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1. Tsetse Flies in Africa: Bane or Boon?

2. Africa: Still the “Dark Continent”.

3. Conservation overstretch and long‐term decline of wildlife and tourism in the Central African savannas.

4. Rethinking the study of human–wildlife coexistence.

6. Wildlife impacts and vulnerable livelihoods in a transfrontier conservation landscape.

7. Rethinking assessment of success of mitigation strategies for elephant‐induced crop damage.

9. Reach and messages of the world's largest ivory burn.

10. Ecological consequences of forest elephant declines for Afrotropical forests.

11. Conservation and monitoring of a persecuted African lion population by Maasai warriors.

12. Park Gazettement and Integrated Conservation and Development as Factors in Community Conflict at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, Uganda.

13. Understanding the Lessons and Limitations of Conservation and Development.

14. Socioeconomic Factors that Affect Artisanal Fishers’ Readiness to Exit a Declining Fishery.

15. Grasslands, People, and Conservation: Over-the-Horizon Learning Exchanges between African and American Pastoralists.

16. Trophy Hunting and Conservation in Africa: Problems and One Potential Solution.

17. How Broad-Scale Studies of Patterns and Processes Can Serve to Guide Conservation Planning in Africa.

18. Differences in the Umbrella Effects of African Amphibians and Mammals Based on Two Estimators of the Area of Occupancy.

19. Conservation Science in Africa and the Role of International Collaboration.

20. Using Logistic Regression to Analyze the Sensitivity of PVA Models: a Comparison of Methods Based on African Wild Dog Models.

21. Forest Restoration in Abandoned Agricultural Land: a Case Study from East Africa.

22. What It Will Take to Monitor Forest Elephant Populations.

23. Predicting the Pattern of Decline of African Primate Diversity: an Extinction Debt from Historical Deforestation.

24. Community Conservation and the Future of Africa's Wildlife.

25. Coexistence between People and Elephants in African Savannas.

26. Ecological Consequences of Alternative Gill Net Fisheries for Nile Perch in Lake Victoria.

30. World Bank Reorganizes Environmental Program.