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1. From coin tossing to rock-paper-scissors and beyond: a log-exp gap theorem for selecting a leader

2. A Note on a Paper by Wong and Heyde

3. Epidemics with carriers: A note on a paper of Dietz

4. On a new stochastic model for cascading failures

5. On moderate deviations in Poisson approximation

6. Martingale decomposition of an L2 space with nonlinear stochastic integrals

7. Comparison results for M/G/1 queues with waiting and sojourn time deadlines

8. A note on the simulation of the Ginibre point process

9. Partially informed investors: hedging in an incomplete market with default

10. The limiting failure rate for a convolution of life distributions

11. Quasistochastic matrices and Markov renewal theory

12. Asymptotic Bounds for the Distribution of the Sum of Dependent Random Variables

13. On exponential limit laws for hitting times of rare sets for Harris chains and processes

14. Generalized Increasing Convex and Directionally Convex Orders

15. The Early Stage Behaviour of a Stochastic SIR Epidemic with Term-Time Forcing

16. An analysis of transient Markov decision processes

17. Hazard rate ordering of order statistics and systems

18. Range of Asymptotic Behaviour of the Optimality Probability of the Expert and Majority Rules

19. A renewal-process-type expression for the moments of inverse subordinators

20. The moment problem for some Wiener functionals: corrections to previous proofs (with an appendix by H. L. Pedersen)

21. Decomposition property in a discrete-time queue with multiple input streams and service interruptions

22. On-line parameter estimation for a failure-prone system subject to condition monitoring

23. Perpetual American put options in a level-dependent volatility model

24. Geometric bounds on certain sublinear functionals of geometric Brownian motion

25. The classification of matrix GI/M/1-type Markov chains with a tree structure and its applications to queueing

26. Denumerable-state continuous-time Markov decision processes with unbounded transition and reward rates under the discounted criterion

27. The delay distribution of a type k customer in a first-come-first-served MMAP[K]/PH[K]/1 queue

28. Finite-size corrections to Poisson approximations of rare events in renewal processes

29. Point process convergence of stochastic volatility processes with application to sample autocorrelation

30. On the dependence structure and bounds of correlated parallel queues and their applications to synchronized stochastic systems

31. Approximate entropy for testing randomness

32. Bounded normal approximation in simulations of highly reliable Markovian systems

33. Excursions of birth and death processes, orthogonal polynomials, and continued fractions

34. Analysis of a two-queue model with Bernoulli schedules

35. A correspondence between product-form batch-movement queueing networks and single-movement networks

36. Simple random walk statistics. Part I: Discrete time results

37. Peaks and Eulerian numbers in a random sequence

38. Risk-sensitive average continuous-time Markov decision processes with unbounded transition and cost rates

39. Sensitivity of mean-field fluctuations in Erlang loss models with randomized routing

40. Limit distributions for the Bernoulli meander

41. On the asymptotic distribution of the maximum number of infectives in epidemic models by immigration

42. Applications of the hazard rate ordering in reliability and order statistics

43. Queueing networks by negative customers and negative queue lengths

44. On strict stationarity and ergodicity of a non-linear ARMA model

45. The martingale comparison method for Markov processes

46. Diffusion approximations for randomly arriving expert opinions in a financial market with Gaussian drift

47. Dynamic multivariate mean residual life functions

48. The Galton-Watson predator-prey process

49. On geometric and algebraic transience for block-structured Markov chains

50. Maximizing the pth moment of the exit time of planar brownian motion from a given domain