
Showing total 595 results
595 results

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1. Combining paper cooperative network and topic model for expert topic analysis and extraction

2. Towards accurate estimation for visual object tracking with multi-hierarchy feature aggregation

3. Intrusion detection approach based on optimised artificial neural network

4. Recent advances of single-object tracking methods: A brief survey

5. A survey: Deep learning for hyperspectral image classification with few labeled samples

6. Active learning for road lane landmark inventory with V-ELM in highly uncontrolled image capture conditions

7. Deep learning for monocular depth estimation: A review

8. Meta weight learning via model-agnostic meta-learning

9. Deep embedding of concept ontology for hierarchical fashion recognition

10. Learning features from enhanced function call graphs for Android malware detection

11. Composing recipes based on nutrients in food in a machine learning context

12. Collaborative Generative Adversarial Network with Visual perception and memory reasoning

13. DWS-MKL: Depth-width-scaling multiple kernel learning for data classification

14. Density-adaptive kernel based efficient reranking approaches for person reidentification

15. Reducing human efforts in video segmentation annotation with reinforcement learning

16. A new perspective for Minimal Learning Machines: A lightweight approach

17. Fine-grained vehicle type detection and recognition based on dense attention network

18. Deep convolution network based emotion analysis towards mental health care

19. Network representation learning with ensemble methods

20. Impact of fully connected layers on performance of convolutional neural networks for image classification

21. Sample selection-based hierarchical extreme learning machine

22. Adaptive online extreme learning machine by regulating forgetting factor by concept drift map

23. Bi-level multi-objective evolution of a Multi-Layered Echo-State Network Autoencoder for data representations

24. Monotonic classification: An overview on algorithms, performance measures and data sets

25. Twin Neural Networks for the classification of large unbalanced datasets

26. Biases in feature selection with missing data

27. Deep learning-based methods for person re-identification: A comprehensive review

28. Multi-view transfer learning with privileged learning framework

29. A deep variational matrix factorization method for recommendation on large scale sparse dataset

30. Review of classical dimensionality reduction and sample selection methods for large-scale data processing

31. Bidirectional handshaking LSTM for remaining useful life prediction

32. Recent advances in convolutional neural network acceleration

33. Laplacian twin extreme learning machine for semi-supervised classification

34. Mixed kernel based extreme learning machine for electric load forecasting

35. The optimally designed dynamic memory networks for targeted sentiment classification

36. An attribute extending method to improve learning performance for small datasets

37. Exploring the effect of data reduction on Neural Network and Support Vector Machine classification

38. Two birds with one stone: Classifying positive and unlabeled examples on uncertain data streams

39. Selecting label-dependent features for multi-label classification

40. The definition of a measure of artificial neural network design quality based on a Statistical Index of Quality

41. Gene selection in autism – Comparative study

42. Pre-training the deep generative models with adaptive hyperparameter optimization

43. Gram–Schmidt process based incremental extreme learning machine

44. Co-evolutionary multi-task learning with predictive recurrence for multi-step chaotic time series prediction

45. A MOEA/D-based multi-objective optimization algorithm for remote medical

46. Person re-identification based on multi-instance multi-label learning

47. Robust vehicle detection by combining deep features with exemplar classification

48. Novel Bayesian inference on optimal parameters of support vector machines and its application to industrial survey data classification

49. PT-LDA: A latent variable model to predict personality traits of social network users

50. Breaking down violence detection: Combining divide-et-impera and coarse-to-fine strategies