Recently, it has been suggested that the cells of the immune system, such as natural killer (NK) cells, T cells, and cytokines, contribute to the development and rogression of arteriosclerosis in addition to the incidence of cancer. Moreover, psychological stress has also been reported to affect the immune response.Thus, psychological factors are considered to influence the immune response. Further, the immuneresponse promotes the progression of arteriosclerosis, resulting in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD).In this study, the structures of the cancer personality scale developed by Eysenck were investigated.Furthermore, the relationship between the psychological factors such as cancer personality, depression,helplessness, and the immune response was investigated in patients with CHD (n = 86) and normal controls(n = 39).The analysis of quantification method III indicated that the structures (other-directed, emotion inhibition,and rationality) of the CHD patients and the normal controls were similar on the cancer personality scale.Moreover, the relationship between the psychological factors and the immune response was not recognized in the normal controls. On the other hand, in the CHD patients, the psychological factors such as otherdirected, emotion inhibition, rationality, depression, and anti-self expression were related to the decrease of NK activity.These results indicate that the characteristic process of psychological responses in CHD patients is relatedto the immune function. We speculate that this linkage significantly influences the development of CHD.This study was not a prospective study, therefore, it is uncertain whether the development of the disease orthe psychological factors influenced the immune response and thereby induced the development of the disease. Further study is necessary to clarify this.Moreover, in the future, it is necessary to conduct detailed studies of other immunocompetent cells, partic-ularly T cells and cytokines.\n近年,ガン発症のメカニズムのみならず,狭心症や心筋梗塞の原因となっている動脈硬化の進行に対して,Natural Killer(NK)細胞やサイトカイン系の反応が重要視されてきている.さらに,心理学的ストレスが免疫反応に影響を及ぼす報告もなされている.本研究では,Eysenck が開発したガンパーソナリティスケールが,冠動脈性心疾患(coronary heart disease :CHD)患者においていかなる構造を有するかを検討する.さらに,ガンパーソナリティ,抑うつ,絶望感などの心理的要因が,いかに免疫系反応と関連するかについて,CHD 患者(n=86)と健常者(n=39)において比較検討を行う.ガンパーソナリティスケールについて数量化III類の分析を行った結果,CHD 患者,健常者とも同様の構造(他者志向性,情動抑制,理性・合理性)が認められた.さらに,健常者群では,心理学的要因と免疫反応の関連性については認められなかったが,一方で,心疾患患者群においては,思考が合理・理性的で,他者への追従性が高い傾向,また自分らしさは表現できず,抑うつが高い性格傾向が,NK 活性の低下と関連していた.これらの結果から,CHD 患者において心理学的特性が免疫反応に影響を及ぼし,これらの関連性が CHD 発症に重要な影響を及ぼす可能性が示唆された.本研究は,パースペクティブな研究ではなく,疾患発症が免疫反応に影響を及ぼしたのか,心理学的要因が免疫反応に影響を及ぼし疾患発症を招いたのかについては明確には結論づけられない.これらのポイントについてさらなる検討が必要である.さらに今後は,T 細胞を中心とするその他の免疫細胞やサイトカインの詳細な検討が必要である.