A flexible, reliable pattern recognition system has been developed that operates underthe difficult viewing conditions encountered in many industrial applications. The systemis flexible because it can be trained and retrained by an unskilled operator to recognize awide variety of pattern sets. The system is reliable because extensive pre -processing ofthe scanner signals is included to provide immunity to variations in lighting, surfacereflectivity, pattern distortion and pattern registration. The system has a number ofunique features. A different subset of the pattern set can be selected for recognition ineach position in a row of characters. A varying number of characters per row can be accom-modated. The patterns can be read a number of times before making a final decision. Thereject level can be set by the operator. Also, the operator may overide recognition withmanual input when necessary. Initial results achieved with this system indicate thatpractical solutions exist for the difficult pattern recognition problems that arise in anindustrial environment.IntroductionReading, recording and checking sequences of symbols is an important part of many industrialoperations. The consequences of an incorrectly recorded serial number on an engine part, amilitary weapon or a syringe may be far reaching. Frequently, high error rates occur evenwhen several people check each others work. Automatic equipment that can reduce errorrates and augment or relieve human operators can find immediate application in many areas.However, special pattern recognition equipment is required to process the low qualityimages that are frequently encountered. Such equipment must be readily adaptable to a widevariety of applications. It should also provide for sufficient interaction between operatorand machine to adjust to the variety of conditions that occur in a particular application.This paper examines the requirements of industrial automatic recognition equipment anddescribes a system designed to meet them.The paper opens with a discussion of some of the difficulties encountered in creatingimages of patterns on production parts. There follows a brief review of the hardware of anindustrial recognition system, a description of the pre -processing used in that system toextract useful information from the images of patterns, and the decision rules used in re-cognition. Then the operation of the system in the training, testing and running modes isdescribed and examples are presented of operator interaction with the machine through theteletype. Finally, some evidence is presented concerning the performance of the system inrecognizing two of the pattern sets to which this system has been applied.Pattern Images of Production PartsA reliable recognition system requires that the images of the patterns to be recognized beclear and consistent. The quality of the images created by a scanner is a function ofillumination, background conditions, positioning, and quality of reproduction of thepatterns. Consider, for example, reading serial numbers stamped around the rim of an auto-mobile distributor cap. Assume a scanning device that responds to light reflected from thecap's surface. Any of the following factors may be responsible for poor image contrast:non -uniform illumination caused by the curvature of the surface and shadows created byadjacent parts of the cap; variations in reflectivity produced by rust, abrasions and dis -colorations; variations in the position of the entire character string because of thedifficulties of fixturing an odd shaped part; variations in the position of individualcharacters caused by an imprecise stamping machine; and variations in character shape andstroke width produced by stampings that are non -uniform and inconsistent in depth.Many of the problems just described can be alleviated by improving other phases of the man-ufacturing process e.g., improving stamping machines, improving surface finishing and whereapplicable, use of computer controlled precision positioning tables for presenting thepatterns to the scanner. However, even when other factors have been optimized, a successfulrecognition system must be at once insensitive to variations in contrast, capable of findinginaccurately registered characters and relatively independent of the precise geometricdescription of the characters to be classified.