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1. Comment on "Tu et al., An Analytical Solution of Groundwater Flow in a Confined Aquifer With a Single Well Circulation System, Water Resources Research, First Published: 12 June 2020.".

2. Introduction to special section on Modeling highly heterogeneous aquifers: Lessons learned in the last 30 years from the MADE experiments and others.

3. Seawater–Groundwater Interaction Governs Trace Metal Zonation in a Coastal Sandy Aquifer.

4. A Novel Methodology for the Stochastic Integration of Geophysical and Hydrogeological Data in Geologically Consistent Models.

5. Spectral Analysis of River Resistance and Aquifer Diffusivity in a River‐Confined Aquifer System.

6. Different Sensitivities of Earthquake‐Induced Water Level and Hydrogeological Property Variations in Two Aquifer Systems.

7. The Method of Images Revisited: Approximate Solutions in Wedge‐Shaped Aquifers of Arbitrary Angle.

8. Vertical Saltwater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers Driven by Episodic Flooding: A Review.

9. Salt water interface in a layered coastal aquifer: The only published analytic solution is in error.

10. Stochastic Analysis of the Drawdown Time of Infiltration Basins in the Presence of Heterogeneous Soils.

11. Reply to comment by S. Neuman on 'Is unique scaling of aquifer macrodispersivity supported by field data?'.

12. Local and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Reactive Transport Model Simulating Floodplain Redox Cycling.

13. Enhancing multiple-point geostatistical modeling: 1. Graph theory and pattern adjustment.

14. A Type‐Curve Approach for Evaluating Aquifer Properties by Interpreting Shallow Strain Measured During Well Tests.

15. Introduction to Special Section: The Quest for Sustainability of Heavily Stressed Aquifers at Regional to Global Scales.

16. Potential and Challenges of Investigating Intrinsic Uncertainty of Hydrological Models With Stochastic, Time‐Dependent Parameters.

17. Quantifying and Numerically Representing Recharge and Flow Components in a Karstified Carbonate Aquifer.

18. A Numerical Study of Slug Tests in a Three‐Dimensional Heterogeneous Porous Aquifer Considering Well Inertial Effects.

19. Measuring Fracture Flow Changes in a Bedrock Aquifer Due to Open Hole and Pumped Conditions Using Active Distributed Temperature Sensing.

21. Some Taxes Are Better Than Others: An Economic Experiment Analyzing Groundwater Management in a Spatially Explicit Aquifer.

22. Reduction of saltwater intrusion by modifying hydraulic conductivity.

23. A new device for characterizing fracture networks and measuring groundwater and contaminant fluxes in fractured rock aquifers.

24. A Spatially Enhanced Data‐Driven Multimodel to Improve Semiseasonal Groundwater Forecasts in the High Plains Aquifer, USA.

25. Revisiting the Analytical Solutions of Heat Transport in Fractured Reservoirs Using a Generalized Multirate Memory Function.

26. Convective‐Reactive CO2 Dissolution in Aquifers With Mass Transfer With Immobile Water.

27. A Flexible Temporal Velocity Model for Fast Contaminant Transport Simulations in Porous Media.

28. A new formulation for steady multiaquifer flow: An analytic element for piecewise constant infiltration.

29. Straight thinking about groundwater recession.

30. Understanding process dynamics at aquifer-surface water interfaces: An introduction to the special section on new modeling approaches and novel experimental technologies.

31. Direct Breakthrough Curve Prediction From Statistics of Heterogeneous Conductivity Fields.

32. Estimation of aquifer scale proportion using equal area grids: Assessment of regional scale groundwater quality.

33. Modeling gas-water processes in fractures with fracture flow properties obtained through upscaling.

34. Radial solute transport in highly heterogeneous aquifers: Modeling and experimental comparison.

35. Plausibility of freshwater lenses adjacent to gaining rivers: Validation by laboratory experimentation.

36. Reply to comment by Kong et al. on "Appropriate Boundary Condition for Dupuit‐Boussinesq Theory on the Steady Groundwater Flow in an Unconfined Sloping Aquifer With Uniform Recharge".

37. Terrestrial freshwater lenses in stable riverine settings: Occurrence and controlling factors.

38. Robust optimization of well location to enhance hysteretical trapping of CO2: Assessment of various uncertainty quantification methods and utilization of mixed response surface surrogates.

39. Predicting hydrofacies and hydraulic conductivity from direct-push data using a data-driven relevance vector machine approach: Motivations, algorithms, and application.

40. Modeling Diffusivity Tests in Heterogeneous Aquifers: A Stochastic First-Order Approach.

41. Three-Dimensional Hydrochemical Model for Dissolutional Growth of Fractures in Karst Aquifers.

42. When Do Complex Transport Dynamics Arise in Natural Groundwater Systems?

43. Behavioral response to contamination risk information in a spatially explicit groundwater environment: Experimental evidence.

44. Oscillatory pumping wells in phreatic, compressible, and homogeneous aquifers.

45. Rescuing degrading aquifers in the Central Coastal Plain of North Carolina (USA): Just process, effective groundwater management policy, and sustainable aquifers.

46. Joint inversion of aquifer test, MRS, and TEM data.

47. CO2 injectivity in saline aquifers: The impact of non-Darcy flow, phase miscibility, and gas compressibility.

48. Inference of long-term groundwater flow transience using environmental tracers: A theoretical approach.

49. The importance of hydraulic groundwater theory in catchment hydrology: The legacy of Wilfried Brutsaert and Jean-Yves Parlange.

50. Imaging high stage river-water intrusion into a contaminated aquifer along a major river corridor using 2-D time-lapse surface electrical resistivity tomography.