
Showing total 157 results
157 results

Search Results

1. Consequences of cervical pessary for subsequent pregnancy: follow-up of randomized clinical trial (ProTWIN).

2. Prediction of pre-eclampsia-related complications in women with suspected or confirmed pre-eclampsia: development and internal validation of clinical prediction model.

3. Fetal cerebral blood-flow redistribution: analysis of Doppler reference charts and association of different thresholds with adverse perinatal outcome.

4. Relationship between ophthalmic artery Doppler and maternal cardiovascular function.

5. Maternal cardiac function at 19-23 weeks' gestation in prediction of pre-eclampsia.

6. Urgent neonatal balloon atrial septostomy in simple transposition of the great arteries: predictive value of fetal cardiac parameters.

7. Doppler-based predictive model for methotrexate resistance in low-risk gestational trophoblastic neoplasia with myometrial invasion: prospective study of 147 patients.

8. Universal chromosomal microarray analysis reveals high proportion of copy-number variants in low-risk pregnancies.

9. Outcome of pregnancies with recent primary cytomegalovirus infection in first trimester treated with hyperimmunoglobulin: observational study.

10. Ophthalmic artery Doppler in combination with other biomarkers in prediction of pre-eclampsia at 35-37 weeks' gestation.

11. Association between 3D endovaginal and 2D perineal pelvic floor ultrasound findings and symptoms in women presenting with mid-urethral sling complications.

12. Impact of gestational diabetes mellitus on fetal cardiac morphology and function: cohort comparison of second- and third-trimester fetuses.

13. Fetal cerebellar growth and Sylvian fissure maturation: international standards from Fetal Growth Longitudinal Study of INTERGROWTH-21st Project.

14. Prediction of pre-eclampsia in twin pregnancy by maternal factors and biomarkers at 11-13 weeks' gestation: data from EVENTS trial.

15. Induction of labor with Foley catheter and risk of subsequent preterm birth: follow-up study of two randomized controlled trials (PROBAAT-1 and -2).

16. Serial cervical-length measurements after first episode of threatened preterm labor improve prediction of spontaneous delivery prior to 37 weeks' gestation.

17. Vessel morphology depicted by three-dimensional power Doppler ultrasound as second-stage test in adnexal tumors that are difficult to classify: prospective diagnostic accuracy study.

18. Ten-year experience of protocol-based management of small-for-gestational-age fetuses: perinatal outcome in late-pregnancy cases diagnosed after 32 weeks.

19. Differences in post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression following miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy between women and their partners: multicenter prospective cohort study.

20. Safety and efficacy of smart tracheal occlusion device in diaphragmatic hernia lamb model.

21. Effectiveness of contingent screening for placenta accreta spectrum disorders based on persistent low-lying placenta and previous uterine surgery.

22. Typical ultrasound features of various endometrial pathologies described using International Endometrial Tumor Analysis (IETA) terminology in women with abnormal uterine bleeding.

23. Accuracy of prenatal ultrasound screening to identify fetuses infected by cytomegalovirus which will develop severe long-term sequelae.

24. Early cardiac remodeling in aortic coarctation: insights from fetal and neonatal functional and structural assessment.

25. Imaging in gynecological disease (17): ultrasound features of malignant ovarian yolk sac tumors (endodermal sinus tumors).

26. Contribution of single-gene defects to congenital cardiac left-sided lesions in the prenatal setting.

27. IDEAL study: magnetic resonance imaging for suspected deep endometriosis assessment prior to laparoscopy is as reliable as radiological imaging as a complement to transvaginal ultrasonography.

28. Detection of fetal cardiac anomalies: cost-effectiveness of increased number of cardiac views.

29. Congenital Uterine Malformation by Experts (CUME): diagnostic criteria for T-shaped uterus.

30. Twin pregnancy with two live fetuses at 11-13 weeks: effect of one fetal death on pregnancy outcome.

31. Single umbilical artery and risk of congenital malformation: population-based study in Norway.

32. First-trimester intrauterine hematoma and pregnancy complications.

33. Diagnosis of fetal defects in twin pregnancies at routine 11-13-week ultrasound examination.

34. Intracervical lakes as sonographic marker of placenta accreta spectrum disorder in patients with placenta previa or low-lying placenta.

35. Multicenter randomized trial exploring effects of simulation-based ultrasound training on obstetricians' diagnostic accuracy: value for experienced operators.

36. Single and repeat cervical-length measurement in twin gestation with threatened preterm labor.

37. Fetal echocardiographic assessment of cardiovascular impact of prolonged support on EXTrauterine Environment for Neonatal Development (EXTEND) system.

38. Expected-value bias in routine third-trimester growth scans.

39. Development and validation of predictive models for QUiPP App v.2: tool for predicting preterm birth in asymptomatic high-risk women.

40. Development and validation of predictive models for QUiPP App v.2: tool for predicting preterm birth in women with symptoms of threatened preterm labor.

41. Effect of sildenafil on maternal hemodynamics in pregnancies complicated by severe early-onset fetal growth restriction: planned subgroup analysis from a multicenter randomized placebo-controlled double-blind trial.

42. Intertwin discordance in fetal size at 11-13 weeks' gestation and pregnancy outcome.

43. Impact of biometric measurement error on identification of small- and large-for-gestational-age fetuses.

44. Value of routine ultrasound examination at 35-37 weeks' gestation in diagnosis of non-cephalic presentation.

45. Are maternal hemodynamic indices markers of fetal growth restriction in pregnancies with a small-for-gestational-age fetus?

46. Malmström vacuum or Kielland forceps: which causes more damage to pelvic floor?

47. Prediction of adverse perinatal outcome by fetal biometry: comparison of customized and population-based standards.

48. Ultrasonographic soft markers for detection of rectosigmoid deep endometriosis.

49. Impact of extracardiac pathology on head growth in fetuses with congenital heart defect.

50. Left ventricular torsional mechanics in term fetuses and neonates.