
Showing total 2,491 results
2,491 results

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1. Intelligent computer vision system for segregating recyclable waste papers

2. Some issues on scalable feature selection1This is an extended version of the paper presented at the Fourth World Congress of Expert Systems: Application of Advanced Information Technologies held in Mexico City in March 1998.1

3. Invited paper The role of expert systems in integrated curriculum design

4. Automatic knowledge extraction of any Chatbot from conversation

5. CD-CARS: Cross-domain context-aware recommender systems

6. Combine clustering and frequent itemsets mining to enhance biomedical text summarization

7. An approach for recognition of human's daily living patterns using intention ontology and event calculus

8. Code similarity detection through control statement and program features

9. Enhanced sparse representation classifier for text classification

10. An empirical comparison of classification techniques for next event prediction using business process event logs

11. ComposeInStyle: Music composition with and without Style Transfer

12. Talk to The Ghost: The Storybox methodology for faster development of storytelling chatbots

13. Research on lithology identification method based on mechanical specific energy principle and machine learning theory

14. Abstractive summarization: An overview of the state of the art

15. Case-base maintenance of a personalised and adaptive CBR bolus insulin recommender system for type 1 diabetes

16. Examining multi-category cross purchases models with increasing dataset scale – An artificial neural network approach

17. Tracking objects within a smart home

18. Brain-computer interface for workload estimation: Assessment of mental efforts in learning processes

19. Benefit-based consumer segmentation and performance evaluation of clustering approaches: An evidence of data-driven decision-making

20. Social media big data integration: A new approach based on calibration

21. Senti-N-Gram : An n -gram lexicon for sentiment analysis

22. A literature review for recommender systems techniques used in microblogs

23. Scaled radial axes for interactive visual feature selection: A case study for analyzing chronic conditions

24. Big data analytics and machine learning: A retrospective overview and bibliometric analysis

25. SDFNet: Automatic segmentation of kidney ultrasound images using multi-scale low-level structural feature

26. Comments on 'Stacking ensemble based deep neural networks modeling for effective epileptic seizure detection'

27. An ontology engineering approach to measuring city education system performance

28. Knowledge discovery and visualisation framework using machine learning for music information retrieval from broadcast radio data

29. Global citation recommendation employing generative adversarial network

30. A language-independent authorship attribution approach for author identification of text documents

31. GRBMC: An effective crowdsourcing recommendation for workers groups

32. Exploring the location of object deleted by seam-carving

33. Deep multiple multilayer kernel learning in core vector machines

34. Web spam classification method based on deep belief networks

35. Opinion mining using ensemble text hidden Markov models for text classification

36. Survey of computer vision algorithms and applications for unmanned aerial vehicles

37. Knowledge extraction and visualization of digital design process

38. Customer purchase prediction from the perspective of imbalanced data: A machine learning framework based on factorization machine

39. Evolutionary community discovery in dynamic social networks via resistance distance

40. Medical image analysis using wavelet transform and deep belief networks

41. Evaluation of quality measures for contrast patterns by using unseen objects

42. Text feature selection with a robust weight scheme and dynamic dimension reduction to text document clustering

43. An antinoise sparse representation method for robust face recognition via joint l1 and l2 regularization

44. Ensemble method to joint inference for knowledge extraction

45. Fingerprint indexing based on expanded Delaunay triangulation

46. A hybrid approach for improving unsupervised fault detection for robotic systems

47. Classification of X-Ray images of shipping containers

48. Enhancing deep learning sentiment analysis with ensemble techniques in social applications

49. A novel clustering algorithm based on data transformation approaches

50. Reactive, proactive, and extensible situation-awareness in ambient assisted living