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1. Relative Similarity Programming Model for Uncertain Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Objects and Its Application

2. Some New Observations on Generalized Contractive Mappings and Related Results in b-Metric-Like Spaces

3. Existence and Uniqueness of Positive Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with Singular Boundary Value Conditions

4. Solution of Fractional Differential Equations Utilizing Symmetric Contraction

5. Boundedness of Fractional Integral Operators Containing Mittag-Leffler Function via Exponentially s-Convex Functions

6. Bounds on General Randić Index for F-Sum Graphs

7. Equivalent Locally Martingale Measure for the Deflator Process on Ordered Banach Algebra

8. Global Bounded Classical Solutions for a Gradient-Driven Mathematical Model of Antiangiogenesis in Tumor Growth

9. Bounds for the Remainder in Simpson’s Inequality via n-Polynomial Convex Functions of Higher Order Using Katugampola Fractional Integrals

10. A New Approach on Proving Collatz Conjecture

11. Similarity Solution and Heat Transfer Characteristics for a Class of Nonlinear Convection-Diffusion Equation with Initial Value Conditions

12. A Parameter Perturbation Homotopy Continuation Method for Solving Fixed Point Problems with Both Inequality and Equality Constraints

13. Solutions of Integral Equations via Fixed-Point Results on Orthogonal Gauge Structure

14. Perturbation and Stability of Continuous Operator Frames in Hilbert C∗-Modules

15. On Topological Indices for New Classes of Benes Network

16. On the Global Asymptotic Stability of Solutions of Some Difference Equations with Intrinsic Initial Conditions

17. Some Hardy-Type Inequalities for Superquadratic Functions via Delta Fractional Integrals

18. On the Shrinking Projection Method for the Split Feasibility Problem in Banach Spaces

19. Weighted Composition Operators from Derivative Hardy Spaces into n-th Weighted-Type Spaces

20. On the Hybrid Power Mean of Two-Term Exponential Sums and Cubic Gauss Sums

21. Woven Frames in Quaternionic Hilbert Spaces

22. On Harmonic Index and Diameter of Quasi-Tree Graphs

23. Hadamard Inequalities for Strongly α,m-Convex Functions via Caputo Fractional Derivatives

24. Results on Complex Partial b-Metric Space with an Application

25. On the Spectrum of Laplacian Matrix

26. Null Controllability of a Four Stage and Age-Structured Population Dynamics Model

27. Strong Convergence on the Split Feasibility Problem by Mixing W-Mapping

28. Existence and Stability for a Nonlinear Coupled p-Laplacian System of Fractional Differential Equations

29. General Higher-Order Lipschitz Mappings

30. Some Indices over a New Algebraic Graph

31. Divisor Problems Related to Hecke Eigenvalues in Three Dimensions

32. The Averaging Principle for Stochastic Pantograph Equations with Non-Lipschitz Conditions

33. Some Results on Generalized Pata–Suzuki Type Contractive Mappings

34. Some Dimensional Results of a Class of Homogeneous Moran Sets

35. Monotone Iterative Schemes for Positive Solutions of a Fractional q-Difference Equation with Integral Boundary Conditions on the Half-Line

36. Some Algebraic Properties of a Class of Integral Graphs Determined by Their Spectrum

37. Some New Results of Mitrinović–Cusa’s and Related Inequalities Based on the Interpolation and Approximation Method

38. M-Polynomials and Topological Indices for Line Graphs of Chain Silicate Network and H-Naphtalenic Nanotubes

39. Further Properties of 1- and 2-Dimensional U- and W-Convexity and Fixed Point of Nonexpansive Mappings in Banach Spaces X and X∗

40. Planar Graphs of Maximum Degree 6 and without Adjacent 8-Cycles Are 6-Edge-Colorable

41. On Conformable Laplace’s Equation

42. On the Edge Metric Dimension of Different Families of Möbius Networks

43. On Groups Whose Irreducible Character Degrees of All Proper Subgroups are All Prime Powers

44. Some New Ostrowski-Type Inequalities Involving σ-Fractional Integrals

45. On Some Algebraic Properties of n-Refined Neutrosophic Elements and n-Refined Neutrosophic Linear Equations

46. Extremal Values of Randić Index among Some Classes of Graphs

47. Inequalities for Estimations of Integrals Related to Higher-Order Strongly n-Polynomial Preinvex Functions

48. Some Criteria for Class Numbers to Be Non-One

49. Annihilators in Universal Algebras: A New Approach

50. Classification of f-Biharmonic Curves in Lorentz–Minkowski Space