The aim of this study was to determine the change in the value of morpho-metric parameters of antlers and the total trophy score in relation to the age of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus L.). The study was conducted on 228 roe deer trophies from the "Barajevska reka" hunting ground in Serbia, aged one to seven years. From the second to the fourth year, the growth of antlers was the most intense, and the differences compared to one year old animals were significant (P lt 0.001). The highest average length of the branches was monitored in six years old animals (22.4 ± 2.05 cm), with significant differences (P lt 0.001) compared to younger animals, except for the three years old animals (P>0.05). From the second to the fifth year, a gradual increase in antler weight (from 192.2 ± 30.41 g to 221.9 ± 61.86 g) and antler volume (from 74 cm3 to 90 cm3 ) was observed, with the highest values of antler weight (291.8 ± 58.43 g and 319.1 ± 98.89 g, respectively) and antler volume (123.8 cm3 and 121.2 cm3) in six and seven year old animals. Overall trophy scores increased from year one to year seven (42.6 ± 7.86 vs 97.4 ± 27.40), with differences in trophy scores for animals aged six and seven years significantly greater than for animals aged one to five years (P lt 0.001). The highest quality antlers have six and seven year olds, at which time their hunting should be conducted. Cilj rada je bio da se utvrdi promena vrednosti mernih elemenata ocene parogova i ukupne ocene trofeja u odnosu na uzrast srndaća (Capreolus capreolus L.). Istraživanje je obavljeno na 228 trofeja srndaća iz lovišta "Barajevska reka" u Srbiji, uzrasta od jedne do sedam godina. Od druge do četvrte godine rast rogovlja je bio najintenzivniji, a utvrđene razlike su bile signifikantne (P lt 0,001) u odnosu na jednogodišnje jedinke. Najveća prosečna dužina grana parogova je zabeležena u periodu oko šeste godine (22,4±2,05 cm), pri čemu su utvrđene razlike bile signifikantne (P lt 0,001) u odnosu na mlađe jedinke, osim u odnosu na jedinke u starosti od tri godine (P>0,05). Od druge do pete godine uočen je postepeni porast mase rogovlja (od 192,2±30,41 g do 221,9±61,86 g) i zapremine rogovlja (od 74 cm3 do 90 cm3 ), dok su vrednosti mase rogovlja (291,8±58,43 g i 319,1±98,89 g) i zapremine rogovlja (123,8 cm3 i 121,2 cm3 ) kulminirale kod jedinki u starosti šest i sedam godina. Ukupne ocene trofeja su rasle od prve do sedme godine (42,6±7,86 prema 97,4±27,40), pri čemu su razlike u ocenama trofeja kod jedinki uzrasta šest i sedam godina bile signifikantno više u odnosu na jedinke starosti od jedne do pet godina (P lt 0,001). Najkvalitetnije rogovlje imaju jedinke uzrasta šest i sedam godina, kada bi trebalo i vršiti odstrel.