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1. The Four-Parameter PSS Method for Solving the Sylvester Equation

2. Collocation Methods for High-Order Well-Balanced Methods for Systems of Balance Laws

3. Approximation of Endpoints for α—Reich–Suzuki Nonexpansive Mappings in Hyperbolic Metric Spaces

4. Existence and U-H-R Stability of Solutions to the Implicit Nonlinear FBVP in the Variable Order Settings

5. On the Convergence of a New Family of Multi-Point Ehrlich-Type Iterative Methods for Polynomial Zeros

6. A New Class of Plane Curves with Arc Length Parametrization and Its Application to Linear Analysis of Curved Beams

7. Special Functions as Solutions to the Euler–Poisson–Darboux Equation with a Fractional Power of the Bessel Operator

8. k-Version of Finite Element Method for BVPs and IVPs

9. Second-Order PDE Constrained Controlled Optimization Problems with Application in Mechanics

10. Gottlieb Polynomials and Their q-Extensions

11. Error Estimations for Total Variation Type Regularization

12. The Legacy of Peter Wynn

13. On the Existence and Uniqueness of the ODE Solution and Its Approximation Using the Means Averaging Approach for the Class of Power Electronic Converters

14. Multiple Diamond-Alpha Integral in General Form and Their Properties, Applications

15. On New Classes of Stancu-Kantorovich-Type Operators

16. Minimax Estimation in Regression under Sample Conformity Constraints

17. Smooth kNN Local Linear Estimation of the Conditional Distribution Function

18. Why Improving the Accuracy of Exponential Integrators Can Decrease Their Computational Cost?

19. An Intuitive Introduction to Fractional and Rough Volatilities

20. Common Fixed Points Technique for Existence of a Solution of Urysohn Type Integral Equations System in Complex Valued b-metric Spaces

21. Methods for Constructing Complex Solutions of Nonlinear PDEs Using Simpler Solutions

22. On the Reciprocal Sums of Products of Balancing and Lucas-Balancing Numbers

23. Refinements of Hermite–Hadamard Inequalities for Continuous Convex Functions via (p,q)-Calculus

24. A Numerical Method for the Solution of the Two-Phase Fractional Lamé–Clapeyron–Stefan Problem

25. On an Inequality for Legendre Polynomials

26. On Coding by (2,q)-Distance Fibonacci Numbers

27. The Consistency of the CUSUM-Type Estimator of the Change-Point and Its Application

28. Geometric Inequalities of Bi-Warped Product Submanifolds of Nearly Kenmotsu Manifolds and Their Applications

29. On Singular Distributions With Statistical Structure

30. Fixed Point Sets of k-Continuous Self-Maps of m-Iterated Digital Wedges

31. A Survey on Sharp Oscillation Conditions of Differential Equations with Several Delays

32. Strong Tolerance and Strong Universality of Interval Eigenvectors in a Max-ukasiewicz Algebra

33. A Least Squares Differential Quadrature Method for a Class of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations of Fractional Order

34. Coefficient Related Studies for New Classes of Bi-Univalent Functions

35. Localized Boundary Knot Method for Solving Two-Dimensional Laplace and Bi-harmonic Equations

36. Detection of Near-Nulticollinearity through Centered and Noncentered Regression

37. Oscillatory Behavior of a Type of Generalized Proportional Fractional Differential Equations with Forcing and Damping Terms

38. Multiparametric Contractions and Related Hardy-Roger Type Fixed Point Theorems

39. The Four-Parameters Wright Function of the Second kind and its Applications in FC

40. Certain Hadamard Proportional Fractional Integral Inequalities

41. Stability Estimates for Finite-Dimensional Distributions of Time-Inhomogeneous Markov Chains

42. Links between Contractibility and Fixed Point Property for Khalimsky Topological Spaces

43. Periodic Solutions for a Four-Dimensional Coupled Polynomial System with N-Degree Homogeneous Nonlinearities

44. A Solution to Qi’s Conjecture on a Double Inequality for a Function Involving the Tri- and Tetra-Gamma Functions

45. Modified Halpern Iterative Method for Solving Hierarchical Problem and Split Combination of Variational Inclusion Problem in Hilbert Space

46. Strongly Convex Functions of Higher Order Involving Bifunction

47. On State Occupancies, First Passage Times and Duration in Non-Homogeneous Semi-Markov Chains

48. From Time–Frequency to Vertex–Frequency and Back

49. A Survey on Domination in Vague Graphs with Application in Transferring Cancer Patients between Countries

50. Generalization of Quantum Ostrowski-Type Integral Inequalities