
Showing total 24 results
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1. Multivariate quasi-tight framelets with high balancing orders derived from any compactly supported refinable vector functions

2. Branch values in Ahlfors’ theory of covering surfaces

3. Homological behavior of idempotent subalgebras and Ext algebras

4. DG Poisson algebra and its universal enveloping algebra

5. Isoparametric hypersurfaces in Finsler space forms

6. Existence of multiple solutions for quasi-linear degenerate elliptic equations

7. Transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with one-dimensional neutral center

8. On the p-Laplacian Lichnerowicz equation on compact Riemannian manifolds

9. On U(n)-invariant strongly convex complex Finsler metrics

10. Extension formulae on almost complex manifolds

11. Twisted toroidal Lie algebras and Moody-Rao-Yokonuma presentation

12. Integral curvature bounds and diameter estimates on Finsler manifolds

13. Weak convergence of branched conformal immersions with uniformly bounded areas and Willmore energies

14. Coupled Sasaki-Ricci solitons

15. Poisson stable motions of monotone nonautonomous dynamical systems

16. Semi-classical analysis on H-type groups

17. Perfect subspaces of quadratic laminations

18. Variable exponent Hardy spaces associated with discrete Laplacians on graphs

19. Numerical invariant tori of symplectic integrators for integrable Hamiltonian systems

20. Capelli identity on multiparameter quantum linear groups

21. Restricting Specht modules of cyclotomic Hecke algebras

22. The role of an integration identity in the analysis of the Cauchy-Leray transform

23. BSDE, path-dependent PDE and nonlinear Feynman-Kac formula

24. On the notions of singular domination and (multi-)singular hyperbolicity