
Your search keyword '"ART"' showing total 3,839 results
3,839 results on '"ART"'

Search Results

1. Andreas Karayan’s pioneering, queer counter-discourse in 20th-century Cypriot art

2. Saintly Immobility, the Gouged-Out Eye, and the Severed Breast: The Metamorphosis of St Lucy in Early Iberian Art and Literature

3. La palabra escrita, la palabra hablada y la palabra traducida en los museos del triángulo del arte de MadridThe written word, the spoken word, and the translated word in Madrid’s art triangle museums

4. LUX INCORPORATA. The Theme of Light and Its Ancient Sources in the Imagery of Christian Art

5. 0310 The Art Exhibition at the Palais du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi at the Expo 1958 in Brussels

6. O sentido do art. 412 do Código Civil: a definição do valor da 'obrigação principal' como limite à cláusula penal

7. L'image des Jeux dans le 7e art : esquisse d'une histoire fictionnelle

8. Paths of Devotion, Art, and Liturgy throughout the Palaiologan Era. The Enthroned Virgin with the Child, Holy Patrons, and Archangels, in the Semi-dome of the Main Apse of the Wallachian Church Dedicated to Saint Nicholas in Curtea de Argeş

9. Global turn in art history and methodological constellations on artistic circulation. Perspectives, ideas, and operational concepts.

10. Taking Stock of Art. 13 TFEU in EU Agriculture: Reading Art. 13 as a Whole

11. La fiction au risque de l’art numérique

12. Review of Arthur M. Jacobs, Neurocomputational Poetics. How the Brain Processes Verbal Art (Anthem Press, 2023)

13. Art, Nature and Politics in Spring

14. «Que se entreguen a su legítimo propietario». Restitución de obras de arte depositadas por el SDPAN en el Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya

15. Between form and content: affective generalization in Art

16. Modelli non normativi: qualche considerazione sul nudo maschile nei contesti della performance art in Italia (1968-1974)

17. Separate and Reassemble: Generative AI through the lens of art and media histories

18. Apprendre à douter des critères de la vraisemblance ou l’art de l’intrigue chez Marjane Satrapi

19. When in doubt, art it out! Employing feminist art to enhance transformative engagement in EFL classrooms

20. Between Hope and Fear: The Creation of a More Inclusive EU Single Market Through Art. 9 TFEU

21. The Art of Single Combat in the Eastern Roman Empire

22. Alice in Wonderland: «Art exists because reality is neither real nor significant»

23. 0308 The Designed Object and Its Imperial Histories: On T.N. Mukharji and the 'Art-Manufactures of India'

24. O marco inicial da contagem dos juros de mora: análise do art. 405 do Código Civil

25. Misères et splendeurs de la 'chikha'. L’art comme consécration dans 'Rue du pardon' de Mahi Binebine

26. Re-imagining the Port Heritage of Rosario: From Grain Storage Silos to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Rosario (Argentina)

27. Un balanç multiangular de la sociolingüística catalana actual. Recensió de Pradilla Cardona, Miquel Àngel. (2022). Catalan Sociolinguistics. State of the art and future challenges

28. Acesso das cooperativas operadoras de planos de saúde à recuperação judicial e falência conforme o §13 do art. 6º da Lei nº 11.101/05

29. State of the art of open-air rock art as World Heritage site: past, present and future

31. Art enticements in cultural waterfronts: their perimuseal span in the Bilbao estuary beyond the Guggenheim

32. Análise econômica do direito e interpretação do contrato em um sistema de civil law: uma análise a partir do art. 113, §1º, inciso V, do Código Civil

33. Navigating Art. 218 TFEU: Third States' Accession to International Conventions and the Position of the EU in This Respect

34. Industrial Art, art industriel, Kunstgewerbe…

35. Influence of the Choreographic Art on the Wind Solo Musical Compositions

37. Art roman et art moderne : « affinités sentimentales »

38. Women’s image and role in art: from Medieval virtuous mystics to today’s Advertising perverse figures

39. Florence and the Renaissance art works: the importance of the seismic safety

43. Concrete Psychology of the Actor’s dvoistvennost’: Emotions and Art as Vygotsky’s means for rethinking Methods of Psychology

44. Aby Warburg: The Collective Memory as a Medium for Art

45. The Work of Art in the Age of Political Correctness

46. Personalistic View of John Paul II on the Humanizing Function of Art in the Context of Dialogue between the Church and Artists

47. La violencia en el art. 14 § 1 de las reglas de procedimiento del motu proprio Mitis Iudex Dominus Iesus: una revisión crítica.

48. Il nuovo art. 628 bis del codice di procedura penale italiano: un autonomo rimedio per l’esecuzione delle sentenze della Corte EDU

49. The Inactive Integration Clause: Can Art. 12 TFEU Shape Future Sustainable Consumer Policies?

50. Immaginare la Grecia oggi, fra stereotipi e contro-narrazioni (street art e flânerie urbana)


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