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1. A Feynman–Kac approach to a paper of Chung and Feller on fluctuations in the coin-tossing game

3. Remarks on DiPerna’s paper 'Convergence of the viscosity method for isentropic gas dynamics'

4. An operator valued function space integral: A sequel to Cameron and Storvick’s paper

5. Observations on a paper by Rosenblum

6. A remark on Neuwirth and Newman’s paper: 'Positive 𝐻^{1/2} functions are constants'

7. Integers represented as the sum of one prime, two squares of primes and powers of 2

8. Higher order Turán inequalities for the Riemann $\xi$-function

9. The Lane-Emden equation with variable double-phase and multiple regime

10. Asymptotics of Racah polynomials with fixed parameters

11. On Bohr sets of integer-valued traceless matrices

12. Coisotropic subalgebras of complex semisimple Lie bialgebras

13. On uniqueness in the extended Selberg class of Dirichlet series

14. A note on numerators of Bernoulli numbers

15. On Lyapunov exponents of continuous Schrödinger cocycles over irrational rotations

16. Inequalities of Chernoff type for finite and infinite sequences of classical orthogonal polynomials

17. The ergodicity of weak Hilbert spaces

18. A summability criterion for stochastic integration

19. Maps on the 𝑛-dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space preserving principal angles

20. The Noether map II

21. Taylor series for the Askey-Wilson operator and classical summation formulas

22. Remark on well-posedness for the fourth order nonlinear Schrödinger type equation

23. Reduction of Opial-type inequalities to norm inequalities

24. Gaussian curvature in the negative case

25. Approximating spectral invariants of Harper operators on graphs II

26. Two solutions to Kazdan-Warner’s problem on surfaces

27. Bohr’s inequality for non-commutative Hardy spaces

28. Finiteness theorems for submersions and souls

29. Non-tangential limits, fine limits and the Dirichlet integral

30. Weyl spectra of operator matrices

31. Generalized Watson transforms I: General theory

32. Fourier multipliers on weighted $L^p$-spaces

33. Complete positivity of elementary operators

34. New congruence properties for Ramanujan’s 𝜙 function

35. Multiplier theorems for Herz type Hardy spaces

36. A Hilbert $C^{*}$-module method for Morita equivalence of twisted crossed products

37. Positive scalar curvature and odd order abelian fundamental groups

38. Probabilistic pointwise convergence problem of Schrödinger equations on manifolds

39. Intersections and unions of a general family of function spaces

40. Younger mates and the Jacobian conjecture

41. 𝐷-sets and BG-functors in Kazhdan-Lusztig theory

42. The Diophantine equation 2𝑥²+1=3ⁿ

43. An explicit family of curves with trivial automorphism groups

44. On the relation between positive definite functions and generalized Toeplitz kernels

45. Reducible Hilbert scheme of smooth curves with positive Brill-Noether number

46. Factorization of positive cones of order 𝑛 of von Neumann algebras

47. On a theorem of supersoluble automorphism groups

48. On weakly chainable inverse limits with simplicial bonding maps

49. Generalized first boundary value problem for Schrödinger equation

50. Multidimensional analogues of refined Bohr’s inequality