
Showing total 18 results
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1. Optimal forest management under financial risk aversion with discounted Markov decision process models.

2. Economic analysis of uneven-aged forest management in the southeastern United States.

3. Can uneven-aged management improve the economic performance of longleaf pine?

4. Effects of multiaged silvicultural systems on reserve tree growth 19 years after establishment across multiple species in the Acadian forest in Maine, USA.

5. Carbon impacts of hardwood lumber processing in the northeastern United States.

6. Response of Bicknell's Thrush () to boreal silviculture and forest stand edges: a radio-tracking study.

7. Patterns in whitebark pine regeneration and their relationships to biophysical site characteristics in southwest Montana, central Idaho, and Oregon, USA.

8. Age-related patterns of forest complexity and carbon storage in pine and aspen–birch ecosystems of northern Minnesota, USA.

9. Mapping wildland fuels and forest structure for land management: a comparison of nearest neighbor imputation and other methods.

10. Estimating cavity tree and snag abundance using negative binomial regression models and nearest neighbor imputation methods.

11. Evaluation of tree canopy epiphytes and bark characteristics associated with the presence of corticolous myxomycetes.

12. The effect of site quality on growth efficiency of upper crown class Picea rubens and Abies balsamea in Maine, USA.

13. Fates of live trees retained in forest cutting units, western Cascade Range, Oregon.

14. The spatial influence of Pseudotsuga menziesii retention trees on ectomycorrhiza diversity.

15. Dendroecology of American chestnut in a disjunct stand of oak–chestnut forest.

16. Relation of headwater macroinvertebrate communities to in-stream and adjacent stand characteristics in managed second-growth forests of the Oregon Coast Range mountains.

17. Predictive mapping of forest composition and structure with direct gradient analysis and nearest-neighbor imputation in coastal Oregon, U.S.A.

18. Perspectives on development of definitions and values related to old-growth forests.