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247,591 results

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1. A Feynman–Kac approach to a paper of Chung and Feller on fluctuations in the coin-tossing game

2. Mass Balance Equations for Retention and Basis Weight in a Paper Machine

3. Comments on 'A Note on the Paper 'Optimality Conditions for Optimistic Bilevel Programming Problem Using Convexifactors''

4. Multivariate extremes and max-stable processes: discussion of the paper by Zhengjun Zhang

5. Properties of a novel stochastic rock–paper–scissors dynamics

6. Corrigendum to a Paper by Charak and Laine

8. Ramsey, Paper, Scissors

9. Correcting mistakes in the paper 'A mass formula for negacyclic codes of length 2k and some good negacyclic codes over $\mathbb {Z}_{4}+u\mathbb {Z}_{4}$' [Cryptogr. Commun. (2017) 9: 241–272]

10. On the Paper 'On hyperideals of ordered semihypergroups' by ZeGu in Ital. J. Pure Appl. Math

12. Measurement of some properties of pulp and paper made from date palm midribs and wheat straw by soda-AQ pulping process

13. Some comments on Chen Xu, Mengmei Xi, Xuejun Wang and Hao Xia's paper 'L^r convergence for weighted sums of extended negatively dependent random variables'

14. On the paper 'On an identity for the zeros of Bessel functions' by Baricz et al

15. Metapopulation model of rock-scissors-paper game with subpopulation-specific victory rates stabilized by heterogeneity

16. A Note on the Paper 'Optimality Conditions for Vector Optimization Problems with Difference of Convex Maps'

17. Metapopulation dynamics in the rock-paper-scissors game with mutation: Effects of time-varying migration paths

18. Critical perspectives on provable security: Fifteen years of 'another look' papers

19. A Generalized Zero-Forcing Precoder with Successive Dirty-Paper Coding in MISO Broadcast Channels

20. A note on the paper 'A novel approach of graphical rectangular b-metric spaces with an application to the vibrations of a vertical heavy hanging cable'

21. Physics driven behavioural clustering of free-falling paper shapes

22. Special issue: Selected papers of CMMSE

23. Ten Simple Rules for writing algorithmic bioinformatics conference papers

24. Extension of Kalman Filtering to Semilinear PDE Systems-Application to Pulp and Paper

25. (CMMSE paper) A finite‐difference model for indoctrination dynamics

27. Pride and Passion: Remarks on Thomas L. Saaty’s Final Papers

28. Comments on the paper 'A conservative linear difference scheme for the 2D regularized long-wave equation', by Xiaofeng Wang, Weizhong Dai and Shuangbing Guo [Applied Mathematics and Computation, 342 (2019) 55-70]

29. Evolutionary dynamics of rock-paper-scissors game in the patchy network with mutations

30. Wet paper codes and the dual distance in steganography

31. Bifurcation analysis of the rock–paper–scissors game with discrete-time logit dynamics

32. Comments on Paper 'On the Relation Between Two Approaches to Necessary Optimality Conditions in Problems with State Constraints'

33. Paper folding and trigonometric ratios

34. Reduced linear fractional representation of nonlinear systems for stability analysis ⁎ ⁎The research was partially supported by the grant K115694 of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office - NKFIH. The project has also been supported by the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund through the grant EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00002. The research leading to the results presented in the paper was supported (also) by the János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

36. A Note on Solvable Time-Homogeneous Stochastic Volatility Models (Working Paper)

37. A Look at Robustness and Stability of $\ell_{1}$-versus $\ell_{0}$-Regularization: Discussion of Papers by Bertsimas et al. and Hastie et al

38. Performance Analysis of Binned Orthogonal/Bi-Orthogonal Block Code as Dirty-Paper Code for Digital Watermarking Application

39. Comments on the paper: Bilinear form and exact solutions for a new extended (2 + 1)-dimensional Boussinesq equation by Ping Cui [Results Phys 22 (2021) 103919]

40. Corrigendum to the paper: A way to model stochastic perturbations in population dynamics models with bounded realizations. Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat, 77 (2019), 239–257

41. Mistakes can stabilise the dynamics of rock-paper-scissors games

42. Remarks on two connected papers about Keller–Segel systems with nonlinear production

43. Comment on the paper 'Heat and mass transfer in unsteady MHD slip flow of Casson fluid over a moving wedge embedded in a porous medium in the presence of chemical reaction: Numerical solutions using Keller‐Box method, Imran Ullah, Ilyas Khan, Sharidan Shafie, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations , November 2017,'

45. Allowable delay sets for the stability analysis of linear time-varying delay systems using a delay-dependent reciprocally convex lemma * *This paper was supported by the ANR Project SCIDiS, contract number

46. A Note on the Paper 'The Algebraic Structure of the Arbitrary-Order Cone'

47. On the comparison of inventory replenishment policies with time-varying stochastic demand for the paper industry

48. A trio of heteroclinic bifurcations arising from a model of spatially-extended Rock-Paper-Scissors

49. Analysis of paper pressing: the saturated one-dimensional case

50. A two-phase parameter estimation method for radiative transfer problems in paper industry applications