Subject of research – analysis of inequality as an endogenous factor influencing macroeconomic dynamics in models of economic growth; analysis of the impact of income inequality on economic dynamics in Ukraine. The purpose of writing this article is the author’s research on the problem of inequality in society and assessment of the impact of income inequality on economic dynamics in Ukraine. Methodology of work – provisions of economic theory and theory of systems analysis, economic– mathematical and statistical methods. Based on the system analysis, indicators are identified that reflect various aspects of inequality in society; Using economic and mathematical methods, the impact of income inequality (stratification) on economic dynamics in Ukraine is estimated. Results of work – the expediency of using inequality as an endogenous factor in models of economic growth is substantiated; using economic and mathematical methods, a quantitative assessment of the impact of income inequality on the dynamics of real GDP of Ukraine. Conclusions – In the modern world, special attention is paid to the study of factors ensuring sustainable economic growth in the world, primarily factors of endogenous nature, the formation of which the state has a direct influence. One of the important endogenous factors of economic growth both in theoretical research and in the practice of governance of the world is rightly recognized as human capital as a critical factor of modern social development, which is becoming increasingly important. In recent years, the study of human development has focused on the problem of inequality, which is considered a serious challenge to sustainable development and progress. High levels of inequality can lead to negative social consequences and significantly slow down economic growth. Conducted economic and mathematical studies indicate a significant negative impact of inequality factors in society on macroeconomic dynamics in Ukraine, in particular the level of poverty and the degree of its stratification (differentiation) by income – the development of these processes poses serious macroeconomic threats. These factors are endogenous, as their dynamics can be significantly influenced by measures of state economic, financial, social policy. This indicates the importance of state control over the processes that can lead to increased poverty and income stratification in Ukraine. Therefore, in order to ensure macroeconomic growth, the government should pay due attention to the development and timely implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the appropriate level of welfare of the population, and especially – socially vulnerable categories of citizens.