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Bibliometric Analysis of the Top 100 Cited Papers on Predatory Publishing.

Authors :
Kumar, Amit
Siwach, Anil Kumar
Devi, Poornima
Source :
Science & Technology Libraries; 2024, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p67-77, 11p
Publication Year :


Predatory publishing is the unethical and dishonest behavior of publishers who take advantage of researchers by charging them too much money and not providing good editing and peer-review services. Scholars, publishers and policymakers are seeking solutions to combat predatory publishing, which has become a major academic problem. This research paper provides a bibliometric analysis of the citation patterns and trends in the predatory publishing literature. The study analyzed the 100 top-cited papers on predatory publishing and provided insight into the types of documents, journals, authors, and countries that contributed to this field. The average citation per paper in the top 100 selected publications was 53.67. Open-access publications received a significantly higher average citation per paper than subscription-based papers. "Article" was the major type of document published, followed by "Notes," "Reviews" and "Editorials." Nature and Learned Publishing were the journals that contained the highest number of top-cited articles. J. Beall and D. Moher authored the highest number of papers, while A. Grudniewicz had the highest average citation per paper. USA and Canada were the top countries in these top-cited publications. This study will be beneficial to the all the stakeholders who may be interested in this area of research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Language :
Volume :
Issue :
Database :
Complementary Index
Journal :
Science & Technology Libraries
Publication Type :
Academic Journal
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