17 results on '"EVOLUTIONARY psychology"'
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2. Zastosowanie teorii ewolucji w obszarze psychoterapii.
- Author
Przybyła, Jakub Leszek
- Abstract
The article discusses the relationship between psychology and the theory of evolution. Particular attention was paid to those parts of psychological reflection that deal with topics that are also the area of interest of neuroscience. The article tries to show how the theory of evolution and its references to it, by searching for the adaptive function (or its breakdowns), in various phenomena, can constitute a platform for dialogue and understanding between psychology and neuroscience. It also shows which particular spheres of phenomena in the field of psychology and psychopathology are the subject of interest of all three fields of knowledge: psychology, neurobiology and evolutionary biology. In the opinion of the author of the article, the field of psychology that deals with these spheres both in theory and in therapeutic practice is psychodynamic psychotherapy and psychodynamic psychology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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- Subjects
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EVOLUTIONARY psychology , *HUMAN evolution , *SOCIOBIOLOGY , *NATURAL selection , *FREE will & determinism , *EVOLUTIONARY theories , *RACISM - Abstract
Edward Dinker Cope (1840-1897) was one of the most influential naturalists of the nineteenth century, who led the development of American paleontology and the popularization of Lamarck's theory of evolution. One of the overlooked threads in his biography is his philosophical views. According to Cope, theology should be reformed with the introduction of new philosophical assumptions in line with the emerging theory of evolution. Cope proposed the formulation of a new "theology" based on his own theory of evolution. This article examines Cope's philosophical views and shows how he reinterpreted the mechanism of natural selection by incorporating it into his own teleological account of evolution. According to Cope free will enables man to control evolution, but there is no guarantee that man will survive. According to Cope, this is a theological thesis as he considers maladaptation as equivalent to sin, which in turn was eliminated by natural selection. As a result, belief in God becomes the only way to guarantee survival. However, this conclusion also led Cope to rationalize racism as he saw in the exploitation of other races the effects of their degeneration. Cope's views reflect problems in contemporary sociobiology and evolutionary psychology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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4. Biologiczne podstawy psychoterapii. W poszukiwaniu ewolucyjnego paradygmatu.
- Author
Przybyła, Jakub
- Abstract
In the article, the author discusses the results of research in modern biology, ethology and brain sciences that are related to phenomena observed in psychotherapy. From the proposed combination emerges a common search area for these various fields of knowledge, which is research on the affective and social life of people and other animals. Taking this into account, the author proposes that the theory of evolution may be the common point of reference and cooperation for these fields of knowledge. At the same time, he draws attention to the fact, that the psychodynamic approach, probably mainly the concept proposed by O.F. Kernberg and his team, most fully refers to the discussed phenomena. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Ober-Domagalska, Barbara
- Subjects
Copyright of Adult Education Discourses / Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów is the property of University of Zielona Gora and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
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6. Tematyka fantazji seksualnych wśród młodych dorosłych.
- Author
Liberacka, Magdalena and Izdebski, Paweł
- Subjects
SEXUAL fantasies ,SADOMASOCHISM ,SEXUAL intercourse ,HUMAN sexuality ,SEX customs - Abstract
Copyright of Polish Sexology / Seksuologia Polska is the property of VM Medica-VM Group (Via Medica) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
7. Umysł: system sprzeczny, ale nie trywialny
- Author
Mateusz Hohol
- Subjects
philosophy of mind ,rationality ,inconsistency ,evolutionary psychology ,modularity of mind ,computational mind ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
In this article, the model of an inconsistent mind according to suggestions of Hilary Putnam and Alan Turing is presented from the perspective of the cognitive sciences and the evolutionary psychology. An attempt to reconcile the two versions of the modular model of mind by Jerry Fodor and Steven Pinker is undertaken followed by the discussion of the problem of evolutionary origin of mind. Next, the problem of the central module (interface) is considered which is supposed to integrate the individual and specialized modules of mind. The main thesis of this article states that the ‘global’ inconsistency of mind may result from the inconsistencies among ‘local’ computational modules of mind. Mind may be modeled as an inconsistent formal system which remains non-trivial. Consequently, it seems rational to postulate that the operation of mind is not based on the classical Aristotelian logic and is better described the systems of a paraconsistent logic. Best examples of such logical systems include the discussive logic by Stanisław Jaśkowski, the logic of formal inconsistency (LFI) by Newton da Costa and the many-valued logic by Jan Łukasiewicz and Graham Priest.
- Published
- 2010
8. Arkadiusza Żychlińskiego laboratoria antropofikcji.
- Author
Musiał, Łukasz
- Abstract
This article polemicizes with Arkadiusz Żychliński's book Laboratoria antropofikcji: Dociekania filologiczne [Laboratories of Anthropofiction: Philological Investigations], but Musiał also departs from Żychliński's key concepts. First, he reconstructs the book's main points, especially Żychliński's claim that a person's natural way of interacting with themselves, others and the world is so-called fabulation (i.e. creating a story), which is why homo sapiens as a species was able to surpass the role of being an object in the evolutionary experiment and instead became a conscious subject in it. Żychliński also makes an innovative contribution to traditional philology in that he brings it into conversation with analytical philosophy and the philosophy of language (Donald Davidson), philosophy of mind (Daniel C. Dennett), developmental and evolutionary psychology (Michael Tomasello), and ethology. In the second part of the article Musiał polemicizes with Żychliński's main points, pointing out - with reference to contemporary cognitivistic theory and the theory of the ‘embodied mind' - the non-communicative nature of his concept of philology (in broader terms: the notion of fiction). [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
9. Myth persistence and modular theory of mind
- Author
Czeremski, Maciej
- Subjects
ewolucja ,kognitywistyka ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,massive modularity ,umysł ,cognitive science ,evolution ,modularna teoria umysłu ,mit ,myth ,mind ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
Artykuł proponuje rozumienie mitu, jako efektu naturalnego dla człowieka sposobu opisu rzeczywistości. W opisie tym istotną rolę pełnią fikcja, narracyjna forma, perspektywa światopoglądowa, a także przywiązanie do konkretu, nastawienie intencjonalne oraz wyobrażenia kontrintuicyjne. Wszystkie te fenomeny znajdują swoje genetyczne i funkcjonalne uzasadnienie w modularnie rozumianej architekturze ludzkich procesów poznawczych. W konsekwencji pozwala to na postawienie tezy, że ukonstytuowanie się specyficznego mitycznego oglądu rzeczywistości jest efektem ewolucyjnej historii, która doprowadziła do pojawienia się współczesnego ludzkiego umysłu. Taka perspektywa wyjaśnia również dlaczego, wbrew kojarzeniu mitu ze społecznościami tradycyjnymi dobrze funkcjonuje on także w społecznościach nowożytnych. Dzieje się tak, gdyż architektura poznawcza człowieka współczesnego nie uległa istotnym modyfikacjom od momentu jej pojawienia się około stu tysięcy lat temu. Zmianie ulegają jedynie kulturowe okoliczności, które w różnym stopniu (generalnie coraz większym) wymuszają posługiwanie się mniej naturalnymi od mitu sposobami opisywania rzeczywistości. The article proposes to view myth as a consequence of a natural human way of describing reality. What plays an important role in this type of description is fiction, narrative form, and world-view perspective, as well as attachment to the concrete, intentional attitude and counterintuitive concepts. All these phenomena find their genetic and functional justification in modularly understood architecture of human cognitive processes. Consequently, it allows for formulation of the thesis that the constitution of the specific mythical view of reality is a result of evolutionary history, which has led to the emergence of the contemporary human mind. Such a perspective also explains why myth, despite being associated with traditional communities, also functions well in modern societies. This is due to the fact that the cognitive architecture of contemporary man has not undergone any significant modifications since its emergence around 100,000 years ago. What has changed is the cultural circumstances, which force (with varying yet generally increasing intensity) the use of ways of describing reality that are less natural than myth.
- Published
- 2020
10. Leviathan as a guarantor of peaceful coexistence
- Author
Zawadzki, Przemysław
- Subjects
przemoc ,violence ,Lewiatan ,human nature ,natura ludzka ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,Leviathan ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
Celem artykułu będzie ukazanie, iż krzywa przemocy na przełomie historii człowieka jest krzywą opadającą, a najważniejszym czynnikiem, który przyczynił się do owej tendencji w różnych okresach rozwoju społeczeństw była instytucja Lewiatana. Wywód będzie miał swój początek w rekonstrukcji filozoficznych źródeł i przedstawieniu dwóch prawdopodobnie najbardziej wpływowych koncepcji życia człowieka w stanie natury tj. Jeana-Jacquesa Rousseau i Thomasa Hobbesa. Zrozumienie i wyprowadzenie wniosków z owych koncepcji jest kluczowe dla wszelkich prób myślenia o Lewiatanie jako o mechanizmie redukującym przemoc. Bowiem, jeśli człowiek jest z natury szlachetnym dzikusem, jak twierdził Rousseau, wtedy upada teza o tym, iż Lewiatan przyczynia się do spadku przemocy, bowiem jak każdy wytwór kultury musiałby mieć jednoznacznie negatywny wpływ na człowieka i jego dobrobyt. Jeśli natomiast człowiekiem z natury rządzą destrukcyjne popędy, jak sądził Hobbes,możliwa staje się konsekwentna teoria, iż pewne zewnętrzne czynniki przyczyniają się do redukcji przemocy. By rozwiązać filozoficzne trudności z orzeczeniem, który obraz natury ludzkiej jest bliższy prawdziwemu stanowi rzeczy, powołam się na argumenty płynące ze współczesnych badań w obrębie teorii ewolucji, teorii gier, prymatologii, paleoantropologii, psychologii rozwojowej i last but not least psychologii ewolucyjnej. Po rekonstrukcji obrazu natury ludzkiej, który ukazują wymienione powyżej dziedziny wiedzy, przejdę do scharakteryzowania logiki przemocy, a także dokonam wskazania jej poziomu na przełomie historii ludzkich społeczeństw: od plemion łowiecko-zbierackich przez społeczeństwa starożytne, średniowieczne i nowożytne, a kończąc na współczesności. Po prezentacji danych świadczących o spadku przemocy, będę starał się ukazać, iż i dlaczego głównym czynnikiem, który odpowiada za ów proces jest instytucja Lewiatana. W podsumowaniu zwrócę jednak uwagę, iż Lewiatan nie jest rozwiązaniem ludzkich problemów z przemocą. Przyczyniając się do redukcji danej klasy problemów generuje bowiem inne. Lewiatan prowadzi bowiem do sytuacji opisywanej już przez Tacyta: "Tak jak kiedyś cierpieliśmy z powodu zbrodni, tak obecnie cierpimy z powodu praw". The aim of the article is to show that the curve of violence at the turn of human history is a falling curve and the most important factor that contributed to this tendency in different periods of society development was the institution of Lewiatan. Dilatation has its beginning in the reconstruction of philosophical sources and the presentation of two probably most influential concepts of human life in the state of nature, i.e. Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Thomas Hobbes. Proper understanding and deriving valid conclusions from these ideas is crucial for any attempts to think about Leviathan as a mechanism which reduce violence. Therefore if human is the noble savage from nature, as Rousseau claimed, then the thesis that Lewiatan contributes to the decline of violence, is falling down, because like any product of culture would have to have an unambiguously negative impact on man and his well-being. If, on the other hand, man naturally rules destructive drives, as Hobbes thought, a consistent theory is possible that some external factors contribute to the reduction of violence.To solve the philosophical difficulties of the judgment, which the image of human nature is closer to the true state of affairs, I will refer to the arguments of contemporary research in the theory of evolution, game theory, primatology, paleoanthropology, developmental psychology and last but not least evolutionary psychology. After reconstructing the image of human nature, which shows the above-mentioned fields of knowledge, I will go on to characterize the logic of violence, and I will show its level at the various periods of the history of human societies: from hunter-gatherers to ancient, medieval and modern societies to modern times. After the presentation of data proving the decline in violence, I will try to show that and why the main factor that is responsible for this process is the institution of Lewiatan. In summary, however, I would like to point out that Lewiatan is not a solution to human problems with violence. By contributing to the reduction of a given class of problems, it generates different problems. Therefore, Leviathan leads to the situation already described by Tacitus: "As we once suffered because of the crime, so now we suffer from rights".
- Published
- 2018
11. Analiza argumentu zdrowia publicznego w dyskusji nad legalizacją miękkich narkotyków
- Author
Katarzyna Grotkowska, Konrad Kobyliński, Katarzyna Grotkowska - Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Katedra Teorii i Filozofii Prawa, and Konrad Kobyliński - Uniwersytet Śląski, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Katedra Teorii i Filozofii Prawa
- Subjects
drug legalization ,zdrowie publiczne ,choice architecture ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,architektura wyboru ,public health ,General Medicine ,decriminalization ,legalizacja narkotyków ,dekryminalizacja ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza argumentu zdrowia publicznego w kontekście debaty nad legalizacją miękkich narkotyków. W pierwszej części przybliżona zostaje treść pojęć, które występują w kontekście prezentowanego tematu. Na dalszych stronach przedstawiona zostaje analiza pojęcia zdrowia publicznego występującego w terminologii prawniczej. Analiza funkcjonowania tego pojęcia oraz argumentów budowanych na jego podstawie prowadzi do wniosku, że argument ze sfery zdrowia publicznego w dyskusji nad legalizacją miękkich narkotyków jest mało przekonywający oraz brakuje mu solidnej teoretycznej podbudowy. Mimo to zdrowie publiczne wciąż pozostaje jednym z najczęściej podnoszonych argumentów w dyskursie narkotykowym, w ostatniej części pracy – w oparciu o badania J. Haida z zakresu psychologii moralności − przedstawione zostaje możliwe wyjaśnienie faktu, dlaczego argument ze sfery zdrowia publicznego cieszy się nieustającą popularnością. The purpose of the present text is to provide analysis of the public health argument in the context of the debate over legalisation of soft narcotics. The first part provides an explanation of the terms used, followed by an analysis of the term ‘public health’ in the legal terminology. The analysis of this termand the arguments built on that basis leads to a conclusion that the public health argument in the discussion about legalisation of soft narcotics is little convincing and lacks a sound, theoretical basis. Despite the fact that public health remains among the arguments most often raised in the narcotics discourse, in the final part of this work – drawing on the study of J. Haid in the area of psychology of morality – a possible explanation is presented as to why the argument of public health remains popular.
- Published
- 2016
12. Criminality : psychoevolutionary approach
- Author
Piotrowski, Przemysław and Florek, Stefan
- Subjects
adaptacja ,restrictions ,potencjał ,altruism ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,capability ,ograniczenia ,altruizm ,social adaptation ,evolutionary psychology - Published
- 2014
13. Freedom, responsibility and punishment in the light of evolutionary psychology
- Author
Florek, Stefan
- Subjects
punishment ,responsibility ,morality ,evolutionary psychology ,crime - Abstract
Amongst issues that evolutionary psychology (EP) undertake there is a problem of morality. Evolutionary psychologists not only consider evolution and nature of morality, but also discus the problems of normative ethics and metaethics. This paper is the critical analysis of the possible implications of evolutionary psychology for free will, responsibility and punishment. On the ground of EP I will argue (1) in favour of free will and moral responsibility (2) but against the traditional form of punishment by imprisonment in case of offenders which crimes are results of biologically determined dysfunction of brain. These conclusions are broadly consistent with the solutions adopted in many systems of criminal law.
- Published
- 2014
14. Źródła ludzkiego zadowolenia z zycia z punktu widzenia psychologii ewolucyjnej : wybrane zagadnienia
- Author
Jach, Łukasz
- Subjects
satisfaction with life ,positive psychology ,error management theory ,psychology of happiness ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
The topic of the article is evolutionary reflection on human sense of happiness, its causes and determinants. According to evolutionary foundations, emotional and cognitive processes connected with feeling of psychological well‑being represent the symptom of functioning of psychic mechanisms developed in response to environmental problems of adaptation. Based on this thesis we present explanations of such phenomena as positive and negative emotionality, commonness of optimistic attitude and general positive inclination and influence of contemporary environmental conditions on our sense of happiness. The last part of the article treats shows some ways of practical employment of evolutionary knowledge to develop human well‑being.
- Published
- 2013
15. Ritual trance from the perspective of evolutionary psychology
- Author
Bohuszewicz, Jakub
- Subjects
ritual trance ,possessive state ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,minimally and maximally counterintuitive concepts ,trans rytualny ,stan posesyjny ,pojęcia minimalnie i maksymalnie kontrintuicyjne ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
To begin with, a hypothesis is made regarding the possibility of treating imitation as a key mechanism in the induction of trance states. The author argues that this thesis can be justified convincingly on the basis of empirical material collected by researchers of shamanism. The theories of religion formulated by evolutionary psychologists place emphasis on the origins of religious concepts. However, they leave aside the question of ritual, and also do not permit a more thorough study of the mechanisms generating a ritual trance state. In order to analyse the cognitive aspects of trance, it is therefore necessary to construct a different theoretical model.
- Published
- 2012
16. Care of the self and human development
- Author
Łukasik, Andrzej
- Subjects
cooperative breeding ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,teoria konfliktu rodzice-potomstwo ,strategia rozrodcza oparta na współpracy ,parent-offspring conflict theory ,sibling rivalry ,rywalizacja między rodzeństwem ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
Trivers (1974) argued that offspring demand much more parental investment than parents want to give. This conflict of interest stems from a genetic conflict. Parents are genetically equally related to all of their offspring (the coefficient of relatedness r = 0.5; children share 50% genes of each of parents) and, for the parents, they present the same value as the "vehicle" of their genes. For this reason, parents are selected to balance investment among their offspring. For the offspring, it is a different standpoint: for each “full” sibling (r = 0.5) its value is twice as much to the other sibling (because it has 100% of its own genes, and the second sibling shares only 50% of its genes), and its value is fourfold higher than the value of a half-sibling (r = 0.25). The "selfish" children, driven by their own genetic interest, try to obtain more parental investment than their parents intend to provide, even at their siblings’ disadvantage. In this situation, a parent–offspring conflict arises that concerns the distribution of parental investment, and what is important, one can expect a sibling rivalry for these resources. In this paper the social and psychological consequences of parent-offspring conflict are discussed: i.a. infanticide, mate preference conflict, sibling rivalry and allomothering as a way in which parent-offspring can be reduced
- Published
- 2012
17. In the shade of Darwin : evolutionary inspirations in management
- Author
Sułkowski, Łukasz
- Subjects
zarządzanie ewolucyjne ,psychologia ewolucyjna ,ekonomia ewolucyjna ,evolutionary economics ,evolutionary management ,evolutionary psychology - Abstract
Artykuł wskazuje na ewolucyjne podstawy kluczowych dla zarządzania procesów: kierowania, przywództwa i sprawowania władzy, komunikacji, konfliktu i kooperacji. Stanowi próbę wykorzystania paradygmatu ewolucjonistycznego w nauce zarządzania, integrując ją w ten sposób z innymi dyscyplinami naukowymi na płaszczyźnie opisu uniwersalnego behawioru człowieka.
- Published
- 2008
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