This is a correction to: Lucie Riglet, Sophie Hok, Naïma Kebdani-Minet, Joëlle Le Berre, Mathieu Gourgues, Frédérique Rozier, Vincent Bayle, Lesli Bancel-Vallée, Valérie Allasia, Harald Keller, Martine Da Rocha, Agnés Attard, Isabelle Fobis-Loisy, Invasion of the stigma by oomycete pathogenic hyphae or pollen tubes: striking similarities and differences, Journal of Experimental Botany, Volume 75, Issue 20, 30 October 2024, Pages 6258–6274, the originally published version of this paper, the oomycete name was misspelled as "Phytophtora parasitica". This has been corrected to "Phytophthora parasitica". [Extracted from the article]