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142 results

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1. Fatores Determinantes da Competitividade Internacional da Indústria de Papel de Imprimir e Escrever sob a Ótica da Cadeia de ValorDeterminant factors in the international industry of printing and writing paper on a value chain perspectiveFactores Determinantes de la Competitividad Internacional de la Industria de Papel de Imprimir y Escribir bajo la Óptica de la Cadena de Valor

2. Influence of customer value orientation, brand value, and business ethics level on organizational performance

3. A Importância da Literatura Cinzenta Disponível na Internet para as Áreas de Ciências Contábeis e Administração de EmpresasThe Importance of the Gray Literature in the Internet for the Accounting and Business Administration AreasLa Importancia de la Literatura Gris Disponible en Internet para las Áreas de Ciencias Contables y Administración de Empresas

4. Determinants of Delays in Corporate Reorganizations

5. Generational differences in work in Spain. A review

6. Determinants of Customer Inertia - An Investigation of Mobile Phone Services

7. Corporate Financial Distress and Reorganization: A Survey of Theoretical and Empirical Contributions

8. The Role of Family Character in Cooperation Agreements

9. The Divergent Influence of Social Responsibility on Employee Engagement through the Lens of Marital Status: Evidence from Higher Education Institutions

10. The Accountant's Perception of the Usefulness of Financial Information in Decision Making – A Case Study in Portugal

11. Dynamics of Online Relationship Marketing: Relationship Quality and Customer Loyalty in Iranian banks

12. Are employees well evaluated in their CSR actions? The perception of managers in an emerging country

13. New business models: Beyond the shareholder approach

14. Are brand extensions of healthy products an adequate strategy when there is a high association between the brand and unhealthy products?

15. Commitment to Work and its Relationship with Organizational Culture Mediated by Satisfaction

16. The Impact of Economic and Financial Management Practices on the Performance of Mexican Micro-Enterprises: A Multivariate Analysis

17. The impact of store satisfaction on consumer responses in out-of-stock situations

18. The effect of procedural fairness and supervisor support in the relationship between job insecurity and organizational citizenship behavior

19. The organizational restructuring performative act under shareholder value management ideology

20. Duopoly innovation with monopoly debater

21. Is New Ibovespa The Best Investment Option?

22. Empirical research on Innovation in Family Business: literature review and proposal of an integrative framework

23. A Distinctive Analysis of Case Study, Action Research and Design Science Research

24. Cars that Provide Pleasure: a study about the connection between attributes and personal values of buyers from São Paulo

25. The predictors of sales performance: a study with wholesale sellers

26. A Pedagogia das Competências em um Curso de Administração: o desafio de passar do projeto pedagógico à prática docenteThe Pedagogy of Competencies in a Business Administration Undergraduate Course: the challenge presented by the transition from a pedagogical project to the teaching practiceLa Pedagogía de las Competencias en un Curso de Administración: el reto de pasar del proyecto pedagógico hacia la práctica docente

27. Abordagem Exploratória do Emprego das Técnicas de Análise de Regressão e Análise Conjunta em Estudos do Comportamento do ConsumidorExploratory Approach to the use of Techniques of Regression Analysis and Pooled Analysis in Studies of Consumer BehaviorEstudio Exploratorio sobre la Utilización de Técnicas de Análisis de Regresión y de Análisis Conjunto en los Estudios del Comportamiento del Consumidor

28. O Paradoxo das Estratégias Multidomésticas num Mundo Global:testemunho das estratégias de 'não-mercado' nos países em desenvolvimentoThe Paradox of Multidomestic Strategies in a Global World: nonmarket strategies in developing countriesLa Paradoja de las Estrategias Multidomésticas en un Mundo Global: testimonio de las estrategias de 'no mercado' en los países en desarrollo

29. A Globalização e a Pesquisa em Contabilidade Internacional: uma agenda para o futuroGlobalization and International Accounting Research: an agenda for the futureLa Globalización y la Investigación de la Contabilidad Internacional: una agenda para el futuro

30. Custos de Transação e Estrutura de Governança no Setor PúblicoTransaction Costs and Governance Structures in the Public SectorCustos de Transacción y Estructuras de Gobernanza en el Sector Público

31. Práticas de Gestão de Custos Adotadas por Empresas Estabelecidas nas Regiões Noroeste e Oeste do Estado do ParanáCosts Management Practices by Organizations Located at Northwest and West ParanáPrácticas de Gestión de Costos Adoptadas por Empresas Establecidas en las Regiones Noroeste y Oeste del Estado de Paraná

32. Conhecimentos e Habilidades para Atuar no Ambiente Internacional de Negócios: a relevância do ensino de contabilidade internacional na percepção de alunos do curso de graduação em ciências contábeisKnowledge and Skills to Act in the International Business Environment: the relevance of the education in international accounting in the perception of students in the course of science degree in accountingConocimientos y Habilidades para Actuar en el Ambiente Internacional de Negocios: la relevancia de la enseñanza de contabilidad internacional en la percepción de los alumnos del curso de graduación en ciencias contables

33. Estratégia de Patenteamento e Licenciamento de Tecnologia: conceitos e estudo de casoPatenting and Licensing Strategy of Technology: concepts and a case studyEstrategia de Patentamiento y Licenciamiento de Tecnología: conceptos y estudio de caso

34. Avaliação de Eficácia de uma Campanha de Propaganda: um estudo empíricoEvaluation of Effectiveness of an Advertising Campaign: an empirical studyEvaluación de Eficacia de una Campaña de Propaganda: un estudio empírico

35. Um Estudo sobre o Uso da Evidência Física como Forma de Gerar Percepções de Qualidade de Serviços: casos de hospitais brasileirosA Study of the use of Physical Evidence as a way of Generating Perception of Service Quality: a case study of Brazilian hospitalsUn Estudio sobre el Uso de la Evidencia Física como Forma de Generar Percepciones de Calidad de Servicios: casos de hospitales brasileños

36. Responsabilidade Social na Visão de Organizações da Sociedade CivilSocial responsibility under the view of Civil Social OrganizationsResponsabilidad Social en la Visión de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil

37. Alianças Estratégicas e Redes Associativas como Fonte de Vantagem Competitiva no Varejo de Material de ConstruçãoStrategic Alliances and Associativism Networks as a Source of Competitiveness Advantage in the Retailers Market of ConstructionAlianzas Estratégicas y Redes Asociativas como Fuente de Ventajas Competitiva en la Venta al por Menor de Material de Construcción

38. The Usefulness of Operating Cash Flow for Predicting Business Bankruptcy in Medium-Sized Firms

39. The role of banking supervision in credit risk disclosures and loan loss provisions

40. Are Hofstede’s and Schwartz’s values frameworks equally predictive across contexts?

41. Integration mechanisms for different types of innovation: case study in innovative companies

42. Linking e-hrm practices and organizational outcomes: empirical analysis of line manager’s perception

43. Marketing Strategy Process: analyzing the sequential relationships among its strategic activities

44. The relationship between corporate social responsibility and competitiveness: proposition of a theoretical model moderated by participation in global value chains

45. Closing the gap between Business Networks and Value Chain Analysis

46. Global Value Chains, Business Networks, Strategy, and International Business: Convergences

47. Geographic Concentration of Companies and Relationship Resources at the Horizontal Level

48. Innovation capability of clusters: understanding the innovation of geographic business networks

49. Strategic Planning and Management of Food and Agribusiness Chains: The ChainPlan Method (Framework)

50. Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on consumer brand loyalty