20 results on '"Aw A"'
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- Author
Magy Gaspersz, Suranto AW, and Netty Gaspersz
- Subjects
evaluation, formative-sumative, differentiate learning ,Mathematics ,QA1-939 - Abstract
Evaluation is a means to improve the quality of education through the results of information that is used as feedback and improvements to educational programs, one of which is the formative-summative evaluation model. This study aims to determine the effect of the formative-summative evaluation model on mathematics learning outcomes through differentiation learning in high school students. This type of research is evaluation research with a quantitative approach. Data were obtained through documentation techniques by taking samples based on certain considerations (purposive sampling), namely classes that have implemented an independent learning curriculum and educators who teach are driving educators so that planning in differentiated learning can run as expected. The results of the analysis using multiple linear regression tests obtained that there was a significant influence between the formative-summative evaluation model on mathematics learning outcomes as shown from the calculations obtained by the value of Fcount = 89.8 with a significant level of 0.05, then Ftable = 3.316 so that Fcount > Ftable or 89.8 > 3.316 then H0 is rejected. This shows that the formative-summative model can be used to evaluate student’s mathematics learning outcomes through differentiation learning
- Published
- 2023
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3. Evaluasi program sosialisasi vaksinasi covid-19 melalui media sosial
- Author
Suranto Aw
- Subjects
evaluasi, sosialisasi, vaksinasi, media sosial ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
One of the evaluation parameters that can measure the effectiveness of socialization programs through social media is citizen engagement, namely public involvement in important or essential problems on social media. This evaluation was conducted to analyze the effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccination socialization program through social media. The object of the evaluation is the netizen conversations on Twitter in the form of messages, statuses, or tweets that mention the keyword 'COVID-19 Vaccine' on social media. The effectiveness criteria of the socialization program were based on the citizen engagement index or the citizen involvement index which is examined from the netizen opinions on sentiment (positive/negative) and emotion (trust/fear) indicators. The evaluation results show that the socialization program has succeeded in increasing positive sentiment and emotions of trust. Positive sentiment was shown by netizens' opinions, which were dominated by posts that supported and accepted the vaccination program. Emotion of trust was dominated by the trust and acceptance posts. This finding, when confirmed with facts in the community, indicates a conformity. The public has supported, approved, trusted and accepted the Covid-19 vaccination. Salah satu parameter evaluasi yang dapat mengukur keefektifan program sosialisasi melalui media sosial adalah citizen engagement, yaitu keterlibatan publik terhadap suatu problematika penting atau yang dianggap penting di media sosial. Evaluasi ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis keefektifan program sosialisasi vaksinasi Covid-19 melalui media sosial. Objek evaluasi adalah percakapan warganet di Twitter baik berupa pesan, status, maupun tweet yang menyebutkan kata kunci ‘Vaksin COVID-19’ di media sosial. Kriteria keefektifan program sosialisasi mengacu kepada citizen engagement index atau indeks keterlibatan warganet yang dianalisis dari opini warganet pada indikator sentimen (positif/negative) dan emosi (trust/fear). Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan Program sosialisasi berhasil meningkatkan sentiment positif dan emosi trust. Sentimen positif ditunjukkan opini warganet yang didominasi unggahan mendukung dan menyetujui vaksinasi. Emosi trust, didominasi oleh unggahan rasa percaya dan menerima. Temuan ini apabila dikonfirmasi dengan fakta di masyarakat, mengindikasikan adanya kesesuaian. Masyarakat telah mendukung, menyetujui, percaya, dan menerima vaksinasi Covid-19.
- Published
- 2021
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4. Office Communication Competencies for Vocational High School in Industri 4.0
- Author
Riska Widianingrum, Suranto Aw, Febrika Yogie Hermanto, and Mar’atus Sholikah
- Subjects
automation and office management ,industrial revolution 4.0. ,office communication competence ,vocational high school ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
This study aims to explore the information about industry needs for office communication competence in the 4.0 industrial revolution era. Competency suitability is one of the things supporting objective achievement of vocational education implementation. The development of office communication competencies also needs to be scrutinized and adjusted so that students can learn both at school and industry. This research is a case study research conducted using a descriptive method with qualitative approach and analyzed using the Miles & Hubberman model which includes stages of data reduction, data presentation, data verification, and data inference. The results of this study indicate that office communication competencies explicitly contained in the 2013 revised edition of the 2017 curriculum are still relevant to be taught in schools and are still needed in the industry. Several competencies need to be updated and added to support students' skills in dealing with the development of work in the industry related to office communications in the 4.0 industrial revolution era to improve the office work effectiveness, such as (1) information management using social media, web, and online application of goods or services sales; (2) mastery of communication using social media, the web, and online application of goods or services sales; and (3) mastery of international languages.
- Published
- 2020
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5. Pemanfaatan Limbah Jerami Padi Di Desa Garon Kecamatan Balerejo, Kabupaten Madiun
- Author
Erry Ika Rhofita and Liliek Chana AW
- Subjects
rice straw ,utilisation ,organic fertilizer ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 ,Academies and learned societies ,AS1-945 - Abstract
Greenhouse gas emissions are an environmental issue that has an impact on climate change and global warming. One of the cause is the burning of rice straw after harvest in the field. The existence of majelis taklim is not only religious facilities, and it’s as a way to community empowerment. QS. As-Sad 27 and QS Al-Anbiya 16 explains that everything created by Allah SWT with all aims and benefits. Generally, rice straw is perception as a waste, but if it utilised with science and technology will be able to improve the use of value and economic value. 82,19% and 79,45% of the members of majlis taklim have perception that utilizing of rice straw can improve their income and part of the sustainable environmental management. And 94,25% of the members of majelis taklim did not utilise rice straw and burned it in the field. They did not have skills and knowledge to utilise of the rice straw. Furthermore, training and education must be conducted regularly.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Retor AW Kaligis
- Subjects
agrarian reform, nationalism, colonialism, post-colonial era. ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,History (General) ,D1-2009 - Abstract
Agrarian reform has always been regarded as a communism-related issue in Indonesia as it is often associated with the one-side action BTI (Indonesian Farmers' Union)/ PKI (Indonesian Communist Party) in the first mid of 1960s. The stigma is still attached to this present time. Whereas, agrarian reform is actually a policy that relates with various ideologies to reach different objectives. The step to conduct agrarian reform has been started since 1926 when Perhimpunan Indonesia (PI) or Indonesian Association, an organization led by Mohammad Hatta in the Netherland created the land restructured program as a part of Indonesian independence plan. In 1948, Mohammad Hatta as the Prime Minister prepared a draft of National Agrarian Law. The target was only then achieved 12 years later through the legalization of the Principal Law of Agrarian of 1960. This study employed a historical comparative study to explore the agrarian reform in Indonesia postcolonial country as a nationalism-related issue used to strengthen the national sovereignty and to improve the life of the citizens. Keyword: agrarian reform, nationalism, colonialism, post-colonial era. Reformasi agraria selalu dianggap sebagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan komunisme di Indonesia karena sering dikaitkan dengan aksi satu sisi BTI (Barisan Tani Indonesia) / PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia) pada per-tengahan 1960-an. Stigma masih melekat pada saat ini. Padahal, reforma agraria sebenarnya adalah kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan berbagai ideologi untuk mencapai tujuan yang berbeda. Langkah untuk melakukan reformasi agraria telah dimulai sejak 1926 ketika Perhimpunan Indonesia (PI), sebuah organisasi yang dipimpin oleh Mohammad Hatta di Belanda menciptakan program restrukturisasi tanah sebagai bagian dari rencana kemerdekaan Indonesia. Pada tahun 1948, Mohammad Hatta sebagai Perdana Menteri menyiapkan rancangan UU Agraria Nasional. Target tersebut baru tercapai 12 tahun kemudian melalui legalisasi Undang-Undang Pokok Agraria tahun 1960. Studi ini menggunakan studi perbandingan historis untuk mengeksplorasi reformasi agraria di Indonesia pascakolonial sebagai isu terkait nasionalisme yang digunakan untuk memperkuat kedaulatan nasional dan untuk meningkatkan kehidupan warga. Kata kunci: reformasi agraria, nasionalisme, kolonialisme, era pasca-kolonial.
- Published
- 2019
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7. Agama dan Media Diskursus LGBT dalam Opini SKH Republika
- Author
Suranto Aw, Dyna Herlina S, and Benni Setiawan
- Subjects
Communication. Mass media ,P87-96 - Abstract
SKH Republika menurunkan banyak tulisan mengenai isu lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender (LGBT) selama kurun waktu 24 Januari – 31 Maret 2016. Pertanyaan penelitian yang diajukan : (1) bagaimana representasi ideologi dan (2) seksualitas dalam pemberitaan SKH Republika?Metode Penelitian yang dipilih adalah analisis wacana Van Dijk dengan pendekatan intensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum SKH Republika menawarkan wacana anti LGBT melalui pemilihan narasumber dan pendapat mereka yang dikutip. Representasi ideologi yang ditampilkan bahwa LGBT bersandar pada ideologi liberalisme dan universalisme yang bertentangan dengan nilai, norma, dan hukum nasional Indonesia. Sedangkan wacana seksualitas direpresentasikan melalui kuasa pengetahuan bersumber dari psikolog islam dan institusi otoritatif yaitu agama, negara dan pendidikan. Semua narasumber islam di tiga institusi tersebut menolak LGBT sedangkan narasumber negara non-islam bersifat moderat dengan membatasi penampilan mereka di ruang publik, selanjutnya peneliti sekuler menerima praktik LGBT sebagai salah satu jalan masuk membentuk pengetahuan dan kesetaraan hukum. Kata kunci : Republika, wacana, LGBT, kuasa, seksualitas, pengetahuan The Republika Daily published abundant articles about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) during the period January 24 to March 31, 2016. The research question: (1) how do the representation of ideology and (2) sexuality in the news SKH Republika? The Van Dijk’s discourse analysis with intentional approach was employed. In general The Republika Daily offers anti-LGBT discourse through the selection of speakers and their opinions are cited. According to The Republika Daily, ideology representation that is based on liberalism and universalism is against values, norms, and Indonesian national law. While the discourse of sexuality is represented by the power of knowledge comes from psychologists Islam and authoritative institution that is religion, state and education. All sources of Islam in the three institutions while the informant refused LGBT non-Islamic countries are moderate by limiting their appearance in the public space, the next secular researchers accept LGBT practices as one way in shaping the knowledge and legal equality. Keywords: Republika, discourse, LGBT, power, sexuality, knowledge
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Suparlan Suparlan and Syukri Fathudin AW
- Subjects
manajemen, pendidikan karakter, pendidikan agama islam, perguruan tinggi. ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan model manajemen pendidikan karakter berbasis pembelajaran pendidikan agama Islam di perguruan tinggi umum. Penelitian ini menggunakan prosedur Research and Development (R&D) pada tahap awal, yaitu: (1) analisis permasalahan dan kebutuhan, (2) perencanaan, pengembangan. . Metode yang digunakan adalah survei dan kajian literatur untuk menghasilkan rumusan desain manajemen pendidikan karakter berbasis pembelajaran PAI. Teknik Delphi dilakukan untuk mematangkan model manajemen pendidikan karakter berbasis pembelajaran PAI. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dua Perguruan Tinggi Umum yakni UPI Bandung dan Universitas Negeri Malang ( UM). Hasil penelitian menemukan desain model manajemen karakter berbasis pembelajaran PAI dilakukan melalui (1) Perencanaan dengan menentukan tujuan organisasi dan memilih cara terbaik untuk meraihnya. (2) Pengorganisasian, adalah proses pembentukan organisasi sebagai keseluruhan, (3) Pengerakan dilakukan oleh setiap pemimpin/koordinator dalam struktur organiasi baik tingkat universitas/perguruan tinggi/rektorat, fakultas, dan mahasiswa (berbentuk tim ataupun tidak), dan (4). Pengevaluasian dilakukan secara simultan dan terus menerus baik dalam tingkat universitas/PT, Fakultas, dan kelas/mahasiswa baik evaluasi internal/eksternal. This study aims to form a learning model based on learning Islamic character education in Islamic public education. This study uses the Research and Development (R & D) procedure at the initial stage, namely: (1) problem analysis and needs, (2) planning, development. The method used is a survey and literature review to produce a formulation of PAI-based character education management design. The Delphi technique was conducted to finalize the PAI-based learning education character management model. This research was conducted in two public universities, namely UPI Bandung and Malang State University (UM). The results of the study found that the design of the PAI-based character management model was conducted through (1) Planning by determining organizational goals and choosing the best way to achieve them. (2) Organizing, is the process of forming an organization as a whole, (3) Dredging is carried out by each leader / coordinator in the organizational structure at the university / college / rectorate, faculty, and student level (whether it is team or not), and (4) . Evaluation is carried out simultaneously and continuously both at the level, faculty, and class / student both internal / external evaluations.
- Published
- 2017
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9. Gambaran Infeksi Acinetobacter baumannii dan Pola Sensitifitasnya terhadap Antibiotik
- Author
I Wayan Gustawan, Hindra Irawan Satari, Idham Amir, and Dalima AW Astrawinata
- Subjects
infeksi Acinetobacter baumannii ,pola resistensi ,antibiotik ,Medicine ,Pediatrics ,RJ1-570 - Abstract
Latar belakang. Adanya peningkatan insiden infeksi Acinetobacter baumannii yang disertai peningkatan kejadian resistensi antibiotik, peningkatan morbiditas dan mortalitas, dan terbatasnya laporan kejadian infeksi bakteri ini pada pasien anak. Tujuan. Mengetahui gambaran infeksi Acinetobacter baumannii dan pola sensitifitasnya terhadap antibiotik di Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak RSUPN Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo. Metode. Merupakan penelitian deskriptif retrosfektif melalui penelusuran data hasil biakan darah di laboratorium dan rekam medis dari Januari-Desember 2012. Hasil. Didapatkan 47 isolat darah Acinetobacter baumannii dari 32 pasien. Penelusuran rekam medis mendapatkan 24 data pasien lengkap. Semuanya merupakan pasien ruang NICU, sebagian besar laki-laki (18/24) dan neonatus kurang bulan (18/24). Gambaran klinis menunjukkan rerata frekuensi denyut jantung 148 kali/menit, frekuensi napas 55 kali/menit, suhu aksila 37,10C, kadar leukosit 12767,8/mm3, kadar trombosit 58491,3/mm3, kadar procalcitonin 17,6 ng/mL, dan CRP 88,5 mg/L. Rerata lama perawatan sebelum terjadi infeksi 23,9 hari. Sebagian besar pasien menggunakan alat medis seperti ventilator, CPAP, jalur vena sentral, jalur vena perifir, dan pipa nasogastrik dengan rerata lama pemakaian masing-masing 17,9, 4,5, 20,9, 13,3, dan 17,3 hari. Semua pasien mendapat antibiotik sebelum infeksi dengan rerata lama pemberian 22,5 hari. Uji kepekaan antibiotik mendapatkan 23 isolat (23/24) merupakan MDR. Resistensi antibiotik didapatkan pada golongan aminoglikosida, carbapenem, quinolon, sefalosporin, penisilin-beta lactamase inhibitor, dan tigesiklin. Sebagian besar penderita meninggal dalam perawatan (18/24). Kesimpulan. Semua pasien yang menderita infeksi Acinetobacter baumannii dirawat di ruang NICU, sebagian besar pasien merupakan kasus MDR.
- Published
- 2016
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10. Pendampingan Pembuatan Brand dan Konten Marketing untuk Ibu – Ibu PKK Desa Imogiri
- Author
Fathinah, Nadalia Silmi, Hafid, Kiki Sipa’ul, Pratiwi, Permata Dian, Fadhilah, Addien Ismi, Anggraini, Melani Nur, Prastowo, Cahyo Dwi, Wisataone, Voettie, Hidayati, Ulfah, AW, Suranto, LPPM, and UNY
- Subjects
Digital Marketing ,Marketin Communication ,Brand ,content marketing ,social media - Abstract
In new normal era, PKK Imogiri Bantul were feeling the impact caused by Covid-19. PKK women used WhatsApp stories to sell and promote their wares. However, digital marketing skills and abilities are needed to survive in this new normal era. Content marketing in digital marketing through social media has an important role in increasing attractiveness to consumers. The purpose of assisting in brand creation and marketing content is expected to increase product sales and expand the market segment of PKK women. The method of implementing this service activity is offline mentoring by complying with Health protocols and online mentoring through the whatsapp group. The evaluation showed 80% participants understood about well brand.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Gede Angga Permana AW, Putera Kemara, and I Wayan Megadhana
- Subjects
misoprostol, labor induction ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Induction of labor refers to the process whereby uterine contractions are initiated bymedical or surgical means before the onset of spontaneous labor. Several studies haveshown that continuous intravenous infusion of oxytocin is less efficient, particularlywhen there are unfavorable cervical conditions, leading frequently to a cesarean section,because of induction failure. Misoprostol is a cervical modifying agent and laborinductor. The typical effect of a single dose of oral misoprostol is an increase in uterinetonus. Sustained plasma level of misoprostol is required for the development of regularcontractions appear. The bioavailability of vaginal misoprostol also greater compared tooral, sublingual and rectal administration. Using misoprostol for cervical ripening andlabor induction represented a 47% reduction in the risk of having a cesarean section(risk ratio = 0.53). In cases of unfavorable cervix condition, the use of misoprostolcould produce several beneficial effects compared to other inductor such as oxytocin
- Published
- 2014
- Author
Suranto Aw
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: (1) profil acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (2) sinopsis jalannya acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (3) cakupan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam tayangan Mario Teguh Golden Ways; dan (4) pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran pendidikan karakter melalui tayangan Mario Teguh Golden Ways. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis isi (content analysis). Unit analisis pada penelitian ini adalah episode “Pancing Cinta” yang ditayangkan 13 September 2015. Hasil penelitian adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Profil acara Mario Teguh Golden Ways yang ditayangkan oleh Metro TV menunjukkan bahwa acara ini merupakan salah satu bentuk nyata kepedulian media televisi melaksanakan fungsi edukasi dalam pembinaan karakter masyarakat. (2) Cinta itu harus diperjuangkan. Cinta itu harus dipancing. Kadang-kadang perlu pengorbanan. Memancing cinta identik dengan cara memancing ikan oleh pemancing hebat. Siapkan perangkatnya: lanjeran, senar, kail, dan umpan. (3) Nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter yang terkandung dalam tayangan MTGW episode “Pancing Cinta” mencakup: (a) disiplin, menaati norma dan peraturan; (b) santun, hormat, baik dan rendah hati; (c) cinta Tuhan dan mensyukuri pemberian-Nya; (d) kemandirian, tanggap (peka), tatag (tahan uji), tanggon (dapat diandalkan), niat baik, dan tanggung jawab; (e) kejujuran; (f) dermawan, tolong menolong, kerjasama, mendatangkan kebahagiaan. (4) Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam proses pendidikan karakter melalui tayangan MTGW adalah pendekatan holistik (holistic approach). Kata Kunci: pendidikan karakter, mario teguh golden ways, pancing cinta THE CHARACTER EDUCATION VALUES CONTAINED IN THE PROGRAM MARIO TEGUH GOLDEN WAYS Abstract: The purpose of this study is to describe: (1) profile of the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways; (2) coverage of the character education values contained in the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways; and (4) the approach used in the learning process of character education through the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways. This study is a content analysis. The analysis unit in this study is the episode "Pancing Cinta" which aired 13 September 2015. The results of the study are as follows. (1) The profile of the program Mario Teguh Golden Ways broadcasted by Metro TV, showed that this program is one of the real form of television media's concern to carry out the education function in character building in society; (3) The character education values contained in the program MTGW episode "Pancing Cinta" includes: (a) Discipline, obey norms and regulations; (b) Polite, respectful, kind and humble; (c) Love God and grateful for His gifts; (d) Independence, responsive (sensitive), Tatag (resilient), tanggon (reliable), good intentions and responsibility; (e) Honesty; (f) Generous, mutual help, cooperation, bring happiness; (4) The approach used in the character education process through the program MTGW is a holistic approach. Keyword: Character Education, Mario Teguh Golden Ways, Pancing Cinta
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Liliek Channa AW
- Subjects
Hadis ,Tekstual ,Kontekstual ,Sahabat ,Asbâb al-Wurûd. ,Islam ,BP1-253 - Abstract
Abstract: Understanding hadîts is a daunting task because hadîts is everything ascribed by Prophet Muhammad saw. his utterances, deeds, and his provisions in his status as the Messenger of Allah and imitating Prophet Muhammad saw. is the manifestation of noble consensus. Muhammad saw. is the final prophet and his provisions should prevail endlessly, although he lived temporarily. Thus understanding hadîts, should not merely be done by textual approach if we want hadis to prevail for all time, considering the problems of life nowadays are getting more and more complex. Thus we need contextual approach, which is understanding hadîts or sunnah in accordance with the background, situation, condition, and the position of Prophet Muhammad in which the hadis or sunnah is ascribed.Abstrak: Memahami hadis merupakan bagian yang paling rumit, karena hadis adalah segala sesuatu yang dinisbatkan pada Nabi Muhammad saw., baik ucapan, perbuatan maupun ketetapannya dalam statusnya sebagai utusan Allah, sehingga meng-imitasi Muhammad saw. merupakan perwujudan konsensus agung. Nabi Muhammad sebagai rasul akhir zaman, aturannya pun mestinya untuk sepanjang zaman, padahal kenyataannya Nabi Muhammad itu hidup pada waktu tertentu dan tempat tertentu pula. Maka sudah seharusnya pula memahami hadis, tidak hanya dengan pendekatan tekstual an-sich, kalau menginginkan agar hadis senantiasa berlaku sepanjang zaman, mengingat problem kehidupan dewasa ini semakin kompleks. Oleh karena itu perlu pendekatan secara kontekstual, yaitu memahami hadis atau sunnah dengan mengacu pada latar belangkang, situasi dan kondisi serta kedudukan nabi ketika hadis atau sunnah itu ditampilkan.
- Published
- 2011
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- Author
Suranto Aw.
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah integrasi pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran mata kuliah Komunikasi Interpersonal dapat meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap nilai-nilai karakter mulia yang mencakup sopan-santun, keterbukaan, empati, dan kesetaraan. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa semester VI Prodi Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran yang mengambil mata kuliah Komunikasi Interpersonal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini berlangsung dalam dua siklus. Langkah-langkah penelitian meliputi: perencanaan, implementasi, monitoring, dan refleksi. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui: (1) observasi; (2) dokumentasi untuk mengumpulkan dokumen hasil pekerjaan atau tugas mahasiswa; dan (3) kuesioner untuk mahasiswa. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini berupa refleksi terhadap data yang telah diperoleh, baik secara kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui integrasi pendidikan karakter dalam mata kuliah tersebut, pemahaman mahasiswa terhadap nilai-nilai karakter mulia mengalami peningkatan. Implementasi tindakan dapat dikatakan berhasil karena telah terjadi perubahan dan peningkatan dalam pemahaman terhadap nilai karakter mulia yang mencakup sopan-santun, keterbukaan, empati, dan kesetaraan. Kata Kunci: integrasi, pendidikan karakter, komunikasi interpersonal THE INTEGRATION OF CHARACTER EDUCATION IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION CLASS Abstract: This research aims at finding out whether integrating character education in the teaching and learning of Interpersonal Communication class can promote the understanding of noble character values which include politeness, openness, empathy, and equality. The subjects of the research were Semester VI students of Office of Administration Education Study Program taking the Interpersonal Communication class. This is an action research study lasting within two cycles. The research steps include planning, implementation, monitoring, and reflection. The data were obtained through (1) observation, (2) documentation – collecting documents pertaining to the students’ works and tasks, and (3) quesionnaire for the students. The data analysis in this study took the form of reflection on the qualitative and quantative data obtained. The result of the study shows that, through the integration of character education in the Interpersonal Communication class, the students’ understanding of the noble character values improved. The implementation of the action is considered successful because there have been changes and improvement in the students’ understanding of the noble character values which include politeness, openness, empathy, and equality. Keywords: integration, character education, interpersonal communication
- Published
- 2015
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15. The Geographic Information System Development for Selection of Green Open Space in Urban Densely Area
- Author
Sawung Aw, Ramadiani Ramadiani, Amelia Armanda, Wardana Silalahi, Muhamad Azhari, Kusnandar Kusnandar, and Fahrul Agus
- Subjects
geography ,Decision support system ,geography.geographical_feature_category ,Geographic information system ,Sanitation ,Computer science ,business.industry ,Software development ,Waterfall ,Bridge (nautical) ,Weighting ,lcsh:Telecommunication ,Transport engineering ,lcsh:TK5101-6720 ,Web application ,business - Abstract
Utilization of integrated Decision Support System and GIS as one of the intelligent computerized system can be used to help make decisions quickly, accurately, and consistently. This research aims to apply Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) and built application system with ArcGIS platform to determination of urban Green Open Space (GOS) location in densely populated area. The study was conducted in Samarinda City, used secondary data and obtained from the Sanitation and Gardening Agency. Data were collected by survey and interview with experts and using Waterfall Framework for software development method. The research has resulted the priority sequence of GOS location of densely area of Samarinda City. The first priority location is the location under Juanda Flyover Bridge. Research has also developed Web based GIS software application of GOS location determination using SAW technique.
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Syukri Fathudin AW and Sudiyatno Sudiyatno
- Subjects
Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Social Sciences - Abstract
Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui 1) model pembinaan keagamaan di UNY; 2) mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan dalam berperilaku religius antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PAI terpadu dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PAI; dan 3) mengetahui perilaku religius mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Islam yang terintegarasi dengan pembinaan di unit kegiatan keagamaan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan (action research). Subjek penelitiannya adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik UNY kelas A. Objeknya adalah integrasi pembelajaran PAI dan pembinaan keagamaan mahasiswa melalui pelaksanaan program Tutorial Pendidikan Agama Islam. Hasil yang bisa diperoleh adalah: 1) Model pembinaan keagamaan yang tepat untuk pembinaan keagamanaa melalui Tutorial Pendidikan Agama Islam adalah dengan strategi pembelajaran melalui diskusi dengan topik-topik kontemporer yang terjadi di masyarakat; 2) Hasil probabilitas 0,857 > 0,05 = Ho diterima. Tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam berperilaku religius antara mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PAI terpadu dengan mahasiswa yang mengikuti pembelajaran PAI; dan 3) Perilaku religius mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan Pendidikan Agama Islam yang terintegrasi dengan pembinaan di unit kegiatan keagamaan pada umumnya, baik hal tersebut berdasar hasil rata- rata amalan harian yaitu amalan Shalat fardlu dihasilkan rata-rata 3,78 maupun rata-rata amalan bacaan tilawah Al Qur’an yaitu 3,07.
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Elisabet Yunaeti Anggraeni, Sudewi Sudewi, and Cindi Amelia AW
- Subjects
lcsh:T58.5-58.64 ,lcsh:Information technology - Abstract
Decision support system is a system that is used to support decision making within an enterprise organization or educational institution. The issue of quality education is a key condition for realizing the nation's life advanced, modern and prosperous. Then the human resources (HR), especially teachers must be maintained and be selected appropriately in order to show a good performance and optimal and quality. From the analysis of the obtained picture that the eligibility decision support system of teacher certification can be done by using SAW (Simple Additive weighting) using a computer that suits your needs, so that use is more easily obtain the results of ranking the better. With the decision support system of teacher certification eligibility is expected to ease in viewing the results of the analysis of teacher certification.
- Published
- 2017
18. The correlation between blood glucose control obesity and diabetic duration, with frequency of dermatophytosis among type II diabetic patients
- Author
Dwi Retno AW, Dwi Retno AW
- Abstract
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the correlation of blood glucose control and frequency of dermatophytosis among type II diabetic patients. In addition we also assessed the dermatophytosis in correlation with obesity and diabetic duration.Materials and Methods: The study was performed using a cross-sectional study design. The subjects of this study were 180 type II diabetic patients, divided into two groups of blood glucose level (good and poor glycemic control groups). In addition, these subjects were examined for evidence of dermatophytosis, and compared between good glycemic control and poor glycemic control. Among the subjects suspected to have dermatophytosis lesions were further examined using potassium hydroxide and fungal cultures.Results: The result showed that there was seemed to be an increased frequency of dermatophytosis in poor glycemic control group in comparison with the good glycemic control group (8.3% vs 6.1 %). Statistically this difference was significant (p0.05). The combination of glycemic control and obesity in this study was seemed to have a significant correlation too.Conclusion: poor glycemic control and or obesity increased the risk for suffering from dermatophytosis in the type II diabetics, while the diabetic duration did not increase.Keywords: dermatophytosis - type II diabetes - glycemic control - obesity - diabetic duration
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Bachtian AW and Titik Respati Gilarsi
- Subjects
lcsh:R5-920 ,lcsh:Medicine (General) - Abstract
Penelitian ini difokuskan kepada karakteristik responden dan factor lingkungan domestik yang mempengaruhi kasus TB. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan kita mengenai kedua hal tersebut yang mempengaruhi TB terutama di Kecamatan Widasari, Kabupaten Indramayu, Jawa Barat.Desain penelitian adalah case-control dengan memeriksa 30 kasus TB yang terdaftar di Puskesmas Widasari dan 30 kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara kasus TB dengan merokok di dalam rumah, tipe dan luas lantai rumah, tinggi atap dan volume ruang tidur serta ventilasi. Hasil analisis regresi logistik menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling menentukan adalah tipe lantai rumah dan status merokok dari responden. Beberapa rekomendasi untuk mengurangi jumlah kasus TB tennasuk strategi promosi "rumah sehat", program promosi kesehatan yang intensif berfokus pada faktor lingkungan domestik yang berpengaruh pada angka prevalensi TB. Pemerintah sebaiknya memberikan keluarga dari golongan ekonomi lemah suatu dukungan berupa skema renovasi rumah untuk membangun rumah sehat. Key words: Tuberculosis
- Published
- 2012
20. How do schools in Indonesia fight against cyberbullying?
- Author
Aprilianti Wulandari and Suranto AW
- Subjects
cyberbullying ,social media ,school ,Education (General) ,L7-991 - Abstract
The development of highly advanced technology has changed the pattern of people's lives in fulfilling information needs. All forms of information obtained will spread very quickly and even difficult to control. We cannot avoid that currently people from all walks of life are increasingly "lulled" by the sophistication of technology such as cellphones to smartphones which are of course equipped with various applications that make it easier for users. However, this convenience is not accompanied by control from various parties, causing a negative impact commonly called Cyberbullying. This paper describes how cyberbullying cases affect school-age children so that the participation of related parties such as schools is needed. In addition, this paper also describes the policies implemented in schools to deal with cyberbullying cases sourced from several writings or articles. The research method used is library research where researchers collect various sources from several research results and libraries. For this research, researchers took various sources from Google Scholar. From the articles, it is recommended that some policies can be offered to schools to anticipate and prevent Cyberbulling behavior.
- Published
- 2023
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