
Showing total 104 results
104 results

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1. Local limit theorems in relatively hyperbolic groups I: rough estimates

2. Extremality and dynamically defined measures, part II: Measures from conformal dynamical systems

3. Bernoulliness of when is an irrational rotation: towards an explicit isomorphism

4. Type classification of extreme quantized characters

5. Weak containment of measure-preserving group actions

6. Purely exponential growth of cusp-uniform actions

7. Non-standard real-analytic realizations of some rotations of the circle – CORRIGENDUM

8. The K-property for some unique equilibrium states in flows and homeomorphisms

9. Hyperbolicity of renormalization for dissipative gap mappings

10. Markovian random iterations of homeomorphisms of the circle

11. Inverse problems and rigidity questions in billiard dynamics

12. Lyapunov exponent of random dynamical systems on the circle

13. Margulis–Ruelle inequality for general manifolds

14. Orbifold expansion and entire functions with bounded Fatou components

15. On Ruelle’s property

16. The set of points with Markovian symbolic dynamics for non-uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms

17. Krieger’s finite generator theorem for actions of countable groups III

18. A strongly irreducible affine iterated function system with two invariant measures of maximal dimension

19. The conformal measures of a normal subgroup of a cocompact Fuchsian group

20. The ideal structures of self-similar -graph C*-algebras

21. Maximizing Bernoulli measures and dimension gaps for countable branched systems

22. The Ellis semigroup of certain constant-length substitutions

23. Support stability of maximizing measures for shifts of finite type

24. Topological entropy of Markov set-valued functions

25. An answer to Furstenberg’s problem on topological disjointness

26. On the geometry and regularity of invariant sets of piecewise-affine automorphisms on the Euclidean space

27. Manhattan curves for hyperbolic surfaces with cusps

28. Embeddings of interval exchange transformations into planar piecewise isometries

29. Amenability and unique ergodicity of automorphism groups of countable homogeneous directed graphs

30. The property of convex carrying simplices for competitive maps

31. Variational construction of positive entropy invariant measures of Lagrangian systems and Arnold diffusion

32. Renormalization in the golden-mean semi-Siegel Hénon family: universality and non-rigidity

33. On the computability of rotation sets and their entropies

34. Dynamical sets whose union with infinity is connected

35. Regular variation and rates of mixing for infinite measure preserving almost Anosov diffeomorphisms

36. A minimal distal map on the torus with sub-exponential measure complexity

37. Continuity of the spectrum of quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators with finitely differentiable potentials

38. adic Mahler measure and -covers of links

39. Non-commutative ergodic averages of balls and spheres over Euclidean spaces

40. is regular-closed

41. On the relation between Gibbs and -measures

42. Approximate transitivity of the ergodic action of the group of finite permutations of on

43. On the existence of non-hyperbolic ergodic measures as the limit of periodic measures

44. Reduction of dynatomic curves

45. Quenched stochastic stability for eventually expanding-on-average random interval map cocycles

46. Sturmian words and Cantor sets arising from unique expansions over ternary alphabets

47. Purely infinite labeled graph -algebras

48. Non-monotone periodic orbits of a rotational horseshoe

49. Hausdorff dimension of divergent diagonal geodesics on product of finite-volume hyperbolic spaces

50. Homotopical complexity of a billiard flow on the 3D flat torus with two cylindrical obstacles