
Showing total 96 results
96 results

Search Results

1. Severe neighborhood deprivation and nursing home staffing in the United States.

2. Retirement and cognitive aging in a racially diverse sample of older Americans.

3. The association of allopurinol with persistent physical disability and frailty in a large community based older cohort.

4. Initiation of oral anticoagulation in US older adults newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation during hospitalization.

5. The role of restrictive scope‐of‐practice regulations on the delivery of nurse practitioner‐delivered home‐based primary care.

6. Development and validation of the fall‐related injury risk in nursing homes (INJURE‐NH) prediction tool.

7. Sex‐ and ethnic‐specific patterns in the incidence of hip fracture among older US Asian and non‐Hispanic White adults.

8. Breast and prostate cancer screening rates by cognitive status in US older adults.

9. Impact of technology on social isolation: Longitudinal analysis from the National Health Aging Trends Study.

10. Life satisfaction among persons living with dementia and those without dementia.

11. Comparative safety of sulfonylureas among U.S. nursing home residents.

12. Social isolation and 9-year dementia risk in community-dwelling Medicare beneficiaries in the United States.

13. The devil's in the details: Variation in estimates of late-life activity limitations across national cohort studies.

14. Injury‐related emergency department use among assisted living residents with Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.

15. Continued potassium supplementation use following loop diuretic discontinuation in older adults: An evaluation of a prescribing cascade relic.

16. Antiepileptic prescribing to persons living with dementia residing in nursing homes: A tale of two indications.

17. Off-Label Prescribing of Second-Generation Antipsychotics to Elderly Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dementia.

18. Physician Participation in Meaningful Use and Quality of Care for Medicare Fee-for-Service Enrollees.

19. The Association of Vitamin D Deficiency and Incident Frailty in Older Women: The Role of Cardiometabolic Diseases.

20. Two-Year Mortality in Homebound Older Adults: An Analysis of the National Health and Aging Trends Study.

21. Racial Differences in the Incidence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Older Black and White Adults.

22. Self-Reported Sleep Problems Prospectively Increase Risk of Disability: Findings from the Survey of Midlife Development in the United States.

23. Variation in the Presence of Simple Home Modifications of Older Americans: Findings from the National Health and Aging Trends Study.

24. End-of-Life Discussions with Older Adults.

25. Dyspnea in Community-Dwelling Older Persons: A Multifactorial Geriatric Health Condition.

26. Prevalence and Outcomes of Breathlessness in Older Adults: A National Population Study.

27. Barriers to Mental Health Care for an Ethnically and Racially Diverse Sample of Older Adults.

28. Comparison of Frailty Phenotypes for Prediction of Mortality, Incident Falls, and Hip Fracture in Older Women.

29. One-Year Mortality After Hip Fracture: Development and Validation of a Prognostic Index.

30. Racial and Ethnic Differences in End-of-Life Medicare Expenditures.

31. Associations Between Serum Inflammatory Markers and Hippocampal Volume in a Community Sample.

32. New Initiation of Long-Acting Opioids in Long-Stay Nursing Home Residents.

33. Identifying Patterns of Multimorbidity in Older Americans: Application of Latent Class Analysis.

34. Treatment Patterns with Antidementia Drugs in the United States: Medicare Cohort Study.

35. Hospital Characteristics, Inpatient Processes of Care, and Readmissions of Older Adults with Hip Fractures.

36. Associations Between Inflammation and Physical Function in African Americans and European Americans with Prevalent Cardiovascular Risk Factors.

37. Potentially Unsafe Activities and Living Conditions of Older Adults with Dementia.

38. Ten-Year Prevalence and Incidence of Urinary Incontinence in Older Women: A Longitudinal Analysis of the Health and Retirement Study.

39. How U.S. Doctors Die: A Cohort Study of Healthcare Use at the End of Life.

40. Effects of Comorbid Depression and Diabetes Mellitus on Cognitive Decline in Older Mexican Americans.

41. Longitudinal Pressure Ulcer Rates After Adoption of Culture Change in Veterans Health Administration Nursing Homes.

42. The Prognostic Importance of Frailty in Cancer Survivors.

43. Newly Developed Chronic Conditions and Changes in Health-Related Quality of Life in Postmenopausal Women.

44. Drug-Alcohol Interactions in Older U.S. Adults.

45. Diabetes Mellitus Care Provided by Nurse Practitioners vs Primary Care Physicians.

46. Effect of Physician Delegation to Other Healthcare Providers on the Quality of Care for Geriatric Conditions.

47. Increase in Disability Prevalence Before Hip Fracture.

48. Recovery of Walking Ability and Return to Community Living within 60 Days of Hip Fracture Does Not Differ Between Male and Female Survivors.

49. Comparative Effectiveness of Chemotherapy Regimens in Prolonging Survival for Two Large Population-Based Cohorts of Elderly Adults with Breast and Colon Cancer in 1992-2009.

50. Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms in Elderly Mexican Americans.