
Showing total 34,362 results
34,362 results

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1. A Feynman–Kac approach to a paper of Chung and Feller on fluctuations in the coin-tossing game

2. Corrigendum to a Paper by Charak and Laine

3. Ramsey, Paper, Scissors

4. Some comments on Chen Xu, Mengmei Xi, Xuejun Wang and Hao Xia's paper 'L^r convergence for weighted sums of extended negatively dependent random variables'

5. (CMMSE paper) A finite‐difference model for indoctrination dynamics

6. Evolutionary dynamics of rock-paper-scissors game in the patchy network with mutations

7. A Look at Robustness and Stability of $\ell_{1}$-versus $\ell_{0}$-Regularization: Discussion of Papers by Bertsimas et al. and Hastie et al

8. Evolutionary dynamics in the rock-paper-scissors system by changing community paradigm with population flow

9. Comments on the paper 'Asymptotic behavior for a fourth-order parabolic equation involving the Hessian. Z. Angew. Math. Phys., (2018) 69: 147'

11. Corrigendum to the papers on Exceptional orthogonal polynomials: J. Approx. Theory 182 (2014) 29–58, 184 (2014) 176–208 and 214 (2017) 9–48

12. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

14. Entropy criteria and stability of extreme shocks: a remark on a paper of Leger and Vasseur

15. Some comments on the paper of Khuangsatung and Kangtunyakarn

17. Erratum to the paper 'L∞(L∞)-boundedness and convergence of DG(p)-solutions for nonlinear conservation laws with boundary conditions'

18. A Note on Recent Papers by Grafakos and Teschl, and Estrada

19. On a paper of Hasse concerning the Eisenstein reciprocity law

21. Some comments on the paper: Controllability of fractional neutral stochastic functional differential systems, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 65 (2014), no. 5, 941–959

23. Notes to the paper 'Fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces' and its generalization to L-fuzzy metric spaces

24. Remarks on a paper about functional inequalities for polynomials and Bernoulli numbers

26. Steen's 1874 paper: historical survey and translation

27. Addendum to the Paper 'Unique Strong Solutions and V -Attractors of a Three Dimensional System of Globally Modified Navier-Stokes Equations″, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 6 (2006), 411-436

28. KAM theory: The legacy of Kolmogorov's 1954 paper

29. On a Paper by Barden

30. Remarks on a paper by U. Zannier

31. Fractional Factorials and Prime Numbers (A Remark on the Paper 'On Prime Values of Some Quadratic Polynomials')

32. Remarks on a paper by Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi

33. On a paper of S. Zahid Ali Zenei

34. Winners of the 2016 Best Paper Award

35. Von Neumann Geometry and E(∞) Quantum Spacetimefn1fn1This paper is dedicated to Itmor Procaccia, a personal friend and a fellow fighter for all those things which make life worth living like beauty, peace and justice, on the occasion of his birthday

38. Remarks on DiPerna’s paper 'Convergence of the viscosity method for isentropic gas dynamics'

39. Shabat trees of diameter 4: appendix to a paper of Zvonkin

40. On the Paper 'Asymptotics for the Moments of Singular Distributions'

41. Studies in the history of probability and statistics XLV. The late Philip Holgate's paper 'independent functions: probability and analysis in Poland between the wars'

42. Bernd Carl, Aicke Hinrichs, and Philipp Rudolph share the 2014 Best Paper Award

47. Global stability results on an epidemiological model with a core group (a note on the paper 'local stability results on a model for typhoid fever with a core group')

48. Addendum to the paper: 'Existence of weak solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations with initial data in 𝐿^{𝑝}' [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 318 (1990), no. 1, 179–200; MR0968416 (90k:35199)]