Th e purpose of the scientifi c article is to fi nd and single out the fi gures of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917--1921, who joined the public and political life of interwar Volyn, in the list of civilians imprisoned in the prisons of Western Ukraine and executed by decision of the secret resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b) dated March 5, 1940. Th e methodology is based on the principles of historicism, systematicity, verifi cation, and scientifi city. Biographical, problemsearching, chronological, and retrospective methods are used. Th e method of local history, as well as the prosopographical approach, became important for recreating the main stages of the biography of the fi gures of the Ukrainian People's Republic who were on the "shooting" list. Scientifi c novelty. It was analyzed and singled out groups of UPR fi gures, activists of public, cultural, political, and cooperative life of the Volyn Voivodeship, who were arrested by the NKVD bodies, were included in a special list of those shot without trial, according to the resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b) dated March 5, 1940. Conclusions. Th e Katyn crime is the collective name for the execution of Polish prisoners of war who were held in the Kozelskyi, Starobilskyi and Ostashkivskyi camps and civilians who were in prisons in Western Ukraine and Western Belarus. Th e lists of the latter are partly in the State Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine in a separate fi le. As a result of the analysis of this list, the names of military and civilian fi gures of the UPR period who were connected with the Volyn Voivodeship in the interwar period were found and identifi ed, and their fate aft er their arrest by the NKVD authorities was clarifi ed. It has been proven that the list included both local natives and natives of the Trans-Dnipro region who, aft er the defeat of the revolution, settled as political emigrants in the territory of Western Volyn, which was part of the Second Polish Republic. Groups of Volyn ambassadors to the Polish Seim and Senate, fi gures of the regional political party Volyn Ukrainian Association, and representatives of the educational, cultural, religious, and coope rative life of the Volyn Voivodeship were singled out. It has been proven that the active civil position during the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917--1921 and activities in the interwar period were the main reasons for the arrest by the NKVD authorities and, according to the secret resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of March 5, 1940, the subsequent execution of some persons, including prisoners in the prisons of Western Ukraine. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]