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2. Mr. Slessor goes to Washington: the influence of the British global strategy paper on the Eisenhower new look

3. Will the Real Daniel Ellsberg Please Stand Up

4. The Bitter End and the Lost Chance in Vietnam: Congress, the Ford Administration, and the Battle...

5. The Crossroads of the World: U.S. and British Foreign Policy Doctrines and the Construct of the Middle East, 1902–2007*.

6. A Brush with Mexico.

7. The Forgotten Menace of Electro-Magnetic Warfare in the Early Cold War.

8. The view from Jerusalem: Revelations about U.S. diplomacy from the archives of Israel.

9. Sharing the Burden? The American Solution to the Armenian Question, 1918-1920.

10. The Jay Charter: Rethinking the American National State in the West, 1796–1819*.

11. 'We Don't Want a Munich': Hanoi's Diplomatic Strategy, 1965-1968.

12. Continuity and change in the age of unlimited power

13. American Ottomans: Protestant Missionaries in an Islamic Empire's Service, 1820–1919 *.

14. Saigon Goes Global: South Vietnam's Quest for International Legitimacy in the Age of Détente.

15. Transnationalism Meets Empire: The AFL-CIO, Development, and the Private Origins of Kennedy's Latin American Labor Program.

16. Ecuador's Early No-foreign Military Bases Movement.

17. Beyond the Shoe: Rethinking Khrushchev at the Fifteenth Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

18. The European Youth Campaign in Ireland: Neutrality, Americanization, and the Cold War 1950 to 1959.

19. "La Niña Adorada del Mundo Socialista:" The Politics of Childhood and U.S.-Cuba-U.S.S.R. Relations, 1959-1962.

20. To Support a "Brother in Christ": Evangelical Groups and U.S.-Guatemalan Relations during the Ríos Montt Regime.

21. China’s Last Ally: Beijing’s Policy toward North Korea during the U.S.–China Rapprochement, 1970–1975*.

22. Fractious Allies: Chile, the United States, and the Cold War, 1973–76.

23. Almost Persuaded: The Johnson Administration's Extension of Nuclear Cooperation with South Africa, 1965–1967.

24. Present at the Creation: Reflections on the Organization and Growth of SHAFR.

25. The Congressional Debate over U.S. Participation in the Congress of Panama, 1825–1826: Washington's Farewell Address, Monroe's Doctrine, and the Fundamental Principles of U.S. Foreign Policy.

26. Bridging the Gap between the Sacred and the Secular in the History of American Foreign Relations.

27. A very subdued confession

28. A call to revolution: A roundtable on early U.S. foreign relations.

29. Playing the CIA's tune? The new leader and the cultural cold war