
Showing total 17 results
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1. Impact of big data usage on product and process innovation: the role of data diagnosticity.

2. Using optimal choice of parameters for meta-extreme learning machine method in wind energy application.

3. Does workplace envy always have detrimental consequences in organizations? A study of public and private sector employees.

4. The impact of financial defence mechanisms and phantasy on risky investment intention.

5. A GIS-based DANP-VIKOR approach to evaluate R&D performance of Turkish cities.

6. Building a fitting context for knowledge management and innovativeness.

7. The mediating role of trust in leader in the relations of ethical leadership and distributive justice on internal whistleblowing: a study on Turkish banking sector.

8. MSGP-LASSO: An improved multi-stage genetic programming model for streamflow prediction.

9. HHI-based evaluation of the European banking sector using an integrated fuzzy approach.

10. Relationship between risk aversion, risky investment intention, investment choices: Impact of personality traits and emotion.

11. An innovative and integrated approach based on SERVQUAL, QFD and FMEA for service quality improvement: A case study.

12. A review of toxoplasmosis in humans and animals in Turkey.

13. Assessing the effects of flight delays, distance, number of passengers and seasonality on revenue.

14. Tethyan ophiolites and Tethyan seaways.

15. Understanding water-society nexus: insights from Turkey's small-scale hydropower policy.

16. Unknown uncertainties in the COVID-19 pandemic: Multi-dimensional identification and mathematical modelling for the analysis and estimation of the casualties.

17. Turkish Local Elections Pose Challenge for The Opposition, as Well as for Erdogan.