This article reports on call for nominations for editorial positions for the Speech Communication Association (SCA) Publications Board as of December 1993. Robert Avery, SCA Publications Board chairperson, is accepting nominations for four editorial positions. The call for nominations will remain open until April 1, 1994 or until the editorial positions are filled. Nominations are sought for editors of Critical Studies in Mass Communication (CSMC), the Communication Monographs (CM), The Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS), and Speech Communication Teacher (SCT). Members of SCA are invited to submit nominations, including self nominations, to the SCA Publications Board, c/o James Gaudino, SCA Executive Director, 5105 Backlick Rd., Bldg. #E, Annandale, VA 22003, Nominations should be mailed to arrive in the National Office not later than April 1,1994. Nominations will be reviewed by the SCA Publications Board during their summer 1994 meeting. The name of the candidates nominated for the positions will be forwarded to the SCA Legislative Council for appointment in November 1994. The individuals selected to be editors of CSMS. CM. QJS. SCT will assume three-year terms officially beginning on January 1, 1996. The actual transition of editorial duties is a function of manuscript processing and backlog, but the new editor can expect to begin work sometime during 1995.