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1. Intersectionality in Education: Rationale and Practices to Address the Needs of Students' Intersecting Identities. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 302

2. Indicators of Inclusion in Education: A Framework for Analysis. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 300

3. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 7: VET from a Lifelong Learning Perspective: Continuing VET Concepts, Providers and Participants in Europe 1995-2015. Cedefop Research Paper No. 74

4. A Half Century of Progress in U.S. Student Achievement: Ethnic and SES Differences; Agency and Flynn Effects. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 21-01

5. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 5: Education and Labour Market Outcomes for Graduates from Different Types of VET System in Europe. Cedefop Research Paper. No 69

6. The Role of Labour Market Information in Guiding Educational and Occupational Choices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 229

7. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

8. Refugee Education: Integration Models and Practices in OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 203

9. Qualifications at Level 5: Progressing in a Career or to Higher Education. Working Paper No 23

10. The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance. Program on Education Policy and Governance Working Papers Series. PEPG 14-06

11. Making Skills Transparent: Recognising Vocational Skills Acquired through Workbased Learning. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 180

12. Academic Resilience: What Schools and Countries Do to Help Disadvantaged Students Succeed in PISA. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 167

13. Employment Patterns in OECD Countries: Reassessing the Role of Policies and Institutions. OECD Economics Department Working Papers No. 486

14. Innovation in Continuing Education Provision, Teaching and Learning: Research Perspectives. Papers from a Conference (Lancaster, England, United Kingdom, April 27, 1995).

15. Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 9

16. Test-Taking Engagement in PIAAC. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 133

17. The Impact of Literacy, Numeracy and Computer Skills on Earnings and Employment Outcomes. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 129

18. Bringing about Curriculum Innovations. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 82

19. Subsidies and Levies as Policy Instruments to Encourage Employer-Provided Training. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 80

20. ICT and Initial Teacher Education: National Policies. OECD Education Working Papers, Number 61

21. What Works in Migrant Education? A Review of Evidence and Policy Options. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 22

22. Measuring User-Created Content: Implications for the ICT Access and Use by Households and Individuals Surveys. OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 139

23. Public Spending Efficiency: Institutional Indicators in Primary and Secondary Education. OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 543

24. Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education: Where Do We Strand? OECD Education Working Papers, No. 70

25. School Choice and Equity: Current Policies in OECD Countries and a Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 66

26. ICT in Initial Teacher Training: Research Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 38

27. Assessment and Innovation in Education. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 24

28. Promotion of Cooperation amongst Research and Development Organizations in the Field of Vocational Training. Working Meeting Papers (Berlin, West Germany, September 11-12, 1986). First Edition. CEDEFOP Document.

29. School Accountability, Autonomy, Choice, and the Equity of Student Achievement: International Evidence from PISA 2003. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 14

30. Digital Broadband Content: Public Sector Information. OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 112

31. School Achievement of Pupils from the Lower Strata in Public, Private Government-Dependent and Private Government-Independent Schools: A Cross-National Test of the Coleman-Hoffer Thesis

32. Towards a Novel Technology Transfer Office Typology and Recommendations for Developing Countries

33. Parties' attack behaviour in parliaments: Who attacks whom and when.

34. Work and career experiences of ethnic minority men and women.

35. Authorisations to issue shares and disapply pre-emption rights in the UK, Belgium and France: law, economics and practice.

36. Immigrant Minority Languages and Multilingual Education in Europe: A Literature Review

37. Toward a harmonization of national sustainability requirements and criteria for solid biomass.

38. The TeCoLa Project: Pedagogical Differentiation through Telecollaboration and Gaming for Intercultural and Content Integrated Language Teaching

39. Evaluating Eco-Innovation of OECD Countries with Data Envelopment Analysis

40. On the Directionality and Maintenance of Language Policy in Revitalization Efforts.

41. A psychometric systematic review of self-report instruments to identify anxiety in pregnancy.

42. An Evaluation of Mixture Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Detecting Social Desirability Bias.

43. The Danger of the Downward Spiral: Teachers and Digital Literacy.

44. Global Communication Skills: Contextual Factors Fostering Their Development at Internationalised Higher Education Institutions

45. Intergovernmental Dynamics in Britain and Belgium: (Non)-Hierarchical Policy Coordination in a Centrifugal Environment.

46. Government Party Discipline in Parliamentary Democracies: the Cases of Belgium, France, and the Unit.

47. Professional Categorization, Risk Management and Inter-Agency Communication in Public Inquiries into Disastrous Outcomes.

48. Deferred and Income-contingent Tuition Fees: An Empirical Assessment using Belgian, German and UK Data.

49. The 'Fifth Column' and the British Experience of Retreat, 1940.

50. Demographics and Education: The 20 Richest Countries