
Showing total 53 results
53 results

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1. Multiple racializations in a multiply modern world.

2. Diversity and family: an inquiry into the effects of ethnic, linguistic, and religious fractionalization on family values.

3. “People think that Romanians and Roma are the same”: everyday bordering and the lifting of transitional controls.

4. Race, immigration and health: the Hostile Environment and public health responses to Covid-19.

5. Race and ethnicity in pandemic times.

6. Does education 'trump' nationality? Boundary-drawing practices among highly educated migrants from Turkey.

7. Decolonizing conviviality and 'becoming ordinary': cross-cultural face-to-face encounters in Aotearoa New Zealand.

8. Law and ‘race’ in the citizenship spaces of Myanmar: spatial strategies and the political subjectivity of the Burmese Chinese.

9. A cross-cultural research experience: developing an appropriate methodology that respectfully incorporates both Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge systems.

10. Senegalese immigrant families’ ‘ regroupement ’ in France and the im/possibility of reconstituting family across multiple temporalities and spatialities.

11. Transnational families and the subjective well-being of migrant parents: Angolan and Nigerian parents in the Netherlands.

12. A pollution incident at a Qiaoxiang village in China: the role of migration in civic organization and political participation.

13. ‘It is hard being the different one all the time’: gringos and racialized identity in lifestyle migration to Ecuador.

14. Global South cosmopolitans: the opening and closing of the USA–Mexico border for Mexican tourists.

15. Super-diverse street: a ‘trans-ethnography’ across migrant localities.

16. Social change and community cohesion: an ethnographic study of two Melbourne suburbs.

17. Racial affective economies, disalienation and ‘race made ordinary’.

18. Pirate cosmopolitics and the transnational consciousness of the entertainment industry.

19. No water for the poor: the Roma ethnic minority and local governance in Slovakia.

20. Press discourses on Roma in the UK, Finland and Hungary.

21. Immigration, Christian faith communities, and the practice of multiculturalism in the U.S. South.

22. Strategic ethnic performance and the construction of authenticity in urban Japan.

23. Parents of foreign “terrorist” fighters in Syria – will they report their young?

24. Becoming cosmopolitan? Hybridity and intercultural encounters amongst 1.5 generation Chinese migrants in New Zealand.

25. Wearing the veil: hijab, Islam and job qualifications as determinants of social attitudes towards immigrant women in Norway.

26. Socioeconomic attainment, cultural tastes, and ethnic identity: class subjectivities among Uyghurs in Ürümchi.

27. Putting flesh to the bone: looking for solidarity in diversity, here and now.

28. The politics of ethnic representation in Philippine bureaucracy.

29. Social justice and affirmative action.

30. The importance of racial tolerance for anti-racism.

31. Black-faced, red faces: the potentials of humour for anti-racist action.

32. Anti-racism ‘from below’: exploring repertoires of everyday anti-racism.

33. The collective singularity of anti-racist actors: a case study of the Roma minority in the Czech Republic.

34. Entrapped transnationalism: West Bank and Israeli Palestinians between closeness and distance.

35. Beyond the cross and the crescent: plural identities and the Copts in contemporary Egypt.

36. Inheriting Patricia Hill Collins's Black Feminist epistemology.

37. To whom do national days matter? A comparison of national belonging across generations and ethnic groups in the Netherlands.

38. Online Islamophobia and the politics of fear: manufacturing the green scare.

39. Freedom of religion, women's agency and banning the face veil: the role of feminist beliefs in shaping women's opinion.

40. European influence on diversity policy frames: paradoxical outcomes of Lyon's membership of the Intercultural Cities programme.

41. Measuring transnationality of immigrants in Germany: prevalence and relationship with social inequalities.

42. (Super)diversity and the migration–social work nexus: a new lens on the field of access and inclusion?

43. Delivering maternity services in an era of superdiversity: the challenges of novelty and newness.

44. Superdiversity and conviviality: exploring frameworks for doing ethnography in Southern European intercultural cities.

45. Whitening a diverse Dutch classroom: white cultural discourses in an Amsterdam primary school.

46. From individual choice to collective actions: ethnic consciousness in Malaysia reconsidered.

47. Urban markets and diversity: towards a research agenda.

48. Narratives of ethnic identity among practitioners in community settings in the northeast of England.

49. Levelling the playing field: patterns of ethnic philanthropy among Los Angeles' middle- and upper-class Latino entrepreneurs.

50. Back to the Future: revisiting the contact hypothesis at Turkish and mixed non-profit organizations in Amsterdam.