
Showing total 17,604 results
17,604 results

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1. A Feynman–Kac approach to a paper of Chung and Feller on fluctuations in the coin-tossing game

2. Ramsey, Paper, Scissors

3. Some comments on Chen Xu, Mengmei Xi, Xuejun Wang and Hao Xia's paper 'L^r convergence for weighted sums of extended negatively dependent random variables'

4. A Look at Robustness and Stability of $\ell_{1}$-versus $\ell_{0}$-Regularization: Discussion of Papers by Bertsimas et al. and Hastie et al

6. Corrigendum to the papers on Exceptional orthogonal polynomials: J. Approx. Theory 182 (2014) 29–58, 184 (2014) 176–208 and 214 (2017) 9–48

7. On D.Y. Gao and X. Lu paper 'On the extrema of a nonconvex functional with double-well potential in 1D'

9. Entropy criteria and stability of extreme shocks: a remark on a paper of Leger and Vasseur

11. Erratum to the paper 'L∞(L∞)-boundedness and convergence of DG(p)-solutions for nonlinear conservation laws with boundary conditions'

14. Addendum to the Paper 'Unique Strong Solutions and V -Attractors of a Three Dimensional System of Globally Modified Navier-Stokes Equations″, Advanced Nonlinear Studies 6 (2006), 411-436

15. KAM theory: The legacy of Kolmogorov's 1954 paper

16. Remarks on a paper by Chao-Ping Chen and Feng Qi

17. On a paper of S. Zahid Ali Zenei

18. Winners of the 2016 Best Paper Award

21. Remarks on DiPerna’s paper 'Convergence of the viscosity method for isentropic gas dynamics'

22. On the Paper 'Asymptotics for the Moments of Singular Distributions'

23. Studies in the history of probability and statistics XLV. The late Philip Holgate's paper 'independent functions: probability and analysis in Poland between the wars'

24. Bernd Carl, Aicke Hinrichs, and Philipp Rudolph share the 2014 Best Paper Award

27. Global stability results on an epidemiological model with a core group (a note on the paper 'local stability results on a model for typhoid fever with a core group')

28. Addendum to the paper: 'Existence of weak solutions for the Navier-Stokes equations with initial data in 𝐿^{𝑝}' [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 318 (1990), no. 1, 179–200; MR0968416 (90k:35199)]

32. Shu Tezuka, Joos Heintz, Bart Kuijpers, and Andrés Rojas Paredes Share the 2013 Best Paper Award

33. Discussion of paper by C. B. Begg

34. Correction to the paper 'Duality and Flat Base Change on Formal Schemes'

35. 2001 Best Paper Award

36. ANNOUNCEMENT: 2000 Best Paper Award

37. ANNOUNCEMENT: 1999 Best Paper Award

39. Discussion of paper by C. B. Begg

42. Response to Bucy’s comment on a paper by Udwadia and Kalaba

44. Noncomplete linear systems on elliptic curves and Abelian varieties: Addendum to a paper by Ch. Birkenhake

45. J.Dick, F. Pillichshammer, and Y.Yomdin Share the 2005 Best Paper Award

46. 2005 Best Paper Award Committee

47. Stefan Heinrich wins the 2004 Best Paper Award

48. 2002 Best Paper Award Committee

49. ANNOUNCEMENT: 2001 Best Paper Award Committee