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2. A note of Shimura's paper ?discontinuous groups and abelian varieties?

3. A note on a paper of Srinivasan

5. On the squeezing function for finitely connected planar domains

6. Proper affine actions: a sufficient criterion

7. An index theorem for higher orbital integrals

8. A decomposition theorem of the Möbius energy II: variational formulae and estimates

9. Infinitely many universally tight torsion free contact structures with vanishing Ozsváth–Szabó contact invariants

10. Erratum to: Smooth extensions of functions on separable Banach spaces

11. Spin curves and Scorza quartics

12. Essentially normal Hilbert modules and K-homology

13. A new proof of the Gerritzen-Grauert theorem

14. The -conjecture and equivariant e C -invariants

15. Infinitesimal operations on complexes of graphs

16. A sharp Liouville principle for $$\Delta _m u+u^p|\nabla u|^q\le 0$$ on geodesically complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds

17. Two-sided Dirichlet heat kernel estimates of symmetric stable processes on horn-shaped regions

18. A generalized Abhyankar’s conjecture for simple Lie algebras in characteristic p>5

19. Mappings of BMO–bounded distortion

20. On a converse theorem for $${\mathrm {G}}_2$$ over finite fields

21. The orbit type stratification of the moduli space of Higgs bundles

22. The LLV decomposition of hyper-Kähler cohomology (the known cases and the general conjectural behavior)

23. The Oka-Grauert principle without induction over the base dimension

24. Complete differential system for the mappings of CR manifolds of nondegenerate Levi forms

25. A non-selfadjoint Russo-Dye Theorem

26. Harmonic maps of bounded symmetric domains

27. Close CSL algebras are similar

28. On the method of Coleman and Chabauty

29. Lagrangian subvarieties of the moduli space of stable vector bundles on a regular algebraic surface withp g >0

30. Punctual Hilbert schemes and resolutions of multiple point singularities

31. The distribution of bidegrees of smooth surfaces in Gr(1, P3)

32. The arithmetic of zero cycles on surfaces with geometric genus and irregularity zero

33. Group actions on quasi-symplectic manifolds

34. Rigid monomial algebras

35. Stability of the homology of the moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces with spin structure

36. Equivalences between isolated hypersurface singularities

37. Unitary spectrum and the fundamental group for actions of semisimple Lie groups

38. Dimension formula for the affine Deligne–Lusztig variety $$X(\mu , b)$$

39. Taylor coefficients of Anderson–Thakur series and explicit formulae

41. Weil–Petersson Teichmüller space III: dependence of Riemann mappings for Weil–Petersson curves

42. About local continuity with respect to $$L_{2}$$ initial data for energy solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations

43. Logarithmic Kodaira dimension and zeros of holomorphic log-one-forms

44. The Gursky–Streets equations

45. Harmonic tropical morphisms and approximation

46. Higher order asymptotic expansion of solutions to abstract linear hyperbolic equations

47. A theory of Miyawaki liftings: the Hilbert–Siegel case

48. Minimal cones and self-expanding solutions for mean curvature flows

49. Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces on Lie groups

50. Van Est differentiation and integration