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66,912 results

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1. A Critical Reading of 'The National Youth White Paper on Global Citizenship': What Are Youth Saying and What Is Missing?

3. Language Ideologies and English for Academic Purposes Writing: A Case in Ontario: Larry Vandergrift Best Graduate Paper Award 2022

4. Paper Mill Biosolids and Forest-Derived Liming Materials Applied on Cropland: Residual Effects on Soil Properties and Metal Availability.

5. Battery Research and Innovation—A Study of Patents and Papers.

6. Global emergency medicine: four part series : Paper 4: Global EM education and professionalization.

7. Correction factors for large-scale greenhouse gas assessment from pulp and paper mill sludge landfill sites.

8. Linking the Past, Present, and Future of Canada's University Continuing Education Units: A Conceptual Paper for Post-Pandemic Times

9. Bibliometric Analysis of the Top 100 Cited Papers on Predatory Publishing.

10. Integrated forest biorefinery network design under demand uncertainty: a case study on canadian pulp & paper industry.

11. Rethinking Social Policy for an Aging Workforce and Society: Insights from the Life Course Perspective. CPRN Discussion Paper.

13. Global emergency medicine: four part series on best practices : Paper 1: Introduction and overview of global emergency medicine.

14. POCUS literature primer: key papers on POCUS in cardiac arrest and shock.

15. Simultaneous and Comparable Numerical Indicators of International, National and Local Collaboration Practices in English-Medium Astrophysics Research Papers

16. Test-Retest Reliability and Construct Validity of an Online and Paper Administered Physical Activity Neighborhood Environment Scale (PANES)

17. Towards an Adult Literacy Policy for Ontario. A Discussion Paper.

18. Comparing Children's Performance on and Preference for a Number-Line Estimation Task: Tablet versus Paper and Pencil

19. Aerosol Generating Procedures and Associated Control/Mitigation Measures: A position paper from the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association and the American Dental Hygienists' Association.

20. Aerosol-generating procedures and associated control/mitigation measures: Position paper from the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association and the American Dental Hygienists' Association.

21. Complicating Notions of 'Scholar-Activist' in a Global Context: A Discussion Paper

22. Evolving evidence for relationships between periodontitis and systemic diseases: Position paper from the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association.

23. Degrees of Alienation: This Paper Is Definitely Not a HEQCO Funded Policy Report

24. Recognizing the Role of Community in Civic Education: Lessons from Hull House, Highlander Folk School, and the Neighborhood Learning Community. Circle Working Paper 30

25. Instruction, Assessment, and Learning: From Standardization to a Focus on Students. A Position Paper from the British Columbia Teachers' Federation

27. A Vision for the Future: Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training--A Discussion Paper [and] Current Context and Selected Trends: A Profile of Apprenticeship and Industry Training in Alberta [and] A Vision for the Future: Responses to a Discussion Paper from the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Board and the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Division. Keeping You Informed....

28. Child Care and Canadian Federalism in the 1990s: Canary in a Coal Mine. Occasional Paper No. 11.

29. Does Survey Medium Affect Responses? An Exploration of Electronic and Paper Surveying in British Colombia Schools

30. Adults' Informal Learning: Definitions, Findings, Gaps, and Future Research. NALL Working Paper #21.

31. The Storage and Transmission of Men's Non-Formal Skills in Working Class Communities: A Working Paper. NALL Working Paper.

32. Performance Indicators in Postsecondary Education in Alberta: An Analysis. AIR 1996 Annual Forum Paper.

33. An Integrated Framework To Enhance the Quality of Teaching in Alberta. A Policy Position Paper.

34. The Changing Culture of Rural Ontario. Occasional Papers in Rural Extension, No. 9.

35. Pathways to Equality: Hearings on Access to Public Education for Aboriginal People. Discussion Paper.

36. Some Thoughts on Protocol in University/Community Partnerships. NALL Working Paper.

37. Taking Down the Walls: Communities and Educational Research in Canada's 21st Century. NALL Working Paper.

38. Preparing Globally Minded Students and Employees. NATCON Papers, 2000.

39. Transfer Rates: How To Measure and for What Purpose? A Discussion Paper.

40. The Associate Degree as a Transfer Credential: A Discussion Paper.

41. Workplace Literacy Pilot Projects: A Discussion Paper = Les Projects-pilotes en alphabetisation en milieu de travail: document de discussion.

42. The Virtual Research and Extension Communication Network (VRECN): An Interactive Learning and Communication Network for Research and Extension Personnel. Concept Paper for the Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO).

43. Child Care: Canada Can't Work without It. Occasional Paper No. 5.

44. Roles and Responsibilities in Education: A Position Paper.

45. Reply to the Ministries' Reactions to the Canadian Psychological Association's Position Paper on Beginning Reading Instruction.

46. Toward a Redefinition of Formal and Informal Learning: Education and the Aboriginal People. NALL Working Paper.

47. How Can Our Own Histories Help Us Achieve More Authentic Evaluation?: A Paper for Adult Educators.

48. The Illinois White Paper: Improving the System for Protecting Human Subjects--Counteracting IRB 'Mission Creep'

49. Beginning Reading Instruction: A Position Paper on Beginning Reading Instruction in Canadian Schools.

50. An Effective Learning Environment: A Discussion Paper on Strategy 1 of 'Answering the Challenge.'