмова, Р. Зайдуллы и др., автор выявляет направления поисков в драматургии, определяет разнообразие тематики и мотивов, раскрывает богатство применяемых художественных приемов и изобразительных средств. Посредством анализа текстов раскрываются отношение героев к религии, природа распространения коранических мотивов и их связь с основной идеей произведения. Путем синтезирования жанров, опираясь на образы, символы, художественные детали, драматурги добиваются оценки действий и поступков героев, а на основе этого приходят и к раскрытию основной идеи пьесы. Все вышесказанное позволяет говорить об идейно-эстетических поисках авторов и о возможности определить пути развития драматургии в будущем., The article studies the reflection of the Quranic motives in the contemporary Tatar drama. Turning to the study of the plays by T. Minnulin, Z. Khakim, G. Kayumov, R. Zaidulla and others, the author identifies directions of search in drama, defines the variety of themes and motives, and reveals the richness of applied artistic techniques and art tools. The analysis of the texts helps to reveal the characters’ attitude to religion, the circulation nature of the Quranic motives and their connection with the main idea of the work. By synthesizing genres, relying on images, symbols, artistic details, the playwrights achieve an assessment of the actions and deeds of the characters, and on this basis they come to the disclosure of the main idea of the play. All of the above lets the researchers talk about the authors’ ideological and aesthetic search and the possibility to define ways of developing drama in the future.
- Published
- 2022
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24. ¿Cuál filosofía política de Platón?
- Author
Cristián Alejandro De Bravo Delorme, estética, and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICINN). España
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Philosophy ,paradox ,idea ,dialéctica ,ciudad ,paradoja ,city ,dialectic ,Sócrates ,simile ,símil ,Socrates - Abstract
Este artículo pretende comprender la filosofía de Platón como un ejercicio esencialmente político. Esto implica, sin embargo, distinguir cómo se ejerce esta filosofía política, su sentido y alcance. Muchos estudiosos han atribuido a Platón el proyecto político que Sócrates desarrolla en la República. Sin embargo, el símil de la caverna da cuenta de la imposibilidad o, al menos, de la interna problematicidad de tal proyecto, por lo cual se sugiere que no es en el diálogo República donde se encontraría la auténtica filosofía política de Platón, sino en los denominados diálogos aporéticos. En estos diálogos no se habla sobre una posible ciudad, sino que se ejercita de manera viva una política desarrollada por la dialéctica terapéutica de Sócrates, cuya tarea es desvelar la virtud mediante el desenmascaramiento de los rostros de la ciudad. The following paper contends that Plato’s philosophy is essentially a political activity. This imply, however, to distinguish how this political philosophy carries out, its meaning and scope. Many scholars have attributed to Plato the political project, which Socrates develops in the dialogue Republic. Nevertheless, the simile of the cave reveals the impossibility of such a project or, at least, the serious problems that lie behind it. So, I suggest, that is not in the dialogue Republic where it finds Plato’s authentic political philosophy, but in the so-called aporetic dialogues. In these dialogues it does not discuss about a possible city, but it exercises in a lively way a politics builted by Socrates’ dialectic therapy, whose task is unveiling the virtue through the unmasking the faces of the city. Ministerio de Innovación, Ciencias y Universidades FFI12017/83770-P
- Published
- 2022
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критика ,criticism ,команда ,evaluation ,idea ,группа ,task ,problem ,brainstorming ,участник ,проблема ,team ,идея ,мозговой ,задача ,оценка ,group ,штурм ,participant - Abstract
В данной статье рассматриваются взгляды учёных, исследователей, и успешных топ-менеджеров на решение задач методом «мозгового штурма». Предлагаются рекомендации и правила использования данного метода., This article examines the views of scientists, researchers, and successful top managers on solving problems by the method of "brainstorming". Recommendations and rules for using this method are offered.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Санжар Абдурахмонович Hабиев
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ғоявий бўшлиқ ,мафкуравий кураш ,idea ,ideological immunity ,ideological sensitivity ,ideological struggle ,the idea of ascension ,ғоя ,глобаллашув ,юксалиш ғояси ,ideological space ,мафкуравий хуруж ,тараққиѐт ,ideologi ,мафкура ,third renaissance ,development ,учинчи ренессанс ,globalization ,мафкуравий иммунитет - Abstract
Мақолада миллий юксалиш ғояси ва унинг жамият маънавий-ахлоқий тараққиѐтидаги аҳамияти, тараққиѐтимизнинг ҳозирги босқичида миллий юксалиш ғоясини халқимиз онгу шуурига сингдириш ва ҳаѐт тарзида амалий акс эттириш каби муҳим масалалар ҳақида батафсил илмий асосланган маълумотлар берилган, The article provides detailed scientific information on such important issues as the idea of national uplift and its importance in the spiritual and moral development of society at such a stage of our development.
- Published
- 2022
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поэтика ,геометрия ,geometry ,idea ,rhetoric ,образ ,context ,риторика ,контекст ,Александр Степанов ,воплощение ,phenomenology of architecture ,Alexander Stepanov ,идея ,феноменология архитектуры ,poetics ,image ,embodiment - Abstract
В статье представлен анализ некоторых теоретических ходов известного российского феноменолога архитектуры Александра Степанова. Особого внимания, на наш взгляд, заслуживает введенная теоретиком концептуальная пара «поэтика и риторика». Она является, во-первых, радикальной реакцией на своего предшественника в истории архитектуры — пару «геометрия и риторика» Леона Баттисты Альберти, а во-вторых, феноменологической интерпретацией отношений между идеей и воплощением художественного произведения. Поэтика указывает на вневременные образы, возникающие в архитектуре и городе, риторика отвечает за воплощение этих образов в конкретном историческом, социальном и других контекстах. Несмотря на кажущуюся простоту, эти отношения являются крайне проблематичными и создают массу методологических трудностей при попытках точного определения и разделения двух понятий. Степанов предлагает оригинальную схему, в которой риторика и поэтика существуют одновременно и не могут быть отделены друг от друга. Разобраться в теоретических построениях нам помогут две фундаментальных монографии Александра Степанова, которые вдохновили нас на написание этого эссе: «Феноменология архитектуры Петербурга» и «Очерки поэтики и риторики архитектуры»., The article presents an analysis of some theoretical methods of the famous Russian phenomenologist of architecture Alexander Stepanov. The conceptual pair of poetics and rhetoric, introduced by the theorist, deserves special attention, in our opinion. First, this pair represents a radical reaction to its predecessor in the history of architecture, the Alberti’s geometry and rhetoric pair, and secondly, it is a phenomenological interpretation of the relations between the idea and the embodiment of the work of art. Poetics points to the timeless images that emerge in both architecture and the city; rhetoric is responsible for translating these images into particular historical, social, and other contexts. Despite its apparent simplicity, this relationship is extremely complex and poses a variety of methodological difficulties. Stepanov offers an original scheme in which both rhetoric and poetics exist simultaneously and cannot be separated from each other. Two of Alexander Stepanov’s fundamental monographs that have inspired this essay, “The Phenomenology of the Architecture of Petersburg” and “Essays on the Poetics and Rhetoric of Architecture”, will help us to grasp these theoretical constructions.
- Published
- 2022
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28. Application of Intervention Mapping to Address Lost to Intervention in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention
- Author
Woodruff-Gautherin, Torri Ann and Cienkowski, Kathleen
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Early hearing detection and intervention ,IDEA ,Public Health ,Speech and Hearing Science ,Intervention Mapping ,Speech Pathology and Audiology - Abstract
Purpose: Detail the application of intervention mapping as a protocol for developing a novel way to address lost to intervention within the early hearing detection and intervention systems. Design: Intervention mapping (IM) is an approach to behavior change that is typically utilized in public health initiatives. This six-step process walks health program developers, researchers, and policy makers through a rigorous research and community-based approach to understanding why a health concern or problem is present in a community. While using IM to address lost to intervention in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention programs, the focus is on why families, after identification of their child as D/deaf or hard of hearing, choose to not enroll in early intervention services covered by part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act of 2004. Results: This process culminated in the development of “Swaddling Ear to Ear” as a novel approach to the implementation of behavior change theory and early intervention access. Conclusion: Intervention Mapping is posed to support policy makers, care providers, and families with the requisite tools to navigate early intervention services and begin a systemic line of research working to access barriers to care and access inequality for newborns identified via Early Hearing Detection and Intervention programs across the United States. The educational program designed and described here is currently under evaluation.
- Published
- 2022
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- Subjects
classicism ,idea ,готика ,Artistic style ,Бадиий услуб ,ғоя ,epic ,санъат ,gothic ,епик ,драматик ,лирик ,dramaturgy ,lyrics ,классицизм ,art - Abstract
Мақолада бадиий услубнинг келиб чиқши, унинг мохияти ва жамият ривожига таъсири,бадиий услубларнинг ўзига хос хусусиятлари, ижодий жараѐннинг омили эканлиги, ҳамда ривожланиш босқичлари атрофлича ўрганилган., The article discusses the origin of the artistic style, its essence and influence on the development of society, the specifics of the artistic style, its role as a factor in the creative process, as well as the stages of development
- Published
- 2022
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30. Rozwój idei eurazjatyckiej
- Author
Joachim Diec
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Rosja ,doctrine ,Eurasianism ,idea ,eurazjatyzm ,doktryna ,Russia - Abstract
The evolution of the Eurasian idea was conditioned by the circumstances of its development. In the interwar period, when the idea of Russia-Eurasia was proposed by a group of emigrés such as N.S. Trubetzkoy and P. Savitsky, the motivating main factor probably boiled down to alienation and the need for compensation. That is why Eurasianism proposed such ideas as imperialism of any ideological color, the concept of an imaginary Eurasian nation, an ideocratic state and strong aversion to the domination of the Western world. Interwar Eurasianism and its later incarnations emphasize the essential role of the Horde in shaping the Russian state, which was also reflected in the theory of ethnogenesis created by L.N. Gumilyov, a Eurasianist of the Soviet period. Post-Soviet neo-Eurasianism focuses on the idea of historical revanchism (A.S. Panarin), geopolitics opposing the democratic and liberal Atlanticism to the Eurasian continental domain of Tradition (A.G. Dugin), the Islamic reference to Eurasia, the Old World, as the primary seat of the Abrahamic religions (G. Dzhemal), as well as the pragmatic Central Asian version of the doctrine emphasizing the need for an economic and social community, based on the principle of equality among Eurasian actors.
- Published
- 2021
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31. Idea-based and image-based linguacultures
- Author
Per Durst-Andersen and Daniel Barratt
- Subjects
media_common.quotation_subject ,050109 social psychology ,Mandarin Chinese ,050105 experimental psychology ,Cognition ,Empirical research ,Idea ,Perception ,American English and Mandarin Chinese linguacultures ,0501 psychology and cognitive sciences ,Parallels ,media_common ,Multidisciplinary ,05 social sciences ,Perspective (graphical) ,American English ,The West and the East ,Linguistics ,language.human_language ,Writing system ,Perspective ,Image ,language ,Psychology - Abstract
In order to investigate whether or not cultural cognitive differences between Western and East Asian countries should be taken seriously we compared the empirical results from studies of perception and cognition involving primarily American and Chinese people to linguistic data from exactly the same areas in American English and Mandarin Chinese. What we found were systematic language parallels to the perceptual and cognitive differences found in empirical studies. Our linguistic analysis did not only reveal that the differences should be taken seriously, but also that it seems to be possible to trace them back to different perspectives involved: The Anglo-American culture has an idea-based perspective, while the Mandarin Chinese culture has an image-based perspective to what appears to be a common basis for both Americans and Chinese in all other respects. The difference in perspective is, for instance, reflected in the two very different writing systems.
- Published
- 2019
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32. Belleza eidética. Lo clásico y lo moderno en el platonismo de Joaquín Torres García
- Author
William Rey Ashfield and Natalia Costa Rugnitz
- Subjects
Critical approach ,idea ,lcsh:Fine Arts ,biology ,Philosophy ,Garcia ,Platón ,Historiography ,General Medicine ,Belleza ,biology.organism_classification ,Verdad ,belleza ,Idea ,arte ,Modernidad ,modernidad ,Arte ,verdad ,lcsh:N ,lcsh:NX440-632 ,Platonism ,lcsh:History of the arts ,Humanities - Abstract
La influencia del pensamiento de Platón en los escritos de Joaquín Torres García es, al presente, tan conocida como poco entendida. El abordaje crítico de esta relación en el plano de lo plástico es apenas identificable dentro del marco historiográfico. La incidencia de la idea platónica en las contradicciones epocales, particularmente en la relación de este artista con muchos movimientos de la vanguardia europea, empieza a ser materia tratada solo en las últimas décadas. Estos tres aspectos serán la mate-ria del siguiente artículo, cuyo fin es profundizar en el platonismo torresgarciano desde el punto de vista teórico y práctico y ahondar en la complejidad propia de un tiempo de cambios en la historia del arte como lo fue la primera mitad del siglo XX., The influence of Plato¿s thought in Joaquin Torres Garcia¿s writings is, nowadays, as well-known as it is little-understood. A critical approach to the artistic element of this relationship is barely identifiable within the scope of historiography. The incidence of Platonic idealism in the epochal contradictions, particularly in associating Torres with certain movements of the European avant-garde, begun to be studied in recent decades only. These three aspects will be the subject of the following article, whose purpose is to think about Torresgarcian Platonism from both a theoretical and a practical point of view and to delve into the complexity of a period of great changes in art history: the first half of the XX century., Universidad Pablo de Olavide
- Published
- 2019
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33. Deleuze e a imagem: um problema estético
- Author
Danilo Bilate
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Idea ,lcsh:Philosophy (General) ,Image ,Ideia ,Signo ,Deleuze ,lcsh:B1-5802 ,Imagem ,Sign - Abstract
Resumo: Este artigo busca investigar possíveis significações da palavra “imagem”, que se depreendam dos textos de Deleuze sobre as artes, através de uma pesquisa filológica que respeita a cronologia de suas obras. Essa noção de imagem, fundamental para a Estética, aparece em seus comentários sobre Proust, o cinema, Bacon e Beckett, principalmente, seja com o uso do termo “imagem”, seja com os termos “signo” e “ideia”, àquele correlatos. Assim, verifica-se um vácuo na década de 70, de modo que, se a noção de signo é estudada na década anterior, ao tratar de Proust, e a de ideia, em Diferença e repetição, o tema “imagem” é retomado nas duas décadas subsequentes com toda a intensidade, ao abordar a pintura de Bacon, o universo cinematográfico e a obra teatral e televisiva de Beckett. Abstract: The present article seeks to investigate possible meanings of the word “image” that can be deduced from Deleuze’s writings on the arts, respecting the chronology of his works. The notion of image, which is fundamental to aesthetics, appears in Deleuze’s comments on Proust, the cinema, Bacon, and Beckett, whether with the use of the term “image” or with the correlated terms “sign” and “idea”. Thus, there is found in Deleuze’s writings a vacuum in the 1970’s: the notion of sign is studied in the previous decade when dealing with Proust and the notion of idea in Difference and repetition, and the theme of image is intensely taken up again in the following two decades in dealing with Bacon’s painting, the cinematographic universe, and Beckett’s theater and television work.
- Published
- 2019
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34. La trienal ha muerto, ¿larga vida a la bienal? La exposición como espejo y especulación
- Author
Javier Ruiz, Viola Guarano, María de la Paz Faúndez, and Maite Raschillá
- Subjects
especulación ,ensayo ,trienal ,idea ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,Architecture ,Conservation ,historia - Abstract
Resumen La polémica alrededor de la Trienal de Milán de 1968 - curada por Giancarlo de Carlo - y el posterior surgimiento de la Bienal de Venecia son analizadas bajo la idea de espejo: aquello que refleja la arquitectura de un momento. Pero si en latín espejo es nombrado con el vocablo speculo ¿qué relación hay entre ese espejo y las lógicas de especulación en arquitectura? La respuesta a esa pregunta es lo que estructura el presente texto.
- Published
- 2019
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35. Aprendiendo a aprender: Reseña de The University is Now on Air: Broadcasting Modern Architecture
- Author
Alfredo Thiermann
- Subjects
speculation ,idea ,Visual Arts and Performing Arts ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Conservation ,Art ,historia ,crítica ,especulación ,Broadcasting (networking) ,investigación ,Architecture ,critique ,history ,Humanities ,research ,media_common - Abstract
espanolResumen: En los sesenta y setenta se especulo bastante con los cambios culturales que podrian traer los medios de comunicacion masiva. Sin embargo, no fueron muchos los casos en los que esto se llevo a la practica. Esta exposicion rescata uno de los pocos ejemplos que lo lograron: el curso A305 de Open University. Con precision - tal como lo argumenta esta resena - la muestra nos lleva a especular nuevamente con como hacer la arquitectura accesible a publicos mas amplios. EnglishAbstract: During the sixties and seventies, there were speculations about the cultural changes that mass media could bring about. Nevertheless, only a handful examples exist in which they were actually implemented. This exhibition recalls one of the few that managed to do so: the Open University’s A305 course. Accurately - as the review argues - the exhibition invites us to speculate again on how to make architecture available to broader audiences.
- Published
- 2019
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36. Three Ideas of the University
- Author
James Alexander and Alexander, James
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,History ,Phrase ,Universities ,Philosophy ,05 social sciences ,06 humanities and the arts ,Education ,0506 political science ,060104 history ,Idea ,050602 political science & public administration ,0601 history and archaeology ,Classics - Abstract
What is a university? In the nineteenth century John Henry Newman famously spoke of “the idea of a university.” This phrase has dominated all discussions of the nature of the university since. Most contemporary writers are against any attempt to theorise the university in terms of a single idea. But against the now standard view that universities should only be characterised empirically as institutions that perform many different activities, I attempt to defend the idea of the university, not by reviving a single idea of the university but by suggesting that there are, at root, three ideas of the university. These are rival ideas, and strictly incommensurable, though they often exist together in a state of tension in actual universities. I call them the eternal, the immortal, and the immediate ideas of the university.
- Published
- 2019
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37. Sulla modificazione
- Author
Alessandro Oltremarini
- Subjects
idea ,tipo ,forma ,modificazione ,realtà - Published
- 2021
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38. Idea, Concept and Symbol in Hegel and Gadamer
- Author
Konchak, William and Thorsteinsson, Björn
- Subjects
symbol ,idea ,Gadamer ,Hegel ,concept - Abstract
The robust and encompassing nature of Hegel’s absolute idealism is both compelling and problematic. This paper explores Hans-Georg Gadamer’s critical appraisal of the Hegelian legacy through the prism of aesthetics and, in doing so, raises general questions about the status and scope of philosophical conceptualization, and, thereby, about the relationship between philosophy and art – or between Concept and symbol. Through an examination of Gadamer’s articulation of the symbol and other aspects of his aesthetics, an approach is elaborated that strives to be more open, imaginative, fluid, and humble than traditional Hegelian viewpoints. However, given that Gadamer was also strongly influenced by Hegel, it is also considered how Gadamer’s critique and development of Hegel’s thought may provide an important opening towards engaging Hegel’s thought in a contemporary context. This influence and divergence is considered in relation to Gadamer’s conception of the symbol and Hegel’s notions of the Concept and the Idea, offering indications of how Hegel’s approach may be defended as well as discussing to what extent his thought can possibly enhance Gadamer’s perspectives. The ultimate goal is to point towards a synthesis between our two thinkers, suggesting in the process that aesthetics and philosophy should be seen as complementary, and in this respect, so too should the symbol and the Idea.
- Published
- 2021
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39. La polysémiosis ou la polysémie comme capacité : la notion de sens linguistique chez Bréal, Bergson et Deleuze
- Subjects
Signifiance ,Idée ,Idea ,Monosémie ,Représentation ,Signification ,Sens ,Polysémie ,Sense ,Monosemy ,Polysemy ,Representation - Published
- 2021
40. A obscura noção de substância em john locke
- Author
Goncalves, Wellington Teixeira, Smith, Plínio Junqueira, Zaterka, Luciana, Eva, Luiz Antonio Alves, and Universidade Federal do ABC
- Subjects
Orientador(a): Prof(a). Dr(a). Luciana Zaterka Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós Graduação em Filosofia. São Bernardo do Campo, 2021 As contribuições de John Locke (1632-1704) para a epistemologia, embora amplamente reconhecidas, podem ser frequentemente mal compreendidas, de modo particular a sua noção de substância, a partir da interlocução com uma teoria dos corpos materiais fundada sob a égide da filosofia experimental seiscentista. A inversão lógica da investigação do conhecimento, dos efeitos para as causas, bastante alinhada ao método científico que Locke perseguia, coloca as propriedades dos corpos em evidência, em detrimento de sua natureza substancial, a qual não pode ser conhecida pelas nossas faculdades limitadas. Estabelece-se, assim, a importante e fundamental distinção epistemológica entre o Ser e a Ideia de substância, que nos coloca diante da tensão disruptiva da modernidade, cuja herança viria a ser a eliminação, ou preterição, cada vez mais acelerada do conceito tradicional de substância. O objetivo desta pesquisa é, portanto, investigar como se constituiu esse caminho, dentro do projeto lockeano, que levou à inversão lógica do conhecimento da realidade das coisas, das qualidades, para a sua constituição interna, como uma resposta mais adequada do que a problemática substância da tradição. The contributions of John Locke (1632-1704) to epistemology, although widely recognized, can often be misunderstood, particularly his notion of substance, from the interlocution with a theory of material bodies founded under the aegis of the sixteenthcentury experimental philosophy. The logical inversion of the investigation of knowledge, from effects to causes, very much in line with the scientific method Locke was pursuing, puts the properties of bodies in evidence, to the detriment of their substantial nature, which cannot be known by our limited faculties. Thus, the important and fundamental epistemological distinction between Being and the Idea of substance is established, which places us before the disruptive tension of modernity, the legacy of which would be the increasingly accelerated elimination, or preterition, of the traditional concept of substance. The aim of this research is, therefore, to investigate how this path was constituted, within the Lockean project, which led to the logical inversion of the knowledge of the reality of things, of qualities, to their internal constitution, as a more adequate answer than the problematic substance of tradition.
- Published
- 2021
41. La polysémiosis ou la polysémie comme capacité : la notion de sens linguistique chez Bréal, Bergson et Deleuze
- Author
Mijatović, Aleksandar
- Subjects
Signifiance ,Idée ,Idea ,Monosémie ,Représentation ,Signification ,Polysémie ,Sens ,Sense ,Monosemy ,Polysemy ,Representation - Abstract
La polysémie et la monosémie peuvent être définies comme des extrémités entre lesquelles oscille une expression verbale. Par conséquent, nous ne réduirons pas la polysémie ou la monosémie à une simple qualité de l'expression verbale. Selon Bréal, la polysémie est une manière de saisir l'impression que le locuteur a du monde. Dans les années où Bréal avait conçu une nouvelle conception de sémantique et de polysémie, le philosophe Henri Bergson avait donné une critique de l'idéalisme et du réalisme. Il est possible de réinsérer la définition de la polysémie bréalienne dans le système de Deleuze. Les agents et les locuteurs cherchent des ressemblances dans des situations différentes afin d'engendrer des habitudes et des usages monosémiques des expressions verbales. Mais il n'est pas possible de placer chaque action linguistique dans un cadre significatif déjà connu. Il est nécessaire de rester ouvert à la variété vague de l'action linguistique pour être capable de comprendre des significations différentes. Et c'est précisément cette capacité de compréhension des significations nouvelles, créatives ou conventionnelles, qui peut être appelée polysémie. Autrement dit, la polysémie n'est pas la qualité des expressions verbales, mais notre capacité à comprendre, ou à décoder, des significations nouvelles. Cette capacité, nous l'appellerons la polylsémiosis ou la création des expressions polysémiques. Notions of polysemy and monosemy can be defined as extremities between which verbal expression oscillate. Therefore, polysemy and monosemy will not be reduced to a mere property of verbal expression. According to Michel Bréal, polysemy is a way of grasping speaker's impression of the world. In the years when Bréal was developing new semantic conception of polysemy, philosopher Henri Bergson criticized idealism and realism. It is possible to reconsider Bréal's notion of polysemy from the standpoint of Gilles Deleuze's philosophy. The agents and the speakers search for resemblances in different situations to strengthen habits and monosemic uses of the verbal expressions. But it is not possible to place every linguistic action in an already known signifying framework. It is necessary to maintain openness to the vague variety of the linguistic actions in order to be capable of understanding different meanings. And it is exactly this capacity of understanding the new significations, creative or conventional, that can be called polysemy. In other words, the polysemy is not the quality of the verbal expressions, but our capacity to understand or to decode new meanings. That capacity will be termed as polysemios and elaborated as the creation of polysemic expression.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Mohinur Murodullayevna Qayumova and Mehriniso Qayumovna Qarshiyeva
- Subjects
Happy Prince ,idea ,Oskar Uayld ,humanity ,janr ,fiction ,insonparvarlik ,g’oya ,Oscar Wilde ,badiyat ,genre ,fairy tale ,Baxtli shaxzoda ,ertak - Abstract
Ma`lumki ijtimoiy-siyosiy hayotimizningbarcha sohalari qatori xalq ma`naviyatining ko`zgusi bol`mish badiiy ijod xususan badiiy adabiyot rivoji ham davlatimiz jamiyatimizning doimiy e`tiborida bo`lib kelmoqda. Badiiy adabiyotda ertaklarning o`rni juda katta xisoblanadi. Ertaklar yordamida biz yoshavlod qalbida ezgulik,insonparvarlik.mexr-shavqat tuyg`ularini shakllantiramiz., It is known that along with all spheres of our socio-political life, the development of art, especially fiction, which is a mirror of the people's spirituality, is in the constant focus of our state and society. The role of fairy tales in fiction is very important. With the help of fairy tales, we form in the hearts of young people feelings of kindness, humanity and compassion.
- Published
- 2021
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- Subjects
worldview ,idea ,слова: идея ,Postmodernity ,meaning ,симулякр ,Постмодерн ,мировоззрение ,society ,simulacrum ,интерпретация ,смысл ,общество ,interpretation - Abstract
В последние десятилетия исследователи все чаще обращаются к тезису о «материальной силе» идей, имея в виду их функциональную значимость в общественной системе. В данной связи рассматриваются изменения смыслов социальных идей в контексте культуры Постмодерна. Выделены особенности восприятия идей в постмодернистском интеллектуальном дискурсе. Выявлены векторы трансформации властных институтов Постмодерна и их идейных оснований., In recent decades, researchers are increasingly turning to the thesis about the "material power" of ideas, bearing in mind their functional significance in the social system. In this regard, changes in the meanings of social ideas in the context of Postmodern culture are considered. The features of the perception of ideas in the postmodern intellectual discourse are highlighted. The vectors of transformation of the postmodern institutions of power and their ideological foundations are revealed.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Glushchenko, V.
- Subjects
project ,model ,business plan ,idea ,analysis ,organization ,system ,criterion ,management ,eighth technological order - Abstract
The subject of the article is the methodology of forming a project model of organizations' activities and developing a business plan for innovative projects during the development of the eighth technological order; the object of the article is the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to increase the efficiency of management of innovative activities of organizations during the eighth technological order (mode); to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: development of a descriptive model of the 8th technological order; development of a project model of organizations' activities; research of factors and methods of synthesis of innovative ideas in the process of development of a new technological order (way); description of methods of modeling innovative projects; description of the methodology for developing a business plan of an innovative project; scientific methods in the article are the theory of business planning, the theory of technological orders, modeling theory, logical and structural analysis of projects, heuristic synthesis, expert assessments; the scientific novelty of the article is determined by the formation of the project model of the organization's activities, the description of the specifics of the methodology for developing business plans for innovative projects in the conditions of the development of the eighth technological order
- Published
- 2021
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- Subjects
творчество ,наука ,idea ,научный факт ,гипотеза ,научный закон ,концепция ,идея ,теория ,scientific law ,hypothesis ,scientific fact ,theory ,creativity ,science ,concept - Abstract
В статье рассматривается понятие научного творчества в научном процессе. Научная деятельность тесно связана с творчеством. В научном творчестве проявляются знания, талант, способности, умения и навыки научного работника, его воля и настойчивость в получении научной истины. Высшее проявление творчества в науке это научное открытие, создание новой теории или целого направления в науке., The article considers the concept of scientific creativity in the scientific process. Scientific activity is closely related to creativity. Scientific creativity manifests the knowledge, talent, abilities, mind and skills of a scientific worker, his will and perseverance in obtaining scientific truth. The highest manifestation of creativity in science is a scientific discovery, the creation of a new theory or a whole direction in science.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Glushchenko, V.
- Subjects
business plan ,synthesis ,idea ,system model ,analysis ,forecasting ,economic sector ,country region ,company ,modernization ,eighth technological order - Abstract
The subject of the article is formation of programs for the modernization of economic sectors and regions of the country during the development of the eighth technological order (ETO); the object of the article is the 8th technological order in the economy of the country; the purpose of the work is to reduce the risks of sustainable development of the economy and society during the formation of the eighth technological order; to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: synthesis of a systematic and descriptive model of the 8th technological order (ETO); formation of sectoral system models of scientific and technological development (fuel and energy complex, military-technical sphere, country region); formation of a project model of organizations' activities; comparative analysis of process and subject models of organization functioning; analysis of factors and methods of synthesis of innovative ideas during the formation of the 8th technological order; comparative analysis of three conceptual approaches in the modernization of the economy (theory of technological orders; ecosystem approach; concepts of convergent (nature-like) technologies); description of methods for modeling innovative projects; study of methods for forming an innovative project business plan; scientific methods in the article are historical analysis; theory of technological orders, theory of forecasting and planning, heuristic synthesis, modeling, logical and structural analysis of projects, expert assessments; scientific novelty of the article is determined by: development of methods for forecasting the processes of modernization of economic sectors and regions of the country; comparative analysis of three concepts of modernization (theory of technological orders; ecosystem approach; the concept of the development of nature-like technologies); the development of a conceptual approach to the modernization of large technological systems within the framework of the theory of technological orders
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Glushchenko, V.
- Subjects
industry ,project ,model ,business plan ,synthesis ,idea ,system analysis ,organization ,scientific and technological progress ,criterion ,eighth technological order - Abstract
Forecasting the directions of modernization of human spheres of activity during the development of the eighth technological order (ETO); the object of the article is the process of modernization of human activities in the eighth technological order; the purpose of the work is to reduce the risks of sustainable development of the economy and society during the development of the eighth technological order (mode); to achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved: synthesis of a systematic and descriptive model of the 8th technological mode (ETO); formation of sectoral system models of scientific and technological development (fuel and energy complex, military-technical sphere, medicine, etc.); formation of a project model of organizations' activities; comparative analysis of process and subject models of organizations' activities; analysis of factors and methods of synthesis of innovative ideas during the formation of the eighth technological order; comparative analysis of three approaches in business (mar-keting, ecosystem, convergent (nature-like)); description of methods of modeling innovative projects; the study of the methodology of forming the business plan of an innovative project; scientific methods in the article are the theory of technological structures, the theory of forecasting and planning, heuristic synthesis, modeling, logical and structural analysis of projects, expert assessments; the scientific novelty of the article is determined by the formation of the project model of the organization's activities, the description of the specifics of the conceptual approach to the formation of business ideas of the eighth technological order, the comparative analysis of market-ing, ecosystem and nature-like (convergent) approaches in the development of the eighth technological order
- Published
- 2021
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48. «Нормальный закон человечества»: представления об источниках социальных норм в произведениях Ф.М. Достоевского
- Subjects
norm ,источник социальных норм ,Ф. М. Достоевский ,idea ,social imaginary ,self-sacrifice ,норма ,source of social norms ,социальное воображаемое ,идея ,самопожертвование ,антиидея ,anti-idea ,norm-creating ,нормотворчество ,F. M. Dostoevsky - Abstract
В данной статье анализируются представления об источнике социальных норм, изложенные в произведениях Ф. М. Достоевского. Особенности таких представлений и механизмов нормообразования (генезис, нормотворчество) описываются посредством апелляции к понятию социального воображаемого. Полифоничность языка писателя позволяет рассмотреть диалектику идей и антиидей в социальном воображаемом, порождающих, соответственно, нормы и антинормы. Критерии дифференциации норм и антинорм, работающие на индивидуальном и социальном уровнях (совесть, уровень развития морального сознания, моральный порядок), позволяют каждому человеку проверять идеи, автором и носителем которых он является. Одна из ключевых идей, которым уделяется существенное внимание как в художественных, так и в публицистических текстах Ф. М. Достоевского, – самопожертвование. Данная идея обладает мощным нормотворческим потенциалом, способствует расширенному воспроизводству социального воображаемого, однако разрушается в сочетании со стремлением к корысти. Ф. М. Достоевский отказывается от эгалитарного подхода в оценке нормотворческого потенциала личности, обращая внимание на преимущество «маленьких человечков» перед «обыкновенными людьми». Ф. М. Достоевский не оперирует понятиями «нормотворчество» или «представления об источниках социальных норм», однако его идеи о происхождении и содержании «нормального закона человечества» до настоящего времени оказывают влияние на формирование социального воображаемого., This article analyzes the ideas about the source of social norms set forth in the works of Dostoevsky. The peculiarities of this ideas and mechanisms of norm formation (genesis, norm-creating) are described with help the such phenomena as a social imaginary. The polyphonic nature of the writer's language allows us to consider the dialectics of ideas and anti-ideas in the social imaginary, which give rise, respectively, to norms and anti-norms. At the individual and social level, the criteria for differentiating norms and anti-norms can be distinguished: conscience, the level of moral consciousness development, moral order. These criteria allow each person to test the ideas of which he or she is the author and carrier. Self-sacrifice is one of the key ideas that receive significant attention both in the fictional and publicistic texts of Dostoevsky. This idea has a powerful norm-setting potential, contributes to the expanded reproduction of the social imaginary, but it is destroyed in combination with the desire for self-interest. Dostoevsky rejects the egalitarian approach in assessing the norm-creating potential of a person and draws attention to the advantage of «little people» over «ordinary people». It should be noted that Dostoevsky does not operate with the concepts of «norm-creating» or «ideas about the sources of social norms», however, his ideas about the origin and content of the «normal law of humanity» still influence the formation of the social imaginary.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Yaroslava Volodymyrivna Vilna
- Subjects
Literature ,Conformist ,History ,idea ,business.industry ,Ukrainian ,figurative thinking ,Social Sciences ,inferiority complex ,Inferiority complex ,Descendant ,Historical figure ,Individual psychology ,Literal and figurative language ,language.human_language ,historical novel ,National identity ,national identity ,medicine ,language ,problem of denationalization ,medicine.symptom ,business - Abstract
The article considers the format of figurative thinking of the classic of Ukrainian realistic literature of the XIX century – I. Nechui-Levytskyi – in the field of historical prose. The novel “Kniaz Jeremiah Vyshnevetskyi”, which considers the problem of denationalization, is analysed. The peculiarities of the author's optics in tracking the formation of conformist features and later a renegade, in the descendant of the glorious Ukrainian family of Jeremiah Vyshnevetskyi are recorded. The author's opinion on the role of education, objective realities and individual psychology in the processes of formation and deformation of personality on the example of the protagonist of the work, the prototype of which was a real historical figure, is taken into account.
- Published
- 2020
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50. Malebranche’s Alleged Idealism
- Author
Malfara, Fabio and Flint, Dylan
- Subjects
Philosophy ,Malebranche ,Idea ,Intelligible Extension ,Exemplary Cause ,History of Philosophy ,Representation - Abstract
Over the span of eleven years (1683-1694), Nicolas Malebranche and Antoine Arnauld, two prominent sympathizers of the Cartesian tradition, engaged in a rigorous debate. In his initial set of criticisms, Arnauld objects that a natural consequence of Malebranche’s theory of ideas is idealism.1 This charge of idealism has puzzled scholars: why did Arnauld believe this? Han Adriaenssen2 has convincingly argued that Arnauld’s charge of idealism is founded on the representationality of Malebranchean ideas. According to Arnauld, ideas represent for Malebranche in much the same way that portraits do—by inciting a perceiver to form a conception of whatever they pertain to. The portrait of Louis XIV, for example, represents the French monarch by inciting a conception that pertains to him in a perceiver. However, a portrait will only represent Louis XIV to a perceiver that is already familiar with the king. Only then will the conception of Louis XIV arise in a perceiver that actually pertains to him. Similarly, then, an idea of the sun will only represent it to a perceiver with a previous conception of the sun. But, for Malebranche, the conception of an object requires the perception of the idea which represents that object. Thus, a perceiver cannot have a conception of the sun prior to the perception of its idea. Malebranchean ideas accordingly fail to function as representations of their objects. In failing to represent external objects, moreover, the ideas in the divine intellect are not just the immediate objects of our perception, but the only objects of our perception. Consequently, Arnauld concludes that Malebranche’s view leads to idealism. Arnauld’s objection, however, presupposes a particular account of representation, namely, resemblance. For a prior conception of what an idea represents would be required in order for the idea to actually represent its object only if ideas represented by resembling their objects as portraits do. This paper will challenge the traditional3 characterization of the representationality of Malebranchean ideas in terms of resemblance. I argue that a careful examination of Malebranche’s texts, and of the Neoplatonic-Augustinian sources upon which Malebranche bases his theory of ideas, reveals that Malebranche is not steadfastly committed to the view that ideas represent by means of resemblance, but instead, by archetypal participation. On this view, Malebranchean ideas are divine archetypes wherein the essences of objects participate by being the exemplary causes of these essences. And it is in virtue of this causal relation that ideas represent the essences of objects. So, as regards external bodies, the idea of intelligible extension is the archetype of bodies which represents their essence, viz., extension, in virtue of being the exemplary cause of extension in bodies. When we interpret Malebranche’s view of ideational representation this way, the charge of idealism broached by Arnauld, and some recent commentators4, dissipates. This is because Malebranchean ideas, in conjunction with particular sensations, can direct a perceiver to the cognition of individual bodies that participate in the idea of intelligible extension without a prior conception of these bodies.
- Published
- 2020
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