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1. Exploring Multiple-Objective Optimization for Efficient and Effective Test Paper Design with Dynamic Programming Guided Genetic Algorithm

2. A scheme for the integration of $ \, {}^{C} \mathit{\boldsymbol{{D}}}^{(1/n)} $-type fractional differential equations (FDEs) is presented in this paper. The approach is based on the expansion of solutions to FDEs via fractional power series. It is proven that $ \, {}^{C} \mathit{\boldsymbol{{D}}}^{(1/n)} $-type FDEs can be transformed into equivalent $ \left(\, {}^{C} \mathit{\boldsymbol{{D}}}^{(1/n)}\right)^n $-type FDEs via operator calculus techniques. The efficacy of the scheme is demonstrated by integrating the fractional Riccati differential equation.

3. Let $ R $ be a ring with identity. The commuting graph of $ R $ is the graph associated to $ R $ whose vertices are non-central elements in $ R $, and distinct vertices $ A $ and $ B $ are adjacent if and only if $ AB = BA $. In this paper, we completely determine the automorphism group of the commuting graph of $ 2\times 2 $ matrix ring over $ \mathbb{Z}_{p^{s}} $, where $ \mathbb{Z}_{p^{s}} $ is the ring of integers modulo $ p^{s} $, $ p $ is a prime and $ s $ is a positive integer.

4. >Let $ R $ be a ring with identity. The commuting graph of $ R $ is the graph associated to $ R $ whose vertices are non-central elements in $ R $, and distinct vertices $ A $ and $ B $ are adjacent if and only if $ AB = BA $. In this paper, we completely determine the automorphism group of the commuting graph of $ 2\times 2 $ matrix ring over $ \mathbb{Z}_{p^{s}} $, where $ \mathbb{Z}_{p^{s}} $ is the ring of integers modulo $ p^{s} $, $ p $ is a prime and $ s $ is a positive integer

5. Flag-transitive non-symmetric 2-designs with λ prime and exceptional groups of Lie type

6. Counting sums of exceptional units in $ \mathbb{Z}_n $

7. Analysis of rumor spreading with different usage ranges in a multilingual environment

8. Threshold dynamics and density function of a stochastic cholera transmission model

9. Fractional calculus in beam deflection: Analyzing nonlinear systems with Caputo and conformable derivatives

10. On strong geodeticity in the lexicographic product of graphs

11. A study of the impact of scientific collaboration on the application of Large Language Model

12. A computational study of time-fractional gas dynamics models by means of conformable finite difference method

13. Characterization of solitons in a pseudo-quasi-conformally flat and pseudo- $ W_8 $ flat Lorentzian Kähler space-time manifolds

14. A new filled function method based on global search for solving unconstrained optimization problems

15. Weighted Milne-type inequalities through Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals and diverse function classes

16. Covering properties of $ C_{p}\left(Y|X\right) $

17. Stability for Cauchy problem of first order linear PDEs on $ \mathbb{T}^m $ with forced frequency possessing finite uniform Diophantine exponent

18. A further study on an attraction-repulsion chemotaxis system with logistic source

19. An ε-approximation solution of time-fractional diffusion equations based on Legendre polynomials

20. Analysis of a hybrid fractional coupled system of differential equations in n-dimensional space with linear perturbation and nonlinear boundary conditions

21. Asymptotic behavior of some differential inequalities with mixed delays on time scales and their applications

22. Efficient method for solving nonlinear weakly singular kernel fractional integro-differential equations

23. Hyperideal-based zero-divisor graph of the general hyperring $ \mathbb{Z}_{n} $

24. Skeleton action recognition via graph convolutional network with self-attention module

25. Piecewise implicit coupled system under ABC fractional differential equations with variable order

26. Observations on graph invariants with the Lovász ϑ-function

27. Weak convergence of the conditional single index U-statistics for locally stationary functional time series

28. A higher-order uniform accuracy scheme for nonlinear ψ-Volterra integral equations in two dimension with weakly singular kernel

29. Neural networks-based adaptive fault-tolerant control for a class of nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems with actuator faults and input delay

30. A delay-product-type Lyapunov functional approach for enhanced synchronization of chaotic Lur'e systems using a quantized controller

31. Assessing the accuracy and efficiency of kinematic analysis tools for six-DOF industrial manipulators: The KUKA robot case study

32. Solution approximation of fractional boundary value problems and convergence analysis using AA-iterative scheme

33. Generating irregular fractals based on iterated function systems

34. Initial value problems for fractional p-Laplacian equations with singularity

35. Investigation of multi-term delay fractional differential equations with integro-multipoint boundary conditions

36. Tracking control for a class of fractional order uncertain systems with time-delay based on composite nonlinear feedback control

37. Micro-expression recognition based on multi-scale 3D residual convolutional neural network

38. A new hybrid Lévy Quantum-behavior Butterfly Optimization Algorithm and its application in NL5 Muskingum model

39. Evolving blocks by segmentation for neural architecture search

40. Global stability and co-balancing numbers in a system of rational difference equations

41. Results pertaining to fixed points in ordered metric spaces with auxiliary functions and application to integral equation

42. The uniformly continuous theorem of fractal interpolation surface function and its proof

43. Fractional tempered differential equations depending on arbitrary kernels

44. Event-triggered fixed/preassigned time stabilization of state-dependent switching neural networks with mixed time delays

45. Dispersive optical soliton solutions with the concatenation model incorporating quintic order dispersion using three distinct schemes

46. Ulam type stability for von Bertalanffy growth model with Allee effect

47. Global robust stability of fuzzy cellular neural networks with parameter uncertainties

48. Wiener Tauberian theorem and half-space problems for parabolic and elliptic equations

49. SFEMM: A cotton binocular matching method based on YOLOv7x

50. Extension of topological structures using lattices and rough sets