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4,435 results

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151. From collaborator to colleague: a community-based program science approach for engaging Kenyan communities of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in HIV research.

152. Silenced stories of illicit drug use in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: experiences of healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients.

153. Move&Connect-Youth: A Virtual Group Intervention for Youth Experiencing Persisting Symptoms After Concussion.

154. Putting Youth in Charge: Exploring a Multi-Year Interagency Community Engagement Experiential Programme for Youth with Disabilities and Their Families.

155. Towards New Disability Paradigms: Generating Equality in Saudi Arabian Policy in Light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

156. A Non-Clinical Referral Tool to Help Identify Problematic Child Sexual Behavior: Development, Training, and Initial User Feedback.

157. Exploring the links between slang and sexual and gender-based violence among university students in a Canadian city.

158. A qualitative exploration of the continuum of help-seeking among Asian American breast cancer survivors.

159. 'Exploring Narratives of Death' (END): A case study of researcher experiences in studying dying, death and grief in an interdisciplinary setting.

160. Professional responses to sibling sexual abuse.

161. Understanding factors influencing residential respite service use by carers of people living with dementia using Andersen's behavioural model of health services use: A qualitative study.

162. Outcomes from a pilot study to evaluate Phase 1 of a two-phase approach to treat women with complex trauma histories.

163. Need for social work interventions in the emergency department.

164. Cultural diversity in secondary school: the response to immigrant students in Spain from a counselling perspective.

165. "The hierarchy is your constraint:" a qualitative investigation of social workers' moral distress across a U.S. health system.

166. Challenges and resources in adult life with Joubert syndrome: issues from an international classification of functioning (ICF) perspective.

167. Chronicity in/and cancer: a qualitative interview study of health professionals, patients, and family carers.

168. Challenging times: disconnects between patient and professional temporalities in chronic condition management.

169. Masculinities and suicide: unsettling 'talk' as a response to suicide in men.

170. Red tape, slow emergency, and chronic disease management in post-María Puerto Rico.

171. Intersections of financial agency, gender dynamics, and HIV risk: A qualitative study with adolescent girls and young women in Zambia.

172. 'I really wanted to abort' Desire for abortion, failed abortion and forced motherhood in South-Western Nigeria.

173. Norms and sexual relations among adolescents in the context of an intervention trial in rural Zambia.

174. Capitalising on aspirations of adolescent girls and young women to reduce their sexual health risks: Implications for HIV prevention.

175. Responding to diversity in groups: exploring professional uses of self.

176. Crisis and opportunity: the impacts of COVID-19 on water advocacy in Ontario, Canada.

177. Resistance, rupture and repetition: Civil society strategies against intimate partner violence in Cambodia.

178. Researching experiences of childhood brain injury: co-constructing knowledge with children through arts-based research methods.

179. Access to Healthcare in a time of COVID-19: Sex Workers in Crisis in Nairobi, Kenya.

180. Independent Mental Health Advocacy: A Model of Social Work Advocacy?

181. Theorising lifestyle drift in health promotion: explaining community and voluntary sector engagement practices in disadvantaged areas.

182. Measurement properties of the Arm Function in Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire (AMSQ): a study based on Classical Test Theory.

183. Bringing the state into the clinic? Incorporating the rapid diagnostic test for malaria into routine practice in Tanzanian primary healthcare facilities.

184. Gendered exposures: exploring the role of paid and unpaid work throughout life in U.S. women's cardiovascular health.

185. The Countersyndemic Potential of Medical Pluralism among People Living with HIV in Tanzania.

186. Orientations of preservice teachers' practical knowledge during school placement: Concept mapping as a reflective tool.

187. Formalising 'informal' mHealth in Ghana: Opportunities and challenges for Universal Health Coverage (UHC).

188. "We want to hear your problems and fix them": A case study of pandemic support calls for home health aides.

189. A perfect storm of intervention? Lesbian and cisgender queer women conceiving through Australian fertility clinics.

190. Committed, ambivalent, concealed, or distanced: community organisations' perceptions of their role in local prevention systems.

191. From public issues to personal troubles: individualising social inequalities in health within local public health partnerships.

192. Personal mental impacts of Christian faith in cross-cultural adaptation of Chinese migrants in Ireland.

193. The micro-politics of caring: tinkering with person-centered rehabilitation.

194. Participatory visual methods and school-based responses to HIV in rural South Africa: insights from youth, preservice and inservice teachers.

195. Navigating the Transition from Advanced Illness to Bereavement: How Provider Communication Informs Family-related Roles and Needs.

196. "It's Just the Abuse that Needs to Stop": Professional Framing of Sibling Relationships in a Grounded Theory Study of Social Worker Decision Making following Sibling Sexual Behavior.

197. Conceptions within misconceptions: Pluralisms in an Ebola vaccine trial in West Africa.

198. How do you solve a problem like Maria? Family complexity and institutional complications in UK social work.

199. After the handover: Exploring MSF's role in the provision of health care to migrant farm workers in Musina, South Africa.

200. Culturally Sensitive OCD Research: Lessons from the U.S.-Mexico Border.