Uvod-Kardiovaskularne bolesti su vodeći uzrok smrti i radne nesposobnosti u Evropi, predstavljajuveliko socijalno i ekonomsko opterećenje. Bolesti periferne arterijske cirkulacije se mogu podeliti udve celine i to na okluzivne i neokluzivne bolesti, odnosno funkcionalne smetnje. Učestalostarterijske bolesti donjih ekstremiteta snažno je povezana sa godinama starosti. Faktori rizika zaperifernu arterijsku bolest su slični onima koji su važni u etiologiji koronarne arterijske bolesti:gojaznost, pušenje, dislipidemija, šećerna bolest, hipertenzija. Najtipičnija prezentacija perifernearterijske bolesti je intermitentna klaudikacija koja se karakteriše bolom u listovima koji sepojačava pri hodanju; bol obično nestaje u miru. Svi gojazni pacijenti sa perifernom arterijskombolešću donjih ekstremiteta imaju povećan rizik od budućih kardiovaskularnih događaja, te je kodnjih obavezna opšta sekundarna prevencija u cilju poboljšanja prognoze. Fizičko vežbanjepredstavlja metodu izbora kod obolelih od periferne arterijske bolesti donjih ekstremiteta.Cilj istraživanja: Uporediti efekte programirane fizičke aktivnosti i medikamentozne terapije nahemodinamiku i riziko faktore za kardiovaskularna obolenja kod gojaznih osoba obolelih odperiferne arterijske bolesti donjih ekstremiteta.Ispitanici i metode istraživanja: Obavila se retrospektivna-prospektivna, klinički deskriptivna,kontrolisana studija, na ispitanicima Javne Ustanove Domovi Zdravlja Kantona Sarajevo -Specijalističko konsultativna delatnost. OJ Specijalističko konsultativna delatnost predstavljasekundarni vanbolnički nivo zdravstvene zaštite. Ovom studijom se evaluirao period od 20 nedelja(140 dana). U studiju je uključeno 75 ispitanika. Na početku istraživanja, na osnovu nalaza kolorDoppler sonografije pedalnih arterija, nalaza ejekcione frakcije leve komore, spirometrijskognalaza, vrednosti pulsnog aortalnog pritiska te utvrđivanja preterane uhranjosti – gojaznostiispitanici su uključeni u istraživanje. Osim ultrazvučnog nalaza i nalaza spirometrije, pacijenti sudali i iscrpnu anamnezu o prethodnim obolenjima. Uradilo se merenje indeksa telesne težine, obimstruka i klaudikacione distance. Lipidogram kao i jutarnji šećer su bili urađeni za svakog pacijenta.Pacijentima je prepisana ili produžena medikamentozna terapija, te data detaljna upustva zasvakodnevni program vazoaktivne šetnje.Rezultati istraživanja: Na početku istraživanja prosečna vrednost obima struka ispitanika jeiznosila 87,94±3,07cm, nakon dve sedmice prosečan obim struka je iznosio 87,10±2,0 cm, a nakraju istraživanja 84,96±1,98cm. Na početku istraživanja ispitanici ispitivane grupe su imali indekstelesne mase od 28,93±2,10 kg/m2. Nakon dve sedmice istraživanja i provedene terapije indekstelesne mase se smanjio i iznosio 28,36±1,99 kg/m2, da bi na kraju istraživanja prosečna vrednostindeksa telesne mase u ispitivanoj grupi iznosio 27,26±1,87 kg/m2. Prosečna vrednost glukoze ukrvi na početku istraživanja je iznosila 5,77±0,96 mmol/L, tokom istraživanja ta vrednost je bila5,42±0,88 mmol/L, a na kraju istraživanja 5,30±0,92 mmol/L. Postprandijalna vrednost glukoze ukrvi je na početku istraživanja iznosila7,48±0,85 mmol/L, tokom istraživanja ta vrednost je bila6,82±0,62 mmol/L, a na kraju istraživanja 6,44±0,64 mmol/L. Na početku istraživanja vrednostHbA1c je iznosila 5,52±0,91%, tokom istraživanja 5,32±0,97%, a na kraju istraživanja5,09±0,73%.Prosečna vrednost CRP-a na početku istraživanja je iznosila 3,77±1,12mg/L, tokomistraživanja vrednost je iznosila 3,66±1,36mg/L, da bi na kraju istraživanja ta vrednost iznosila3,61±1,21mg/L. Uparenim t-testom nije ustanovljeno statistički značajno smanjenje ili povečanjeCRP-a tokom istraživanja. Prosečna vrednost holestarola u krvi ispitanika na početku istraživanjaje bila iznad referentnih vrednosti i iznosila 6,58±0,90 mmol/L. Nakon dve sedmice istraživanja iprovedene terapije vrednost je iznosila 4,96±0,46 mmol/L, da bi na kraju istraživanja vrednostiznosila 4,15±0,54 mmol/L. Prosečne vrednosti triglicerida na početku i tokom istraživanja su bilepovišene, da bi na kraju istraživanja bile u okvirima referentnih vrednosti. Razlika izmeđuVIvrednosti leptina kod muškaraca na početku i kraju istraživanja je iznosila 2,66±1,52 ng/ml(t=3,024; p=0,094) dok kod ispitanica ženskog pola nije došlo do statistički značajne razlike.Prosečne vrednosti viskoznosti plazme su na početku i tokom istraživanja bile iznad referentnihvrednosti da bi na kraju istraživanja ta vrednost bila u granicama fizioloških vrednosti. Prosečnevrednosti PSV na početku i tokom istraživanja su bile u granicama patoloških vrednosti da bi nakraju istraživanja vrednost bila u granicma fizioloških vrednosti. Na početku istraživanja prosečnavrednost PSV-a je bila 25,64±5,38 cm/s, tokom istraživanja 26,94±5,31 cm/s, da bi na krajuistraživanja iznosila 35,84±5,73 cm/s. Tokom sva tri merenja došlo je do statistički značajnogpoboljšanja. Na početku i tokom istraživanja ispitanici ispitivane grupe su imali patološkevrednosti klaudikacione distance, da bi na kraju istraživanja ta vrednost bila u fiziološkimgranicama. Ustanovljeno je statistički značajno smanjenje pulsa tokom istraživanja i to ufiziološkim okvirima. Iako je došlo do statistički značajnog poboljšanja EFLV ipak su vrednosti nakraju istraživanja bile na donjim granicama fizioloških vrednosti. U toku istraživanja dobilo se istatistički značajno poboljšanje vrednosti pulsnog aortalnog pritiska. Iako je došlo do statističkiznačajnog poboljšanja FEV1 ipak su vrednosti na kraju istraživanja bile na donjim granicamafizioloških vrednosti.Zaključak - Vrednosti indeksa telesne mase ispitanika na kraju istraživanja su se statističkiznačajno smanjile. Prosečna vrednost holesterola i triglicerida, kao i prosečna vrednost PSV-a,BMI, EFLV, FEV1, kao i svih ostali poređenih parametara značajno se smanjila nakon obatretmana. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da je klaudikaciona distanca statističkiznačajno manja u odnosu na početne vrednosti. Poredeći efekte medikamentoznog tretmana saefektima kombinovanog terapijskog pristupa dolazi se do zaključka da su svi poređeni parametri,izuzev C-reaktivnog proteina u krvi, statistički značajno poboljšani na kraju kombinovanogtretmana u odnosu na vrednosti na kraju medikamentoznog tretmana., they represent a large social and economic burden. Diseases of peripheral arterial circulation can bedivided into two groups - the occlusive and non-occlusive disease, or functional impairment.Incidence of arterial disease of the lower extremities is strongly associated with age. Risk factorsfor peripheral arterial disease are similar to those that are important in the etiology of coronaryartery disease: obesity, smoking, dyslipidaemia, diabetes and hypertension. The most typicalpresentation of peripheral arterial disease is intermittent claudication, which is characterized withpain in the leaves, which increases during walking; the pain usually goes away in peace. All obesepatients with peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities have an increased risk of futurecardiovascular incidents, and they require general secondary prevention in order to improve theirhealth forecasts. Physical activity represents the method of choice in patients with peripheralarterial disease of the lower extremities.Aim of the research: Compare the effects of programmed physical activity and medical therapy onhemodynamic and risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in patients with peripheral arterialdiseases of the lower extremities.Subjects and methods of research: A retrospective-prospective, clinically descriptive, controlledstudy was conducted on subjects of the Public Institution Health Care Centre of Sarajevo Canton–Specialist-consultative unit. Specialist-consultative unit represents secondary outpatient level ofhealth care. This study evaluated a period of 20 weeks (140 days). The study involved 75 subjects.At the beginning of the study, based on the findings of colour Doppler sonography of the pedalarteries, the findings of ejection fraction of the left ventricle, spirometry findings, values ofpulmonary aortic pressure and the determination of overweight - obesity subjects were included inthe research. In addition to ultrasound findings and spirometry findings, patients provided anexhaustive history of previous illnesses. Measurement of the body weight index, waistcircumference and claudication distance were performed. Lipid status and morning blood glucoselevel were performed for each patient. Prescribed or prolonged medicinal therapy was performedfor patients, and detailed instructions for everyday vasoactive walking program were given.Research resultsAt the beginning of the study, the average volume of the subjects' waistcircumference was 87.94 ± 3.07cm, after two weeks the average volume of the waist was 87.10 ±2.0 cm, and at the end of the study 84.96 ± 1.98cm. At the beginning of the study, subjects of thetested group had a body mass index of 28.93 ± 2.10 kg / m2. After two weeks of research andperformed therapy, the body mass index decreased and amounted to 28.36 ± 1.99 kg / m2, so that atthe end of the study, the average body mass index in the tested group was 27.26 ± 1.87 kg / m2.The mean blood glucose level at the beginning of the study was 5.77 ± 0.96 mmol / L, during thestudy this value was 5.42 ± 0.88 mmol / L, and at the end of the study, 5.30 ± 0.92 mmol / L. Thepostprandial blood glucose level at the beginning of the study was 7,48 ± 0,85 mmol / L, during thestudy, this value was 6.82 ± 0.62 mmol / L, and at the end of the study, 6.44 ± 0.64 mmol / L. Atthe beginning of the study, the HbA1c value was 5.52 ± 0.91%, during the study 5.32 ± 0.97%, andat the end of the study, 5.09 ± 0.73%. The C-reactive protein (CRP) mean at the beginning of thestudy was 3.77 ± 1.12mg / L, during the study, the value was 3.66 ± 1.36mg / L, and at the end ofthe study, this value was 3.61 ± 1.21mg / L. Paired t-test did not show a statistically significantreduction or an increase in CRP during the study. The average blood cholesterol of the subjects atthe beginning of the study was above the reference values and amounted to 6.58 ± 0.90 mmol / L.After two weeks of research and therapy, the value was 4.96 ± 0.46 mmol / L, and at the end of thestudy the value was 4.15 ± 0.54 mmol / L. The average triglyceride values at the beginning andduring the study were elevated so that at the end of the study they were within the reference values.VIIIThe difference between the values of leptin in male subjects at the beginning and at the end of thestudy were 2.66 ± 1.52 ng / ml (t = 3.024; p = 0.094) while there was no statistically significantdifference in female subjects. The average values of plasma viscosity were initially and during thestudy above the reference values, and at the end of the study this value was within the limits ofphysiological values. The mean values of PSV at the beginning and during the study were withinthe limits of pathological values, and at the end of the study the value was within the physiologicallimits. At the beginning of the study, the mean PSV value was 25.64 ± 5.38 cm / s, during the study26.94 ± 5.31 cm / s, and at the end of the study it was 35.84 ± 5.73 cm / s. During all threemeasurements statistically significant improvement was observed. At the beginning and during thestudy, the subjects of the tested group had pathological values of claudication distance, and at theend of the study this value was within the physiological limits. A statistically significant reductionin pulse was observed during the study, in physiological frameworks. Although there wasstatistically significant improvement in EFLV, however, the values at the end of the study were atthe lower limits of physiological values. During the study, statistically significant improvement inthe value of pulmonary aortic pressure was obtained. Although there was statistically significantimprovement in FEV1, the values at the end of the study were at the lower limits of physiologicalvalues.Conclusion - The values of the body mass index of subjects involved at the end of the study werestatistically significantly reduced. The average value of cholesterol and triglycerides, as well as theaverage value of PSV, BMI, EFLV, FEV1 as well as all other comparable parameters, decreasedsignificantly after both treatments. Based on the obtained results it was found that the claudicationdistance was statistically significantly lower than the baseline values. Comparing the effects ofmedicinal treatment with the effects of the combined therapeutic approach, it is concluded that allthe compared parameters, other than C-reactive protein in the blood, were statistically significantlyimproved at the end of the combined treatment compared to the values at the end of the medicinaltreatment.