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43 results

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1. An insight into an African perspective on lifelong learning: towards promoting functional compensatory programmes.

2. Participation in adult education and training in countries with high and low participation rates: demand and barriers.

3. Resisting an isolated learning discourse.

4. Enhancing the interactive relationship between lifelong learning and social changes to carry out a learning society in Taiwan.

5. Idea creation: the need to develop creativity in lifelong learning practices.

6. The impact of Skills for Life on adult basic skills in England: how should we interpret trends in participation and achievement?

7. Lifelong learning and demographics: a Japanese perspective.

8. Discourses of lifelong learning: health as a governing technique in the shaping of the Swedish population.

9. Learning as relational: intersubjectivity and pedagogy in higher education.

10. Issues of citizenship: coming-into-presence and preserving the difference.

11. Anxious provision and discourses of certainty: the sutured subject of mentally ill adult learners.

12. The lifelong learning ecosystem in Korea: evolution of learning capitalism?

13. Critical pedagogy, experiential learning and active citizenship: a Freirean perspective on tenant involvement in housing stock transfers.

14. Active and inclusive citizenship for women: democratic considerations for fostering lifelong education.

15. Beyond the learning society: the learning world?

16. The politics of 'lifelong learning' in post-1997 Hong Kong.

17. Lifelong learning and development of continuing education among higher education institutions in Macau.

18. Conceptions of lifelong learning in Confucian culture: their impact on adult learners.

19. Policies and practices of lifelong learning in China.

20. Continuing education in a lifelong learning society: the Hong Kong model.

21. Lifelong learning and the social integration of refugees in the UK: the significance of social capital.

22. An update of transformative learning theory: a critical review of the empirical research (1999-2005).

23. Learning the boss' way: ownership, power and learning in practice and in workplaces.

24. Steps towards participation: the social support of learning trajectories.

25. Is there a role for learning styles in personalised education and training?

26. 'In and against' lifelong learning: flexibility and the corrosion of character.

27. A comparison of developments in university continuing education in Finland, the UK and Sweden.

28. 'Enrolling alone?' Lifelong learning and social capital in England.

29. Global policy agencies and visions for twenty-first century lifelong education.

30. Educational reform in Japan for lifelong learning.

31. Lifelong learning as a chameleonic concept and versatile practice: Y2K perspectives and trends.

32. Lifelong learning: a simple concept oversimplifying a complex reality.

33. A review of research on the relationship between learning and health for older adults.

34. Filtering informal learning in everyday life: invoking ordinariness and moving to civic engagement.

35. Is the expansion of higher education in Japan for young students only or for all? A critical analysis from a lifelong learning perspective.

36. More than nickels and dimes: the health benefits of a community-based lifelong learning programme for older adults.

37. Motivation in adult education: a problem solver or a euphemism for direction and control?

38. Beyond the abstractions! Adult education research from idealism to critical social science.

39. Changing adult learning in Japan: the shift from traditional singing to karaoke.

40. Issues of identity and knowledge in the schooling of VET: a case study of lifelong learning.

41. Towards a contemporary and comprehensive theory of learning.

42. From secondary school blues to lifelong learning? - aspects of the retrospective re-evaluation of formative educational experience by adults.

43. Book reviews.