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1. The Four-Parameter PSS Method for Solving the Sylvester Equation

2. Special Functions as Solutions to the Euler–Poisson–Darboux Equation with a Fractional Power of the Bessel Operator

3. k-Version of Finite Element Method for BVPs and IVPs

4. Second-Order PDE Constrained Controlled Optimization Problems with Application in Mechanics

5. Gottlieb Polynomials and Their q-Extensions

6. On the Existence and Uniqueness of the ODE Solution and Its Approximation Using the Means Averaging Approach for the Class of Power Electronic Converters

7. Minimax Estimation in Regression under Sample Conformity Constraints

8. A Numerical Method for the Solution of the Two-Phase Fractional Lamé–Clapeyron–Stefan Problem

9. On Coding by (2,q)-Distance Fibonacci Numbers

10. Fixed Point Sets of k-Continuous Self-Maps of m-Iterated Digital Wedges

11. Strong Tolerance and Strong Universality of Interval Eigenvectors in a Max-ukasiewicz Algebra

12. A Least Squares Differential Quadrature Method for a Class of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Fractional Order

13. Localized Boundary Knot Method for Solving Two-Dimensional Laplace and Bi-harmonic Equations

14. Modified Halpern Iterative Method for Solving Hierarchical Problem and Split Combination of Variational Inclusion Problem in Hilbert Space

15. From Time–Frequency to Vertex–Frequency and Back

16. A Survey on Domination in Vague Graphs with Application in Transferring Cancer Patients between Countries

17. Introduction to Dependence Relations and Their Links to Algebraic Hyperstructures

18. A Note on Type 2 Degenerate q-Euler Polynomials

19. The Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items under Conditions Involving Cash Discount and Trade Credit

20. Some Classes of Harmonic Mapping with a Symmetric Conjecture Point Defined by Subordination

21. The Solution of Backward Heat Conduction Problem with Piecewise Linear Heat Transfer Coefficient

22. Fault-Tolerant Resolvability and Extremal Structures of Graphs

23. Strong Convergence Theorems for Fixed Point Problems for Nonexpansive Mappings and Zero Point Problems for Accretive Operators Using Viscosity Implicit Midpoint Rules in Banach Spaces

24. Discrete Group Actions on Digital Objects and Fixed Point Sets by Isok(·)-Actions

25. On Regulated Solutions of Impulsive Differential Equations with Variable Times

26. Classification of Complex Fuzzy Numbers and Fuzzy Inner Products

27. The New New-Nacci Method for Calculating the Roots of a Univariate Polynomial and Solution of Quintic Equation in Radicals

28. Convergence in Fuzzy Semi-Metric Spaces

29. Fixed Point Theory for Digital k-Surfaces and Some Remarks on the Euler Characteristics of Digital Closed Surfaces

30. Near Fixed Point Theorems in Hyperspaces

31. Generalized Implicit Set-Valued Variational Inclusion Problem with ⊕ Operation

32. Discussion of 'Accurate and Efficient Explicit Approximations of the Colebrook Flow Friction Equation Based on the Wright ω-Function' by DejanBrkić; and Pavel Praks, Mathematics 2019, 7, 34; doi:10.3390/math7010034

33. Finite-Time Stabilization of Homogeneous Non-Lipschitz Systems

34. Solution of Differential Equations with Polynomial Coefficients with the Aid of an Analytic Continuation of Laplace Transform

35. New Approach for Fractional Order Derivatives: Fundamentals and Analytic Properties

36. On the Theory of Left/Right Almost Groups and Hypergroups with their Relevant Enumerations

37. On Robust Saddle-Point Criterion in Optimization Problems with Curvilinear Integral Functionals

38. Residual Probability Function for Dependent Lifetimes

39. An Information-Explainable Random Walk Based Unsupervised Network Representation Learning Framework on Node Classification Tasks

40. Some Properties of Euler’s Function and of the Function τ and Their Generalizations in Algebraic Number Fields

41. Coupling Technique of Haar Wavelet Transform and Variational Iteration Method for a Nonlinear Option Pricing Model

42. Some Families of Apéry-Like Fibonacci and Lucas Series

43. L-Fuzzy Sub-Effect Algebras

44. A Solution of Richards’ Equation by Generalized Finite Differences for Stationary Flow in a Dam

45. Multi-Step Inertial Hybrid and Shrinking Tseng’s Algorithm with Meir–Keeler Contractions for Variational Inclusion Problems

46. Principal Bundle Structure of Matrix Manifolds

47. A Class of k-Symmetric Harmonic Functions Involving a Certain q-Derivative Operator

48. Bounds for the Energy of Graphs

49. Trust-Region Based Penalty Barrier Algorithm for Constrained Nonlinear Programming Problems: An Application of Design of Minimum Cost Canal Sections

50. Connectedness and Local Connectedness on Infra Soft Topological Spaces