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1. UHF anti-interference positioning and optimal layout method of oil-paper insulation defect partial discharge

2. Point-of-Care Testing of Immunosuppressants in Blood Using Thin-layer Paper Spray Ionization and a Miniature Mass Spectrometer

3. Detection of Rutin in Flower Buds of Sophora japonica by Using Chitosan-Based Carbon Dot Paper Chip

4. 3种咬合纸在人工种植牙修复中的应用效果比较.

5. 服务强国建设, 推进新时代青少年和学校体育高质量发展一一第一届全&#22269...

6. Guidelines and Best Practices for Extending Conference Papers to Journal Articles: Issues for Consideration From a Research Integrity Perspective

7. Molecular dynamics simulation on thermal stability of oil-paper insulation

8. 特种纸用植物纤维原料.

9. Fault diagnosis of transformer oil-paper bushings in PSO-BPNN algorithm based on ADASYN data balancing

10. Progress in Lab on Paper in the Field of Food Safety Detection

11. Interdisciplinarity Measurement Method of Scientific Research Papers based on Adaptive Feature Selection

12. Application of New Paper-based Microfluidic Sensing Materials in Food Analysis

14. 广西造纸行业主要水污染物排放 特征分析.

15. Research Progress of Fruit Paper Drying Technology

16. “双碳”目标下,我国造纸工业减碳 路径探究.

17. 从生态环境角度浅析造纸行业高质量 发展方向——以广西为例.

18. 高光泽喷墨打印纸的涂层结构及其性能比较研究.

19. Paper Infant

20. 典型林浆纸一体化企业“零碳”工厂 创建路径研究.

21. 推行竹浆纸一体化实现竹子造纸 持续发展.

22. 制浆造纸行业温室气体排放核算 标准与方法浅析.

23. Scientific Paper Heterogeneous Graph Node Representation Learning Method Based onUnsupervised Clustering Level

24. 2016-2021 年中文口腔医学类核心期刊高被引论文特征分析.

25. 铁炭微电解深度处理废纸造纸废水的参数 优化及其效果研究.

26. 松厚度对高效滤纸结构和性能影响 的数值模拟研究.

27. 大力发展林浆纸一体化, 推动我国造纸产业低碳化发展.

28. 槟榔果壳的制浆性能初步探索 及其部分替代国产废纸浆的可行性研究.

29. CNF-CMC 梯度网络结构固定有机颜料对 纸纱原纸着色效果的影响.

30. Discussion on several issues about topic and writing of review paper about meteorological science and technology

31. 壳聚糖基碳点纸芯片检测槐米中芦丁含量.

32. 基于投入产出法的中国造纸工业 碳排放核算.

33. Evaluation of dampness status of resin impregnated paper insulation for dry-type bushing based on PDC method

34. Partial damp diagnostic method of oil-paper insulating bushing based on frequency domain spectroscopy

35. Development and Basic Properties Analysis of Perilla frutescens Leaves Fresh-keeping Paper Bag

36. Bibliometric and visual analysis of Chinese-language scholarly journal papers published by China provincial centers for disease control and prevention from 2011 to 2020:based on CSCD data

37. 植物纤维对玻璃纤维滤纸 增强效果的研究.

38. 烟丝/卷烟纸组合对卷烟焦油量变异的影响.

39. 燃料电池气体扩散层中碳纸材料研究进展.

40. 麦草化机浆与废纸浆配抄制备瓦楞原纸.

41. 高透明度、高雾度塑料纸在有机发光器件中的 应用及其性能提升.

42. Effect of 1-MCP Controlled Release Packaging Paper on Storage Quality of Apricot Fruit

43. Research on the crack of thermo-forming of aviation sandwich structure composed of composite materials and paper honeycomb

44. 乡村振兴下非物质文化遗产的传承与保护 ——以四川省苍溪县唤马剪纸为例.

45. 基于化学计量学-感官组学模型的 赋香卷烟纸分类识别.

46. 防火板芯纸的实验研究.

47. 煅烧温度和保温时间对废纸造纸 污泥热分解产物特性的影响.

48. Establishment of a rapid paper-based extraction method for human papilloma virus DNA and its preliminary evaluation

49. Scientific Paper Summarization Using Word-Section Association

50. Preparation of paper-based SERS substrates by screen printing and property research

51. 可降解PHT树脂的合成及可降解机油滤纸的研究.

52. 运用 GRU 神经网络预测我国废纸回收量.

53. 中国造纸业碳效率时空分布特征及 驱动因素分析.

54. 微纳米纤维复合滤纸反吹性能的 研究.

55. 烟用滤嘴棒功能化改进及填充纸的 技术发展.

57. Selection of Papers on the Origins of COVID-19 and Entity Annotation Based on Full Texts

58. Discussion and analysis on key words indexing and abstract writing methods of atmospheric science academic papers

59. Exploring the Academic Exchange among Countries along the 'The Belt and Road': Bibliometrics Perspective of Highly Cited Papers

60. Progress of Library and Information Science During the 13th Five-year Plan:Analysis on Funded Papers

61. Exploring the Patterns of Funded Papers in Social Science in Taiwan

62. Effect of applying pressure during carbonization process on structure and properties of carbon paper for gas diffusion layer

63. 考虑碳排放的不确定闭环供应链鲁棒优化研究.

64. 基于多目标优化的联邦学习进化.

65. SCI-indexed papers and research hotspots of provincial centers for disease control and prevention in China from 2011 to 2020

66. 污泥秸稈復合炭和炭紙制備及脫臭性能.

67. “双一流”高校图书馆纸质资源政府采购合同的现状、问题与优化 —基于中国政府采购网合同公告信息的分析.

68. Effect of microcrystalline cellulose on properties of paper-plastic composites.

69. 薄层纸喷雾离子化-小型便携式质谱法即时检验血液中免疫抑制剂.

70. 碱预处理对碳纤维分散及 碳纸原纸性能的研究.

71. Discussion on several writing issues for analysis paper on the rainstorm event

72. 具有持久抗菌功能高效玻纤滤纸的 制备及性能研究.

73. 废钞纸再制浆方法探讨.

74. 基于工业互联网平台 赋能造纸行业实现数字化转型的研究与应用.

75. 纸机湿部高压移动喷淋驱动装置改造及应用.

76. 'The Right Heart Priority' in Shock Treatment——My Paper 20 Years Later

77. 一种再造烟叶纸质滤棒的开发研究.

78. 制浆造纸废水处理系统的 AOX 迁移与赋存.

79. 纸基微流控芯片原纸的构建及 其对颜色信号均匀性的优化研究.

80. A Survey of Author Name Disambiguation Techniques of Academic Papers

81. Application of inkjet printed paper-based SERS substrate in thiram detection in fruits

82. mass spectrometry, paper spray, hydrogen sulfide, triazine, oil sample

83. Comparison and analysis of aging characteristics of insulation paper between mine power transformer and ordinary power transformer

84. 《中国造纸》2022年发表论文述评.

85. 基于人工智能的安全预警装置在 纸卷仓储的应用.

86. 饱和牛皮纸吸水性能影响因素的应用研究.

87. 多段打浆法制备涤纶超短纤维基 纸袋纸及其性能研究.

88. 废纸制备聚苯胺纤维素气凝胶及其 性能的研究.

89. 基于GA⁃BPNN 算法的碳纸原纸性能指标建模预测研究.

90. Review on Paper Novelty Measurement

91. Paper currency serial number recognition system research of the Republic of China based on convolutional neural network

92. [Application of paper-based microfluidics in point-of-care testing].

93. 热辐射和绕组绝缘纸对自然对流下的 变压器温度影响.

94. 从试卷分析思考课程改革的教学策略 --以分析化学1课程为例.

95. Study on feeding value evaluation of by-products of sea buckthorn andantibacterial effect of its extracts.

96. 聚苯乙烯树脂吸附纸机白水中阴离子杂质模型物 的研究.

97. 中国造纸工业2022 年 度 报 告.

98. A Review of Research on Influencing Factors and Prediction of Citation Frequency of a Single Paper

99. A bibliometric analysis of ESI highly cited papers from China and USA

100. 有机硅改性水性聚氨酯基纸质文物 保护液的制备及性能研究.