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336 results

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1. E Ink's Technicolor Moment: The Road to Color E-Paper Took Two Decades.

2. Packetizing the Power Grid: The rules of the Internet can also Balance Electricity Supply and Demand.

3. The Internet of disposable things: Throwaway paper and plastic sensors will connect everyday items.

4. Smart sewers for public health.

5. Foldscope: A paper microscope you can attach to your smartphone - [Resources_Tools and Toys].

6. Saving software from oblivion.

7. Plotting experiments: The AxiDraw minikit is the X-Y plotter you didn't know you wanted - [Hands on].

8. Become an e-ink stained wretch: Build a simple typewriter with a maker-friendly display - [Resources].

9. Deep Learning's Diminishing Returns: The Cost of Improvement is Becoming Unsustainable.

10. Conjurer of Compression: From WinZips to cat GIFs, JACOB ZIV's algorithms have been making data disappear and reappear for decades.

12. Solving Leibniz's last puzzle [Resources Geek_Life].

13. Robotic-Actuator Problem Topples Like Dominoes.

14. AI Takes a Dumpster Dive: Computer-vision systems sort your recyclables at superhuman speed.

15. Hack a polaroid with a thermal printer: Go from film to digital-and add Wi-Fi - [Hands on].

16. Speck-size computers: Now with deep learning [News].

17. Rebuilding Puerto Rico's Grid.

18. The year is 118 A.A.C. (after air conditioning) - [CrossTalk].

19. Special report : Can we copy the brain? - The brain as computer.

20. DALL-E 2's 4, Failures Reveal the Limits of AI > OpenAI's text-to-image generator struggles with text, science, and bias.

21. DIY Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy > But Beware a Glitch in the Popular Pi Pico Microcontroller.

22. Back Story.

23. Europe's new X-ray laser delivers results: Scientists used the EuXFEL to reveal the structures of the tiniest proteins - [News].

24. Modem maestro: G. David Forney Jr., the 2016 IEEE Medal of Honor recipient, turns information theory into practice.

25. Building a better disease detective.

26. What Goes Up…: World Population Growth has Slowed, and Some Countries are Actually Declining: Numbers Don't Lie.

27. News.

28. Using modeling to understand how COVID-19 preventive measures work: Washing hands, wearing masks: Does it help? - [Spectral Lines].

29. Take a tour inside a cell: Advances in microscopy let researchers give immersive VR trips through brain cells - [News].

30. The queen of carbon.

31. Let them see you sweat.

32. Hands On.

33. The marvelous Mr. Mems: An ink stain led Kurt Petersen, 2019 IEEE medal of honor recipient, to a lifetime of building microdevices.

34. The great Soviet calculator hack: Programmable calculators and a sci-fi story brought Soviet teens into the digital age.

36. Prescription-strength gaming: ADHD treatment now comes in the form of a first-person racing game - [News].

37. Can AI hiring systems be made antiracist? Makers and users of AI-assisted recruiting software reexamine the tools' development and how they're used - [News].

38. Labor of love: Re-creating the burned hp archives [Spectral Lines].

39. Wall street occupies the blockchain - Financial firms plan to move trillions in assets to blockchains in 2018.

40. Spidey senses - [CrossTalk].

41. Gizmo: Myth and Machine.


43. Biocomputer and memory built inside living bacteria [News].

44. Plotting a Moore's law for flexible electronics [News].

45. The internet of fewer things [News].

46. Our perforated past.

47. All-natural electronics [News].

48. The Spectacular Collapse of Cryptokitties.

50. Today's Robotic Surgery Turn Surgical Trainees Into Spectators: Medical training in the robotics age leaves tomorrow's surgeons short on skills.